Fitness/Gym/Health Enthusiasts (TW gym attire, diet discussions Rules #6 and 7 apply)

@Cjp sometimes I felt like the biggest let down to this community, but what matters most right now is that I’m here and sober with you guys.

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Never quit quitting my friend. Just find that honesty and peace within yourself. We’ll be here when you need the extra support

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: I really appreciate those words. :pray:

Hi everyone I’m going to the gym today for the first time😳 I’ve looked up what to take and wear, what should I eat before I go (no banana suggestions pls🤢)and what should I use when I get there . I have no car so I don’t want to be so fucked I can’t walk home thanks in advance


That’s so inspiring to me …it’s my first day today I’m going for my mental health you look great btw


I usually focus on different things every day. When i first started ANY movement was a lot. I was almost 250 lbs at 5’2" and was previously healthy and pretty fit so it was a lot to manage.
This was the routine I started with for the first month:
10 minutes of stetching (VERY important - i always stretch every morning and before working out even when I’m sore. Its important for healing and flexibility)
5 minute warm up walk, if youre walking to the gym, that will definitely qualify as a warm up for sure.
25 body weight squats
10 lunges (each leg) i started stationary vs actually moving across a room lol
20 sit ups
10 no weight russian twists
Plank as long as i could (at first it was about 15 seconds no shame in that)
10 wall push ups because i couldnt hold my body weight yet
Then walk for a cool down again :slight_smile:
I would do that 4 times a week and on the 5th day id take my dog for a really long walk :slight_smile:

Now my routine is a little more complex as ive learned. But i did that for 2 months to start rebuilding muscle and getting my heart rate up. If you want i could send you my full routine for the week that i do now


Thanks! Ive actually been meaning to post an update as ive improved since that picture above its more about toning and getting stronger for me now … and cardio. Trying to be better with cardio lol… i hate running. So ive been doing little follow along dance things and fun cardio instead. The thought of aimlessly running and not being able to breath makes me want to cry lmao


Oh also… dont let the gym get to you. It was really intimated at first. I was really out of my comfort zone. But aside one bad interacrion with some like 13 year old kids no one ever judged me. Everyone, no matter the size, is at the gym to improve their lives in one way or another. I got more words of motivation, guidance, and praise than i ever did judgement. But i have insane social anxiety so i did eventually stop going. Now though my apartment has a gym here so i rarely ever see anyone else or have become friends w my neighbors haha


Thanks , I walked to the gym about a mile then I did , two lots of five minutes on the bike ,5 on the cross trainer, 5 on the rowing machine, 5 on something you pedal with your arms 5 on something you stand up on and push sideways with your legs (that was my least favourite :hot_face:) and seven on the running machine I did them all between level 3 and five . The gyms I go to is at the YMCA and it’s shut at the weekend so I did a 3 mile fast walk from my village to my meeting this morning. I don’t know if I didn’t work hard enough yesterday but nothing was aching or hurting like people told me i didn’t feel any different :woman_shrugging: The running machine was a bit confusing because I was running faster than the tread was going ? Was I doing it wrong


Really proud of myself today .I ran around my village I can’t believe I did it :grin:I hate people looking at me ,especially as it’s my first time and I can’t run far without stopping but I did it I tried not to think about them and I feel better in my mind today :pray:t2:


@Juli1 I recommend giving it a go at least once I’m going back when I’ve got more money. I’m doing something for exercise each day mainly for my mind I’ve been told it helps enormously …….and it did :+1:

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Update 6 months ago to now


Congrats to you, you look great.
How good is it hey? I’ve dropped 25kg and my self confidence has definitely increased. Well done.

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Wow girl you look incredible… through your own hard work I hope your so proud of you

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Thank you! I feel like myself again!

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Thank you so much!

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Proud of you!!!
That is hard fricken work and dedication. Congratulations my friend

I did a blt class today . Only my Second time ever in a gym class. It was really fast and intense . I’m feeling very stressed out about it ,almost to the point of being upset .I’m finding it really hard to follow the steps and make my arms and legs do what others are doing .some of the ladies weren’t very nice about me and they weren’t quiet about it either😞 I feel really lost . Does it get easier , will I start to get it right . I’m going to go back because I’m a stubborn mf and I enjoyed it .just would like some friendly advice


F*ck what they think and say.

You belong in that class just like everyone else. And those snobs started off confused and herky jerky too. Give them a big old smile, and tell them “Bless your heart”.


@SinceIAwoke Thank you❤️ I needed to hear that . I’m in my own bubble of acceptance , kindness, love and giving back to each other . I forgot the outside world doesn’t always have that . I seriously haven’t encountered females like that since school . I’ll keep pushing on