Foodies Unite #8(trigger warning food) PLEASE DONUT LEAVE YET... I'M FEELING CANNELLONI!

I pulled it on a map, not too far from a home I lived in. :slight_smile: I know so many TO peeps, including my aunts and uncles. :slight_smile:

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Ohhhh wowwwww :heart_eyes: X

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Savory pancakes :drooling_face:


I usually donā€™t like traditional pancakes but something like this is right up my alley! Whatā€™s in them?


I made it with gram flour, green chilies, kale, red onion then added spices to taste - salt, turmeric, garam masala, coriander. Edit to add - need to add water to make pasteā€¦add small amounts at a time to get a good consistency

Top with olive oil to help with digestion as gram flour is very dry.

You can mix and match with different variationsā€¦sometimes I enjoy adding some mashed potatoes or crushed tofu.


Vegan Southern Fried Chicken on a House Salad with Vegan Mayo :v:t2::scotland:


What brand are these? They look good :yum: X

This is them you can get them in most supermarkets i think


Thank you ! Iā€™ve seen the brand but not the southern fried chicken. Just searched Sainsburyā€™s and they only have chicken pieces :unamused: Iā€™ll keep an eye out as they look great x

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I get mine from Morrisonā€™s

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Found it !!! Yes !! :raised_hands: X


Friday night takeaway. Oreo milk shake out of shot.

We donā€™t get takeaways often so this a nice treat. The kittens agree.

:bear: Decided he would check the football out instead.

Ps, I would never feed a kitten any burger, just fyi.


PS - you might like thisā€¦ :yum: x


Iā€™ve had that itā€™s nice

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Yeah very tasty :yum: x

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Definitely my kiddoā€™s choice, but the biggest one. :slight_smile:

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Niceā€¦ :ok_hand::heart_eyes: X

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Hey foodie friends- I was wondering if yā€™all could direct me to some recipes or helpful information about tofu. I want to try it out but I donā€™t know the first thing about how to season or cook it


This kind of thing I make for my kiddos. I always do heavy seasoning and pan cook for pasta or veggie dishes. I also donā€™t do hard edge for soup or ā€œeggā€ types. Ask whatevz. :slight_smile:


for cooking i prefer extra firm tofu (its easier to work with and keep shape). Tofu takes on the flavors of whatever you season it with. Have fun with it :wink:

here are a few ideas that might be of interestā€¦

scrambled tofu - crumble it up - in sauce pan add a little oil with red onions and chilies (if you like the heat) and then some turmeric and saltā€¦ toss in the tofu and cook for about 5 min (stirring occasionally so it doesnā€™t stick).

for my pad thai or stir fry i cut up in small cubes and pan fry (very little oil and on med to low heat) using sesame oil.-- i also use garlic chili oil for heat.

for strips or larger pieces - cut into fairly thin rectangles and pan fry with oil and then add cumin, coriander seeds and salt

i have also cut into small pieces and tossed in a bag with homemade teriyaki marinade sauce (kept in fridge overnight) and then used for a kebab skewer

for the softer tofu - i cut in cubes and toss in to my miso soup with ā€“ you are not supposed to heat up the miso paste so i usually coat the tofu with the paste and then toss into the soup at the end and stir it around