Friday night - what's up

Haha that’s awesome, really hope we get to see end result


Chucking this here because it’s Friday and I just saw this beauty of a number…


If you believe in Angel numbers…

The angel number 5555 carries the energies and vibrations of the number 5, which is quadrupled. Your angels are sending you this number because you will soon be achieving your dreams and ambitions by living a life of peace, balance, and harmony.


Friday night, once I’m done drudging through some account analytics I’m doing for work. Already did the gym this morning, and the grocery store, so its all chill:

-Just got a record in that I ordered from Japan over a month ago. That’s getting cued up and played loud.

-Watch the Leafs game from last night because I missed it. I’ve already seen the score by mistake, but still like to watch the whole thing.

-EDIT: Almost forgot. Cook up a nice big dinner. I like to cook something a little special on Friday nights to end the week. Tonight I am doing ahi tuna steaks with ginger and wasabi.

-Cozy up w/ girlfriend and two doggos. Probably watch Mad Men, which we’re almost done watching all of.

I have to go to a wedding tomorrow, so I need to conserve energy for that. Not worried in the least about drinking, but weddings mean lots of socializing, and my threshold for that is pretty low. Its good practice though, to get better with my social anxiety and not let it exhaust me as quickly as it does.


Dang! I don’t know what an angel number is but that sounds amazing. I used to be super disparaging about anything mystical, but my new reality involves casting out all cynicism from my life - it brought me nothing but negativity and I’m done. So I will embrace the good news of Angel numbers!

It’s interesting as I don’t normally look at the counter, so it caught my eye that I flicked through it in the middle of the day and saw that one - I didn’t even wait for it to tick over.

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Rolled out of work and went to a little holiday craft fair. Now back home, on my quiet and comfy couch, currently listening to Neil Young “Harvest”. I’m kinda getting into a routine of quiet Friday nights at home by myself. Tonight is going to be music, maybe audio book or reading a regular book. All my book options are so heavy right now - trauma, alcohol, and codependency. I’ve got one of each on the go - might be time to focus and finish one or two so I can try something a little lighter!


Now shifted to laying on couch, drinking tea and listening to “codependent no more…” audiobook. It’s only 8.30pm and feeling exhausted. Maybe I’ll make it until 9.30pm…!

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Hanging out at home watching shows I recorded. 2 days sober. Reading posts. They help me feel like someone gets me!! And I can do this.


Yes! You totally can do this. But it takes support, so do hang around. :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Here’s our gingerbread house. Not bad for like an hour of planning.


Very nice :blush:

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That’s an awesome day!

I just finished watching mad men, can’t believe how much they drank-i know it was supposed to be in excess, but wow :scream_cat:


Thanks, I was premature… NOW we’re done!! you’ll be glad to know that it held to the earthquake test. :grin:


Holy smokes! That is amazing! But how does it taste…?

Meh… I cooked the gingerbread too long so it was a tad burnt, but still edible. Chocolate frosting makes everything better.

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Save the clock tower!

My sister thought that was what we were going for. That spawned an idea for next year, recreating a fictional scene


I love it!!

What are the Friday night vibes tonight?

I just got out of work and am waiting on my order of takeaway Thai food. Then going straight home to get into my new OWL ONESIE. Not sure what’s in store for the rest of the evening, but it will involve delicious food and cozy down time at home.

Maybe a movie? Maybe audio book? Something that doesn’t require a lot of thought or mental effort because my brain is feeling exhausted. I seem to be in the thick of milestone blues, having hit 60 earlier this week, so really just trying to get through the day in tact and being kind to myself. :two_hearts::two_hearts:


I’m getting a tattoo finished up. Hopefully finished. Might take one more session.


Trying to leave work early to catch an AA meeting.
Then hanging at home with my mom, drinking tea and packing bags. Maybe take her to the movies…

That’s how I party down. :metal: