Friday night - what's up

I’m really impressed with our #16 responses! Haha

Elevator: James Hetfield from Metallica.

  1. I would raise the minimum wage

The best education for all.

Embarrassing thing: Playing a show, and doing the classic rock guitar move where you throw the guitar over your shoulder…and I forgot to put my wireless pack on my guitar strap, leaving it in my back pocket. Once the guitar was on it’s way, it got stuck behind my back… I had to make a mad dash to switch guitars and get hooked up direct to my amp.

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Job I’d be terrible at: Working at Guitar Center.

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  1. Free and equal healthcare

I would direct a shit ton of investment into addiction services.

My stuffed animals


I went out with close friends and family, i drove. They all drank as usual, but i did not feel tempted once.

I am not going to lie, i struggled with dealing with all their loudness and drunkeness but i feel so good when i got home sober.

I defo will reevaluate wether i want to put myself through that again. I guess sometimes i used to drink so i could deal with the drunkeness around me.

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A dollhouse my stepdad build… had all the little furniture, etc.

  1. I would make an income cap, no more billionaires, millionaires. I would try to end poverty and make good education (but like actual real world subjects)a requirement for everyone.

TV sitcom character: I have no clue. Hahaha.

  1. A little brown bear stuffed animal… Pictures to come :bear:
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Glad you stayed sober. I find it pretty stressful being around alcohol and drunken people lately, so I’m learning to do it as little as possible. :+1:

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Hey hey now…

I still got it under control. I mean I walked passed the three card monte in front of the gentleman’s club and music studio.


Past relationship lesson: I learned I can be by myself. I learned I could reach a level of rage and anger that had never been reached before. I learned I need to work on being a better partner.

I wasn’t allowed any Barbies as I kid - I don’t really know why. But I loved going over to a friend’s place who did have ALL the latest toys.

Tonight was big, even for us. Friday is speaker meeting that usually draws 75-100. It’s downtown, and a lot of treatment groups come. Tonight it seemed that a lot of folks are in town for the holidays.

The funny thing? My home group has about 18 members.


King for a day: Health care for everyone.