Friday night - what's up

I love that idea. But narrowing down to less than 100 songs without paralyzing myself? :open_mouth:

Friday night dinner + dessert. Dinsert.


I eat cearal like crazy know that I’m not drinking lol and crave everything sweet hahha

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The roof of my mouth hurts looking at that… Was one of my favourites when a kid though!

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I love Dinner+Dessert!

My tortellini sausage soup is done!


wanders upstairs, inspired, to scavenge food Aha! I was tempted to skip supper tonight but perhaps I won’t after all.

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Dang! Looks delicious!

My Friday night is coming to a close, so signing out for the evening. Safe and sober in bed. Night night all. Grateful for another Friday down - I think they are going less amgsty for me, week by week. Savoring the quieter moments on weekends has been a big change, but I think I’m adjusting. Bonne nuit! :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Great idea. I’ll have to do that tomorrow night😍

This looks freaking amazing​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

The sugar cravings are crazy after you quit.


Friday night…going through my records. Thinning the herd a little.


Well it’s 11pm my time. I’ve finished my homework and just took a 5-HTP supplement. My hubbys having a cranberry vodka. Think I’ll just crawl under the covers now.


Dude. You’re a vinyl collector, too? I also see we’re both rocking that Kallax shelving. How many records have you got? I am a few shy of 200, and you definitely have way more than me there.

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It’s the Target version of the Kallax. They had a sale that I couldn’t pass on. Hahaha. At current count, I’m around 395-400. There’s a few I haven’t logged in my Discogs account, so, yeah, it’s a few off.

Ha my next question was if you’re on discogs. Great tool for cataloguing.

Come hang out with us! Bring some tea or coffee

I wanna come hang out with y’all!:hugs::heart:


I would love to have you over! :wink: How’s it going tonight? Just left a wedding, heading to a work Christmas party and I’m already spent (it’s almost 8 pm) lol.


That much socializing would wear me out tonight! Been going since my three year old woke up at 6:03am. I had planned to fold laundry and watch a movie tonight, but my bed looks way too inviting.

Yes - bath, then bed. That’s what’s up.

Hope the Christmas party is fun! Check in if you need/want to!:heart:️


Thank you :slight_smile:️ Was going to reply earlier, but got distracted. This much socializing is exhausting… and not my norm. Happy to be home again. Hope you (and everyone else!) had a good night! :kissing_heart:


Word in the streets is it’s Friday!

My sisters want to get together to make gingerbread houses. My plan today is to make a scale model of Haunted Mansion from Disneyland out of Gingerbread.

This is what we’re going for. I have no idea what I’m doing. This could be a disaster. Standby for the actual results!