Friday night - what's up

I like her already! :wink:

  1. Animals
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  1. Break your family apart
  2. Keep your family together (followed through with this one so far)
  1. Bartender at a nightclub that was open til 6am, I need my sleep
  1. I try to kill them with kindness
  1. Don’t know how to word this lol… how do you feel most misunderstood?

I’m going to wait til the questions are done, then I’ll put some answers on here.

  1. My youngest son and Jerry Seinfeld
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  1. When talking to my boss about anything he disagrees with. Apparently I am very “defensive, aggressive and a type A personality”.
  1. People often think my heart is in the wrong place when I question or make a statement, but in fact it isn’t. God I sound cheesy.
  1. When I start talking about any new research about…any subject.

Went to pick up a few gym related things, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and now hanging with the pupper watching TV.

I have a friend who’s in town for the first time in a few years, and they’re having a huge party. Told him I couldn’t make it, in the interest of staying sober, and there is a pretttttty good chance the dude who my ex fiance cheated with might be there. So, yeah…movies, pupper snugs, and more movies.


When I am trying to understand myself.

That sounds like a wonderful night tbh.

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Ahahaha :joy:

Also, I’m going back on what I said about going slow, I’m driving to the gym so don’t hold anything back for me, opps

  1. Your best trait?
  1. Oh geez I don’t even know lol.

Worst job: The Disney Store, at a mall, during Christmas. Gag me with a spoon.

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HG is about to start. Must be 120 people here tonight. Dang…I need to make more coffee.


Wow! Is it usually that big?

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