Fitness/Gym/Health Enthusiasts (TW gym attire, diet discussions Rules #6 and 7 apply)

I’ve decided to start an intermittent fasting schedule tomorrow. I’m gonna shoot for a minimum of 5 days a week, with roughly a 12p-7p window and a 17 hour fast. I haven’t done this consistently in a few years, but I remember how good I felt while I was consistent with it. The mornings are gonna be tougher in the beginning because I get up for work at 4am so 12 is gonna seem like a long wait, but it gets easier the longer you do it. Wishe luck. If anyone else does it, let me know how yous are making out with it. :v:


I relate to your story sooo much. I was using cocaine for 3 years. Since I quit in May, I’ve gained an enormous amount of weight. Just started going back to the gym. The journey is hard, but so worth it.

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Finally got back to the gym after not being able to go for the past 4 days. Did back and then some cardio. Had a wicked cardio workout but i really struggled to “feel” my back. Idk what im doing wrong there lol Ill keep at it. Hope everyone is smashing their goals!


Hey man

I’ve done this for about the past 6 months and swear by it. I don’t even get hungry until about 11 these days. Very occasionally I even skip lunch if I get busy and forget.

Only tip I’d give you is don’t be too militant when you start. If you can only make it until 10 to begin with, that’s good and you can push it back gradually. If you work out in the morning then listen to your body- sometimes you need to eat after! Also no, milk in coffee doesn’t count as breaking fast!

Good luck :crossed_fingers:

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I’m few months on intermittent fasting and I would recommend it to everybody. I’m not skipping breakfast tho, I just don’t eat after ~5pm. I wake up at 6am, till around 9-10 I’m on coffees (no milk!! :sweat_smile:) and water, I don’t feel alright if I don’t eat in the morning. But whatever works for you :slight_smile:
Important is to drink a lot of water and not overeat during day. Good luck!


Awesome, glad it’s working out for you too. Only negative thing I remember from it was getting a wave of tired feeling, right after breaking the fast. I think it has something to do with a blood sugar spike or drop, I don’t remember. I’ll look it up again. But I think the first meal should be real smallin order to combat that. I’m gonna read about it again. Thanks. Coffee is always, always black anyways :v:

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Okay cool. So you’re still right around a 15 hour fast though with not eating after 7. I still wanna try and keep my protein somewhat higher, but I’ll try not to overeat everything at just one meal. I’ll spread out small stuff like shakes and almonds, Greek yogurt. Throughout the day thanks

I’m the same as @Mischa84 I gotta have my breakfast. I don’t eat after 6ish in the evening. I have breakfast around 830-9am. I do my workouts fasted in the mornings before breakfast. I have always found that to be best for me. I have a pretty big breakfast and then a moderate lunch and a small dinner.

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I love doing the fasted workouts too. I always feel like I have so much energy. I can only do those one day a week because of work. My workouts gotta get done later and by then I’ve already eaten. But if it wasn’t for my work schedule. Your timeline is probably exactly what mine would look like

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A question for you healthy people. Does anyone like a particular food tracking app? I am not trying to lose weight but would like to see a good nutrient breakdown to see if what I am eating is adequate. Thanks.


I use the My fitness pal app. It’s free, there is a portion you can pay for to be able to scan goods in but I don’t use that. I just use the daily diary enter whatever I eat that day, and it’ll tell you how many calories you consume, and break down your macros so you now exactly how many grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats your eating.
If you enter your height and weight in the beginning and then what weight you would like to be. Bigger, smaller, maintain. It’ll tell you what your ideal break down should be


I second my fitness pal. It’s has most things in the search and allows you to add in your own for things you cook up.


Cronometer is another


I use Lifesum

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Thanks all. With cutting sugar for a month and gaining weight I’m exploring the idea that I might be undernourished. I appreciate the feedback. I’ve used my fitness pal in the past so maybe I’ll go back to that.


So cute! You have your little workout buddy! :face_holding_back_tears:

I had my monthly meeting with my nutrition coach today. All my numbers are heading in the right direction. :triumph::muscle:t4: Weight fluctuated a bit due to the muscle and the monthly lady flow. :sweat_smile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ve used my macros in the past and was really happy w it. Good luck!


Reminded me of all the badass women in here


Just seeing this and cracking up! :rofl: I had a friend in college who worked on a farm in Indiana. She once moved a refrigerator down a flight of stairs. :rofl: All the girls in the group lost touch with her over the years and we still think about her. I hope she’s doing well. :heartbeat:

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