Friday night - what's up

  1. My youngest son and Jerry Seinfeld
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  1. When talking to my boss about anything he disagrees with. Apparently I am very “defensive, aggressive and a type A personality”.
  1. People often think my heart is in the wrong place when I question or make a statement, but in fact it isn’t. God I sound cheesy.
  1. When I start talking about any new research about…any subject.

Went to pick up a few gym related things, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and now hanging with the pupper watching TV.

I have a friend who’s in town for the first time in a few years, and they’re having a huge party. Told him I couldn’t make it, in the interest of staying sober, and there is a pretttttty good chance the dude who my ex fiance cheated with might be there. So, yeah…movies, pupper snugs, and more movies.


When I am trying to understand myself.

That sounds like a wonderful night tbh.

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Ahahaha :joy:

Also, I’m going back on what I said about going slow, I’m driving to the gym so don’t hold anything back for me, opps

  1. Your best trait?
  1. Oh geez I don’t even know lol.

Worst job: The Disney Store, at a mall, during Christmas. Gag me with a spoon.

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HG is about to start. Must be 120 people here tonight. Dang…I need to make more coffee.


Wow! Is it usually that big?

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  1. Get a ‘real’ career instead of one in the arts
  2. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you
  3. I avoid people that annoy me as much as I can
  4. My best friend makes me laugh most
  5. I need to spend a lot of time alone and I think my friends misunderstand me and think I don’t like being around them when I just need my recharge time

Aww I love this about you.

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What is HG??

Worst advice: A mechanic told me there wasn’t anything wrong with my band’s van tire and I could definitely make it home to Indy. 125 miles later, it flew off, and we flipped over in the middle of a six lane highway in Georgia.

  1. My best trait is being honest
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  1. I’m agnostic. Most people are like “well do you believe or are you atheist?”
  2. Agree with Angie-lah. I’m an extreme empath. Maybe overly so.

I think all of my bests are also probably worsts too…

I’m going to go with: the intensity with which I connect to people, sometimes fleeting, sometimes long term.

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