For the longest time, I wanted to

I think that goals are important, it keeps me focused on the good in life.

On that note, I thought I’d start a thread where anyone could share a goal of something they have wanted to acomplish. It could be big or small. It could be short term or long term. Who knows, maybe someone has done the same goal and could give advice?

For the longest time, I wanted to hike the Wonderland trail; a ~95 mile trail that goes around Mt. Rainier in Washington state. Being sober and nicotine free, I can work out on a regular basis so that I can tackle this hike.


Go back to school and get a degree in something I actually want.

I have my degree in music already. I was 17 when I chose my major, didnt take school seriously (drinking), and consider my choice to go for music to be foolish in retrospect (no offense to those who did the same and actually use their degree, unlike me). Your chances of getting into the biz are pretty damn slim. At 17, I had no idea what I was passionate about or what I wanted.

Im nearly 30 now. I work in health insurance, have for over 5 yrs, and do pretty well for myself. But…I dont care about health insurance.

I am, however, passionate about fitness and nutrition (didnt become “my thing” until about 6 yrs ago). I read about that stuff for fun. Constantly. I love it.

Would go back to school to become a physical therapist or nutritionist. Frankly I usually stop looking into it because it gets really overwhelming when i do and I never know how/where to start, especially since I already have a degree and wouldnt be starting from scratch.

Oh yeah…and already some nice debt from my first degree :neutral_face:


Great thread! My immediate goal is to keep sacking every dime aside every opportunity I get. I’m doing really well with that since I started it last month. I want to start making money selling my paintings instead of giving them away. And get back to playing my guitar and singing more. Mine are all happy soul goals at this moment in time. I’ve easily got a hundred ideas of things I want to do but this is where I’m starting for now!


I’ve hiked parts of it, not the whole thing. I’ve hiked a bunch of the North Crest Trail though.

I want to run the Andorra Marathon. Andorra is a tiny country that is only about a marathon wide.


I’ve been stuck hiking the same trails in the lake Wenatchee area. I’d like to break out do more. I think it would be cool to do the PCT Oregon to Canada.


I was up on Naches Trail Loop a month ago and ran across some ladies who were headed to Canada. They started in Mexico a month earlier. They said they were ready to be done.

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I want to learn to play guitar. I started in college and then…life, I guess.

I also want to have a part in a play again someday.


Oh, me too! I acted a bunch in High School. Was the lead in a few plays and had a blast. Would love to get on the stage again, even if it were just part of the cast.


@MoCatt And @DungeonMaster my friend joined a community production that put on plays in Monroe Wisconsin. She was in a holiday play and performed several times in the season. I think she only rehearsed a day or two a week leading up to it. It was small town stuff, but she had fun. And she got in the local paper!


I say go for it! I finally finished my bachelor degree at the age of 45. Best thing I ever did for myself. Took me nearly 15 years. one class at a time. It definitely adds some new debt but you have a jump on it with the classes you’ve taken. Life is easier when you enjoy your job.


When I finished my ADN at the age of 20 there were several men and women in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s with kids, full time jobs, etc. graduating with me. All were either seeking a career change or going to school for the first time. Anything is possible.

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Oh… I’m also 34, work full time night shift, two kids, husband, etc. and I finish my ADN-BSN program next month :grimacing: Sometimes I don’t recommend it, so ask me after I graduate. lol

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I’ve got a lot of goals and dreams too! Too many to count. I’ve always been a dreamer.


I want to start trail running. I’m 50 lbs overweight and walking every day and trying to jog a few minutes of that. I do 1000 feet of elevation once or twice a week. I have plantar fasciitis but I am getting through it. Long way to go, but a reasonable goal I think.


Oh and I forgot I just started taking voice and piano lessons. I was in a competitive choir until I was 20 and played cello but I never really learned to read music. So I have a goal of learning to read music, recovering my voice after years of abusing it, and joining a choir.


I was just at Rainier last week doing the naches peak loop. Over the last couple weeks I’ve found myself scouring social media stalking all female PCT thru hikers. Would love to do that at some point!

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Stalking would be the wrong word… I’d say trying to connect with. It’s less creepy.


They must have skipped quite a bit if they started in Mexico a month prior, since it usually takes 5 to 6 months for the entire trail.

Do you do backing or just day hikes?

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Haha I guess I know a lot of people who use the word stalking as a more lighthearted term as we live vicariously through their pictures. When you dont actually talk to them I hardly feel I’m making a connection.


I wasnt the one who talked to them. It was my friend. I thought he said a month, maybe it was 3. I dont know. I have 5 small boys, only day hikes for me.