This is just a regular gravy. I think beef. That’s my preference for poutine (gravy vs poutine sauce)
At the Meadow tonight and tomorrow night before we leave. Then we’re really going to start eating out
Who-Dat BBQ Shrimp
Cajun Beer Batter, Beignets
A Pink Grouper with an andouille risotto in some kind of tomato base.
And a lovely looking bread pudding. That I DID NOT EAT
Wifey’s trying to kill me
Today I did something different for lunch. Next door to my house is a little hole in the wall traditional Indonesian restaurant. Its very authentic. I’ve lived next to it for 5 years and never tried it till today !
Beef ribs with rice and a traditional salad called gado gado.
Gingerbread cake. Happens to be gluten free (chickpea & rice flour). Will add ice cream to serve as I have no whipped cream
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