Foodies Unite #9 (trigger warning food) WHAT THE FOCACCIA?! THIS BUTTER BE IMPORTANT

Y’all enjoy those pizzas :pizza:
I got a nice pan seared rainbow trout here :smirk:

It was actually pretty good. Not as good as pizza though.

Funny thing happened.
Benson jumped up on wifeys chair and grabbed a piece of fish. He’s never done any of that before. Lightning speed.


You know how to :pizza:


Every time!


image… I love Stilton think I’ll try a bit on my pizza


Think it’s a chef thing I can’t bring myself to eat tofu either I have tried it tho once in someone’s Chinese and it resembled a rubber band :face_with_diagonal_mouth: the fried version with spice sounds ok but ….I probably still won’t go there I’m a carnivore :roll_eyes: . I’m going to make teriyaki chicken and broccoli with rice I’ve seen on another thread but I only have a small table top oven with one shelf .I’ve never cooked like this before but I’m going to cook the rice separately and throw the rest in together raw and pray :pray:t2: wondering your advice on this ?:kissing_heart:


:100: get your rice cooked off separate,myself id stir fry the rest on a ring burner,brocolli cut small an in last so it keeps its colour,i hate khaki or yellow overcooked brocolli !!, but if youve only got the oven thing,just put it all together in a pyrex dish and lash it all in the hot oven,check it after 20 mins,hope this helps.


Swede, but I’m on the gone theme here :blush:

English in this country is a wild mix. School teach British English from preschool and until you graduate when you’re 18.

There’s a lot of British tv series and shows, London is a popular place for weekends. But the American influence is strong as well and we only dub kids movies for young kids. So most often the spelling is British but the pronunciation is mildly American.


whole chicken breast or diced?

Thanks mate I would of done all that if I had a hob and I’d of steamed the broccoli but as I’m blessed with only an oven atm I’m having to try things differently which isn’t a bad thing it’s taking me out of my comfort zone I’ll post how it goes ……later it’s only 9:45 am and I want my DINNER🍽 Damm you foodie posts .I’ll dice the breasts


I’m going to add some green pepper so maybe roast the broccoli and peppers first :thinking:


where there’s a will there’s a way Corine,Im sure youve got this!!! :clap: :clap:


I often find that non English speaking countries. (In Asia especially) learn American English in their accent, but pronounce and read and write English English. Either way, it’s impressive. Scandis (plus Dutch and Germans) have the best English IMO as the base accent is so gorgeous. I’m obsessed with Scandinavia fyi. I can’t wait to get back into your glorious region. For me, I would take a weekend in Copenhagen over most things in life. Stockholm was nice too. I loved Tromso with all my heart and Oslo was cool.

But I want to do some more off the track kind of traveling across the countries… Wild stuff. Also, a dream of mine is to spend a summer in the archipelago like Sandhamm or there about. Just doing nothing apart from swimming and walking and eating. I’ve looked into buying a small island in the region as it’s actually possible. Then I got freaked out that the mail comes by small boat and that I was talking my isolation dreams too far. :joy:


Skipped the cornflakes it’s just not a breakfast kind of day today so Cheese and beetroot salad bit of Branston, spring onions and a cup of Yorkshire tea :yum:


Little island sounds very nice! Small boat mail sounds better than
snail :snail: mail!
( That’s what we call it even though it is fairly fast and dependable, all things considered. )

A scone will always be a scone like a cone to me.
My first one I ate in England …
Oh the mysteries of the world.

On that one I’m glad I don’t have to adapt. Of course if I was at your home or bakery I would. Anything for a scone. My favorite. Tied with a stroopwafel in any case.

Pic. Peach and yogurt.
Bon appetit everyone.
Food in moderation is life. And fuel.


Yes, the Stroopwafel and Pastel de Natas tie with scones in my opinion. @Alisa . The reason I put jam first is that I definitely know how much jam I want on the whole scone, but not how much cream I fancy, so I put that on usually as I eat it. As I was in company and sharing the cream I just took a portion. Normally I would take the cream per bite.

Home grown carrots to take home. Tomatoes to pick tomorrow.

A little friend…


No big surprise there. You place every great meal in front of him to take a picture. Poor thing just wants compensation for his modeling work. Geez! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


14 y/o made dinner tonight, he wanted to try a recipe he did in Home and consumer studies class last week. A simple version of pasta carbonara. We all loved it, and he was so extremely proud and happy when he managed to do a meal on his own that everyone loved.

He did had some trouble with chopping the onion but he did it, eventually :smiling_face:


I’d love myself an Island ad well. But preferably in the south Pacific. Where no annoying relatives can come to visit. I’m not afraid of being alone or isolated in sounds like heaven to me. As long as I can break it when I feel like it. :smiling_face:

Sweden is okey,at least in the summer. I have a very hard time to like the long cold and dark winters.



Tell him it looks great I’d happily eat that, he’s cooked the pasta :ok_hand: i detest overcooked pasta