First day on Gabapentin... am i supposed to feel almost drunk?

I’ve taken that and pregabilin and both had the same effect on me. I was not a fan of either and stopped taking both. They were prescribed to me for back issues. You begin to get used to it but with pregabilin at least, stopping all of a sudden is dangerous as well. Created wild mood swings and thoughts of suicide even.


Yeah. I didn’t take it because i want a drink or anything. The doc prescribed for continuing withdrawal symptoms… im just worried… i am calling Monday to get an appointment with a psychiatrist (since the one who prescribed was the rehab doc) to get everything on track. I’ve never really had anxiety before so experiencing it recently is pretty scary, increasing the anxiety. Catch 22. Thanks.

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I haven’t had a craving since i tried to cold turkey last week… but the fear/anxiety is scaring me. I’m making an appointment Monday with a psychiatrist so… hopefully i can get this adjusted right

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I’ve heard that. I hate taking pills but fear of drinking again has me willing to follow docs orders (if they sound reasonable)… im always checking medical sites to get the info the docs don’t tell you

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I take it for MS/Neuropathy but hate how it makes me feel. So yes, that feeling is normal but unpleasant. I feel particularly stupid lol. I would not drive until your body adjusts. I only take it right before bed instead of 4 times per day now. I wanted to go off it for that reason. My doctor said to take it before bed so I could at least sleep better because I would be in less pain. That’s been working well and I just deal with my pain during the day. The shit feeling was not worth the minimal pain relief.

I would talk to your doctor about it. It’s not a controlled substance, and as far as being addictive, it’s not physically addictive, but I guess anything can be psychologically addictive. Are you taking it for nerve damage?


Im taking it for alcohol withdrawal i guess. I went into rehab almost 2 weeks ago and they gave me Gabapentin for the anxiety feeling from withdrawal. Im seeing the doc Monday. I tried to take it as needed but then the anxiety was bad and i worried that i would relapse before the pill kicked in or before i take it.

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It will ware off after a week or two when you get used to them I take 4 300 3 times a day they do hit hard when you first start them


Oh, wow that’s interesting. I’ve never heard of it being used for that before. But let ok’ing it up, I see that it has a many helpful uses outside of MS. Who knew haha. I learned something today, yay! One of the many reasons I love this place :heartpulse: I was on diazepam when I was in the hospital with DTs.

Glad you’re getting to see your doctor so soon. This is such a lonely and confusing time. I’m sure you want to make sure you’re doing everything right, and you’re doing a great job by asking questions and talking to your doctor. Be kind with yourself, these dark days will slowly lift as your body detoxifies.

How are you feeling emotionally and physically today?


I took 2400 mgs of Gabapentin for years. The nurse at my rehab freaked when she called my pharmacy and found that out. I don’t think I ever felt altered when I was taking it hard to say since I was on 30 mg of Morphine Sulfate ER twice a day and vaping gobs of weed. When I got home from rehab my daughter and I were reading up on it and the first thing we read was it could lead to ideation of suicidal thoughts. I threw it all away on the spot. I do not think it was helping my chronic pain/neuropathy. Taking a different approach now. Reprocessing my brain to look at pain stimuli differently. Doing this with my therapist we previously dispensed of my p.t.s.d. using emdr,using it now on pain and it is working.


I have been on this for almost 4 years from my sober date.
It does get better. I take for nerve pain, but also for mental health issues. I do take the highest dose. 900mg four times a day. Max dose.
But now it helps so much!
I could not go out in public and this helps!


Interesting topic! I use gabapentin to calm my cats before going to the vet because they are so anxious and nervous. It apparently helps with that condition in humans and animals.


In feeling better every day. Im taking the gab as prescribed because I’ve had a few panic attacks and… its not good. The tipsy feeling has lessened for the most part.


They told me i can’t drink or smoke pot on Gabapentin… so I’m not going to. And please don’t term me it’s ok to, because i really don’t want to know that. Lol

As to pain, i have tried to get my husband to do something similar with his pain. I have had needless sick in my back for fun… Ave you can mentally transcend the pain. It’s a cool feeling

I’m glad you’re doing better

Aparantly. :slight_smile:

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Jennifer I am not definitely not saying it’s ok to smoke weed or drink,nothing to do with Gabapentin either. That was during my active addiction just sharing how I felt when taking it. The only time I took it by itself was for a short period in rehab. A much smaller dose think it was 600mgs a day. I didn’t notice any difference in my level of pain. I also tried CBD,man that was expensive,stopped that as well. For me reprocessing how I look at pain stimuli is my best path forward. I hope you find an acceptable solution. Pain takes a lot of the jpy of life away from us. Blessings.

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Thank you! My struggle has been hard over the past two - three months. Due to my addiction I got drug charges, or well why on drugs i caught these.
Did not go to prison, even with 4 state felonies and one actual federal charge. This is as I was trying to get clean when got the first two and second two. And by the time I was sentenced, I had been clean for a was while and in college. That said,
Even with my bachelor’s in app development, i have not found remote work and been trying since March! It sucks how it followed me now still almost 4 years later!

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Yeah i got prescribed gabba once and i slept for a about 14 hours and woke up feeling the most screwed i have ever been.

I was genuinely like a walking zombie - no emotions at all I literally felt nothing and it was like i had tunnel vision as well. Could barely talk

Never again.

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I know that for sure. My husband broke his back 21 years ago this month, and is in constant pain. He takes CBD and it helps, but the way it works is by blocking the things our bodies release to eat the thing our bodies release to relieve pain. No i didn’t repeat myself. So, it stacks. Your body feels pain, releases the pain reliever, then the thing that eats the pain reliever… so if you stop that last one, with cbd, the pain relievers have a change to build up… 2 or 3 doses in it gets better. My husband takes cbd made from hemp, so no thc. He’s also on opiates (and trying to minimize their use).

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Try looking at the state jobs… most states separate felonies for drugs use from others such as domestic violence or theft and fraud. I used to work for the state and they accepted felonies for drugs if they were a certain years ago and you have a clean record since. Never lie on the app, and you might have a change.

Also, app development… have you considered, while looking for a j.o.b. starting your own business making apps? Did you know that phone apps made more money than movie theaters in 2018! Before the pandemic.