Five days today


Anybody else or can u not stand when u have such small amount of time

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Awesome. Keep it up. On almost 12 days myself. Well done :+1::+1::+1:


Good job !

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Thank you. Means a lot

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This is how we all began. Woke up or came to one day and did not drink before we went to sleep again. And it’s how I started today - I did not drink yesterday and I am taking steps to ensure I won’t drink today.

Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


Your right Thank you

This is a good thread to check in on. I’ve found it very helpful and get a lot of support/encouragement through it.

Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

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Thanks I will

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Every 24 hrs is an achievement :hugs:


Okay so I’m just going to start on this thread again I’m still don’t get it so hopefully this isn’t stupid lol. Um 1.75 days I felt fine this morning but Im definitely hearing things like voices of people I know. It’s driving me crazy when is this gunna end :roll_eyes: the house I’m in doesn’t feel like my house it feels like a random house idk I feel so effing weird. Also only got like 4 hours of sleep in the past 2 days. Just typing I guess thanks.


I’m only at 105 days. Seemed so far away then and now doesn’t seem like much. But I know it is, because I worked hard and changed my ways of dealing with my urges, thoughts, and emotions. I still do everyday. Just have to start changing the normal you’re used to. Literally- One Day At A Time. We’re all here for you


Do you have any help friend? Like a friend you trust, or maybe a medical professional you can contact? Hearing things that aren’t there can be very scary. Might have to do with a combination of withdrawal and lack of sleep. I’m glad you’re here, you’re not alone. Hang in there. Hugs.

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Thank you :relieved:

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Yeah it definitely is scary I have a couple people to talk to but Id rather not tell them I’m hearing things lol I’ll sound crazy that’s why I posted it here. I definitely told them I feel like shit but it’s hard for me to open up.


I feel that’s something all us here have in common. Something we need to learn to have a better life. And this is a great place to practise that. The opposite of addiction is connection. Success.


Yes your right. It’s hard to open up especially when you feel like shit about it. But ik this too shall pass. And I’m going to try and change that, it’s one of our flaws.

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Let’s start day 3. Yay. Longest 3 days off my life


Congrats on 2 days! Keep up the good work and aim for the 3rd! One day at a time!

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24 hours is 86,400 seconds - 86,400 opportunities you could have taken to use&abuse but you chose life instead. that is enormous!!!