Foodies Unite #9 (trigger warning food) WHAT THE FOCACCIA?! THIS BUTTER BE IMPORTANT

Savory oatmeal, for my people! Turmeric, onion, garlic, umami, oat milk and Nutritional Yeast. :bowl_with_spoon:


I guess there are many variations, but the traditional doesn’t have celery in it! :nerd_face::point_up:t2:


Mozzarella and pesto sandwich egg removed, with chicken from the chicken maple sandwich.
Chicken patty cooked 2x

Starbucks food


Bbq chicken, salt and pepper seasoned, herbs de provence and honey oven baked potato wedges served with peas and bearnaise sauce.


Comfort food. Added some of my roasted tomatoes to sauce. And we scored a TON of fresh garlic from a local guy as some of the bulbs were bad (fusarium) and he didn’t want to inspect them all. I was happy to go through them. All good so far. Used some to make cheesy garlic sourdough toast


Made the hubs take me for lunch. Bbq chicken and some loaded mashed potatoes


Healthy (ish) deconstructed banoffee pie,bite of biscuit an banana then a spoon of caramel pud,happy days!!!


Baked banana bread as meal prep for the week today too, unfortunately no pictures…

But hey, these little gorgeous ones got a lot of protein too and you won’t believe what they are made of!


Love the random things…
Dinner yesterday, kind of a taco salad!

Dinner today…
Mushroom zucchini cheesy omlette,
Avocado, Cashew and of course Jalapeños.


Hmmmm,i made something like this a while back and just cant remember what the recipe was,all i can remember that i was standing there for 3 hrs rolling balls!!! ,maybe a clue please??? Defo coconut anyway :laughing:


Feeling very European with my first egg casserole

Turned out nice.
I do like my eggs a tad softer though.

The recipe said cheese was optional :laughing::laughing::laughing:
In what universe is that?


Farmer stand haul, prepping for BBQ tonight. Sweet corn is stripped down to the last leaves for thee grill (steams them), lovely young green beans (cleaning them now, I’ll boil them with onion), and the BEST tomatoes (will go on smash cheeseburgers and maybe some slices on the side. Not pictured are a couple nice sized, not too mature, zucchini for a later meal. Super excited!


I have taught myself how to can fruit, make jams, spaghetti sauce, stewed tomatoes and tomato sauce and salsa. I have been busy with harvest season!! I hope you’re all doing well :heartpulse: :pray:
I was working on my frames and pictures and thermal seal and cut my thumb :+1: :woman_facepalming: got 4 stitches :upside_down_face:
I wrapped it up pretty good so not to get it wet. Since becoming sober, I was told that I have turned into a “Suzie homemaker” who ever she is lol
I love baking and cooking from scratch, I was raised by a woman who didn’t like boxed meals that you only needed water for!! She also did canning but at the time I was too busy being a alcoholic, so I never learned. I have my sauces simmering and decided to check in on everyone :sparkling_heart::pray: I also have strawberries, raspberries and black berries for jam, peaches for canning, huckleberries for canning and jam, testing out a BBQ sauce with huckleberries but I haven’t made one good enough to can!!:woman_shrugging: I missed out on soooo much being a drunk!! I am 62 and I really wish I would have quit sooner!! I do what my diseases and disabilities let me, I don’t like sitting still now that I am sober!! I hope you’re doing well and having a great weekend :heartpulse:

uuugggghhhh 4 stitches right on my knuckle
trying to keep it dry.

My berries waiting to be made into jam.
peaches for canning and maybe peach butter🤔

Spaghetti sauce simmering while I cut the rest of the tomatoes for canning

Have a great evening and I pray your doing well :pray: :sparkles: :sparkling_heart:
Love you guys and gals! :sparkling_heart:




Perfect late summer meal. Now for a bonfire with my fella.


Cheesy spicy ramen with a soft boiled egg. :yum:
One of my favorite sober rituals is blasting medieval tavern music while I cook.


These ones are made of chickpeas…
And vegan vanilla protein powder, oats and just 2 tap of peanut butter for healthy fat, a little bit of vegan milk. Blend until smooth. Tastes like cookie dough.
Rolling, rolling… And rolled in shredded coconut.

Nedt weekend I will make some with red beans and cacao protein powder.

Very high protein, several sources, basic ingredients and so cheap.

I ate a few protein bars these days and most of them are very expensive and list of incridients is long. I freeze the protein balls and will take 3 with me as a snack this week.



Straight onto my to do list,thank you very much :muscle:t3::grinning:

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Mediaeval tavern music?? I’m intrigued. I like your style.

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Roasted Cauliflower and curried yoghurt salad,also with honey,pumpkin seeds and fresh corriander :+1:t2:


Man, that looks tasty! :yum:

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