Foodies Unite #3 (trigger warning food) Let's TACO 'BOUT FOOD

My mind’s a mess atm and I can’t sleep but my stomach is grumbling (not much dinner other than snacks) and I’m in need of a bit of late night comfort. So I took my time and made a pretty plate (a la Jené :heartpulse:) I’m going to try and eat a bit.


Nothing like a hot bowl of stew :stew: on a cold wet autumn :fallen_leaf: day


Added some leftover meat to the eggs. :yum:


Spagetti puttanesca


Wow! I have not had stew in years. That looks incredible.

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……And this is WHY I/we don’t eat lunch at home :rofl::rofl:
Catalina Crunch Keto :grimacing: Friendly Cereal
0 sugars. I’ll post it on my no sugar thread if anyone is interested. It was pretty pretty good.
Cherry Almond Smoothie
With strawberries, sweet potato, sacha inchi :man_shrugging:
Vanilla bean.

You just know we are going out to dinner.


Lunch with hubby at a burger place on a day off for some errands & the big Christmas gift for little guy.
Mine had Brie, crispy onion strips, grainy mustard and horseradish mayo. With poutine. The cheese curds were perfect; so squeaky :ok_hand:
Hubby’s burger was topped with pulled pork, crispy onion, pickled slaw & cheddar, spicy mayo. Loaded fries for him.


I like the chocolate Catalina crunch for dry snacking. What kind do you have in your bowl?

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Honey Graham.
It does make a good snack too. They had a couple of others but this one was the only 0 sugar one that I saw there.
The chocolate sounds great of course. Are you still off cereal?

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Ooooh I haven’t tried that one.

Yep. :laughing: I don’t count munching on dry Catalina occasionally. I did try it with milk, but i think milk just has too much lactose for me and I still get terrible stomach aches.

It’s such a funny thing to have no control over, but I could seriously go through a whole box in a day :rofl: And the dumbest cereal too. Raisen Nut Bran or Bran flakes mixed with fiber one, or grape nuts (I love grape nuts). :laughing:

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Fat Olives for dinner.

Bolognese Spaghetti
Ten hour ragu parmigiano reggiano, cream, basil Chiffonade.

But they served it on linguini :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:
And it was watery.
Rosa will you cook for me :pray:


I think this Chef doesn’t like his job anymore :scream::sob:
And they serve a spoon with the pasta… :joy:


Breakfast in a beer glass… :joy::joy::joy:
Banana, mango, pear, blueberries, yoghurt and an pinch of curcuma.


Omelet on a gluten-free bagel. Comfort food, courtesy of the chickens.


That’s a good looking omelet :ok_hand:t2::star_struck::grin:

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Lunch time and snacking fruits


Send me a contract to review :joy: I honestly have thought how cool it would be to be a personal chef. Watery pasta dish is a baaaaad mistake, wtf?!


We honestly thought how cool it would be to hire a personal chef :rofl: I’ll stick a contract in the mail.
The first few times this Bolognese sauce was so effing great!! Just the right amount of cream added to it. Nice thickness. Not watery :face_vomiting:
I know Covid and staff shortages are a factor these days. But C’MON!! it’s fucking spaghetti sauce! How hard can it be. And if you’re out of spaghetti? Go to the fucking store! There’s a Frys down the road.
Vent over.


Perfect use for a beer glass. I have some heavy duty shot glasses that I use now to pound back Magnesium in the mornings. For some reason it amuses me.


Breakfast burritos. The second one is what’s inside. I don’t understand ketchup on eggs, but it does look colorful.