I looked up German mac ‘n’ cheese and it definitely looks quite different than the American variety. I mean it’s cheese and noodles, what can go wrong?
I personally love the neon orange Kraft Mac. I can no longer eat it but it is definitely comfort food. It takes nothing like macaroni and nothing like cheese.
I normally don’t go for sweet potato/carrot/ginger blended soups - but this one had red curry paste and almond butter in it. (I mighta licked the bowl…)
GF oatmeal apple muffins with lotsa high-protein skyr in them. Yum and they stick together! Gonna go well with coffee tomorrow morning.
Breakfast quesadilla I made for hubby. Eggs, scallions, red pepper, maple bacon, lots of shredded cheese. Garlic hot sauce. And he had with with 14% m.f. sour cream