Foodies Unite #8(trigger warning food) PLEASE DONUT LEAVE YET... I'M FEELING CANNELLONI!

I did cabbage rolls. I haven’t done it since maybe 16 years old?

My kiddos don’t eat meat, so it’s jasmine and red lentils, with homemade hummus and spag sauce. It wasn’t horrible-ish…but even without my major flavor, I’d be going for some beauty- lots of veg? Maybe a side salad? Hmmmm…

By the way, my Dad world never did tomato sauce, but we had majorly stuffed cabbage. It was like a big meal in a roll. :slight_smile:



Treated myself to Daves Hot Chicken. Ive gotten to extra hot…not brave enough to go to inferno. My lips were on fire but it was sooooo good


My fella took me out to our favorite fancy-ish place to celebrate my new job!

Crab cake starter, our fav. With red pepper aioli

He got the tri tip with poblano chimichurri, aged cheddar mashed potatoes and asparagus

I got the special, salmon oscar. Standard recipe served with lump crab, asparagus and Béarnaise sauce. They served it on rice. It was fantastic. I got the one mocktail on their menu, I love it - ginger beer, orange and cherry juices.

Special meal, indeed.


You heard of this one? Love it.

PASTELZINHOS Brazilian style empanadas filled with seasoned beef or cheese with oregano and dried tomato.
We got 2 of each.


Moqueca is a traditional dish from the southeast coast of Brazil (Espírito Santo State), It’s a style of cooking and serving the sea- food of your choice in handcrafted clay pots. A fresh and rich tomato sauce is made to order with the adition of onions, garlic,
cilantro, squeezed limes, urucum (Brazilian seasoning) and a splash of coconut milk.Served with a side of seasoned white rice.


Congratulations @RosaCanDo !!!
Happy for you!

Lettuces, egg whites, holjiblanca olive oil, cranberry pear vinegar.

@Dazercat that looks scrumptious!! Feast for the senses I think. Must smell divine.

@RosaCanDo your meal too! And the mock tail!

Bon appetit everyone
Food is life.


It is not a restaurant that I am familiar with. It doesn’t say much. As a family we rarely go out! It does look amazing. I would 100% give it a try! The seafood stew needs me!

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Love tofu :heart_eyes:
We often get smoked tofu, it’s very flavoursome.
This is a recipe we make quite a lot. We double the quantities and freeze half X


Ahhh. Good old HF/Gousto/Green Chef. I swear that they are the exact same company! I don’t get it anymore but still do several of the recipes monthly like the Med Fish Stew with sunny aioli!


Haha maybe they are the same… I’d never considered it before :thinking:
Yeah I’ve Hello Freshed. Then Gousto’d. Then decided they’re too expensive. And now back to Gousto 3 x a week :see_no_evil: Easy mid-week meals X


They are definitely the same as I used to get mixed sauces and sachets in the different boxes to what I had ordered! Very expensive for what they are but also quite useful if you stick to it. We basically spent ages choosing what we wanted, then when it all came we never fancied it and used all the ingredients for other things or froze it…:rofl::rofl:


At least you put the ingredients to other uses though. We’d be like “pizza?” “Yeah” and then they’d end up getting wasted :flushed: [another side effect of drinking I reckon…] X

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I’ll tell you a secret, only you though…I have a freezer book with everything itemised in it per drawer! I can’t do waste, it fills my soul with disappointment. Probably being brought up in a very poor area as a kid, I’m a bit naff with splashing the cash…:woozy_face:

Edited, by the way, I don’t judge anyone. This is a me thing and quite OCD and overwhelming in another way.


Weekend brunch is a VIBE. I made a two litre batch of fiery Ghanian style Jollof sauce on Thursday and added it to veg sautéed in coconut oil (okra, courgette, green pepper, spring onions, celery, and sweetcorn) and brown rice. We ate it then with lashings of coriander and Soyu marinated chicken. Today the leftovers went with some bangers and a steamed egg. Yum. in my face.


I aspire to be this organised :heart_eyes:
I came from a low income family too - my parents were incredibly thrifty. I think drinking made me lazy. The only thing that mattered was the wine. Why cook a meal when I could order something… Sigh.
However, even as an adult I won’t leave any food on my plate. Pretty sure that’s a throw back to money being tight when I was a child. That, or I’m a pig. Maybe both :wink: X


This looks incredible.
Puts my scrambled egg pitta to shame haha X


Same! Even when I don’t like what I’m eating or really full and feel ill. I’m getting much better though lately, I even started to throw away things off my plate or stop eating, it’s such a social hangover for me though. I remember going to parties in the Midlands when I was little and my mom saying ‘make sure you eat’, I was so shy I used to just sit up a corner and hide. Then my mom would shout at me afterwards. I have such a dichotomy of good and bad feeling around food and eating.


Stingray Japanese Restaurant :purple_heart: 10/10

A Be-lated Birthday dinner for me and my friend.


This looks so pretty :heart_eyes: X


Easy brunch of cheesy scrambled eggs, ham with salsa casera and basic guacamole. Toasted rye.