Foodies Unite #3 (trigger warning food) Let's TACO 'BOUT FOOD

Thank you so much! You’re welcome any time! :smiley:

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My turn for a cheat meal! I’ve been dying to try this food truck called “Birds. Fried Chicken” and their massive sandwiches. I was not disappointed! The BEST crunchy crust and tender chicken, excellent fat, curly fries…:drooling_face: I got “The Bird” which has sauce gribiche, something new to me. Very tasty!

Now, I nap.


Chicken, rice and broccoli casserole


That looks so yummy and very cheat meal worthy

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That looks sooo good

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It was pretty yummy! I just had a bit. It’s more for the next few days because I expect work to be crazy so I needed something ready for the microwave.


Outback Steakhouse
Blue Cheese Wedge.

With a very unnecessary balsamic drizzle.
Better not be any arugula :rofl:
Toowoomba Salmon
Grilled Salmon topped with seasoned and sautéed shrimp tossed with mushrooms in a creamy creole sauce.

It was pretty pretty good.


Buenos días, amigos!


Turkey and Brie and veg.


I’ve been waiting for this meal all week! Roasted salmon, butternut squash, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and red onion. I like to put lemon juice and a dash of white wine vinegar over everything at the end.


Dinner at Ciclo

First off I ordered a mock tail. I asked the bartender to surprise me. It was nice. I had 2. Grapefruit, lime, some other stuff :rofl: mint and a pomegranate floater.
With Parker House Rolls, European butter, and local honey.

Sweet corn empanadas.
Manchego aji, amarillo chimichirri emulsion

Beef carpaccio
Ancho chili crust, local mushrooms, crispy caper truffle-poblano aioli, and arugula.

The arugula gets my approval on carpaccio. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: that is an appropriate use of arugula. :ok_hand:
For the main.
Pan seared sea bass
Tomatillo jam, Napa cabbage, sesame-guajillo chili oil

And look what was waiting for us up in the hotel room :scream:

All sweets and chocolates. The nerve :grimacing: of those bastards. :rofl: I didn’t touch one of them. Yes I’m a badass :joy:
So pretty.


This made me think of my food friends, remember we are a safe community, no judging… just joking.
It is in an article about how to duplicate Stouffer’s Frozen macaroni and cheese

" There are many ways to arrive at a Stouffer’s-style macaroni and cheese in your own kitchen without having to stroll by the freezer aisle.

This recipe starts with a classic roux (a mixture of butter and flour), which becomes a béchamel when milk joins the party. The transition from béchamel to cheese sauce is a beautiful thing: It will seem as if it’s a lot of cheese at first, but that’s because it’s a lot of sauce. The sauce-to-pasta ratio here is really what makes Stouffer’s mac and cheese, well, Stouffer’s mac and cheese.

Recreating that creaminess was the biggest challenge. Overheating a cheese sauce, especially in the oven, can cause its emulsion to break, turning a velvety pasta into a grainy gunge. If it’s baked macaroni and cheese you’re after, not stovetop, then there’s little getting around this.

But there is one method that works. Paul Adams, the senior science research editor at Cook’s Illustrated, has written about the stabilizing powers of sodium citrate, an ingredient found in processed cheeses like Velveeta. “It’s fun to see it in action,” he said, “because it opens up a whole world of otherwise ineligible cheeses that you can melt smoothly into a sauce.” Though you could go out and buy sodium citrate, using a smidgen of Velveeta in your sauce does wonders for keeping it indelibly smooth and bound, like movie-theater nacho cheese.

In fact, as Mr. Adams points out, the chemical formula for sodium citrate even spells out “nacho”: Na₃C₆H₅O₇.’

It spells out NACHO! That’s the point I wanted you all to see!


What is on the plate behind the seabass? All looks wonderful! I commend you for having the will power to leave the sweets alone when they are in reach! Nice they had local mushrooms and honey!

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Oh I forgot. The orange cauliflower. It was fantastic!!

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Mutant blueberries :flushed:


Lunch time sandwich and a side of blueberries.

@RosaCanDo great minds think alike!


Are you fucking kidding me with that last picture?! That’s such a beautiful presentation! I never would have thought of that! I have one of those glass things too (came with a now deceased airplant :sweat_smile: ). Great job at not touching them. But man, that’s gorgeous.


Lunch was delicious today! Leftover cold salmon from dinner last night on a bagel with Swiss, avocado, alfalfa sprouts, chives, spicy brown mustard, heirloom tomato and bell pepper. So fresh! So carby with the bagel but I don’t care!



I know!! Isn’t it so pretty? I wish I could bring it home.


Made homemade Limonade. The glass was for presentation, I totally filled that bad boy up after the picture, but I have to do something with all my glasswear. :laughing:

The ice cube has lemon thyme, a raspberry, and a wedge of lemon.

It’s the first time I added lime and I think it was a little too much, but it was still good.

Here are some pictures of the process. Under a tab so as to save space.

Let the peels marinate in sugar overnight.

Put the mixture in simmering water for about five minutes.

Strain and let cool. Add fresh squeezed lemon/lime juice. I added just a bit of salt to help bring out the flavor. It’s not really a late fall kind of drink, but I had a bunch of citrus left over from making cookies.