Friday night - what's up

You should check out the pet peeves thread James, unless you already have.

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Drinking water while someone cups your ears. Works every time.

OMG - these hiccup ones - I’ve never heard of any of them. hahaha

Take a super deep breath and hold it, then try to breath in more while still holding, then do it one more time. Hold as long as possible then exhale very slowly.

  1. Curly hair

I have not yet but I will, sounds like my kinda thread


Oh dear, mine is wicked curly… Can we still be friends?

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Same. same. same.

I think I was a little too when I was younger like in HS because I was a tom boy. But that couldn’t be farther from how I am now. It’s all about who we’ve been come. Yay us for evolving to be better people.

I loooove curly hair!

I always got great, almost straight hair up until two years ago. It is all grey and curly now and I can’t stand it. I never liked it anyway.

Wavy is great.

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Thank you @anon19498634 for creating this, it was so much fun. Thanks @anon30771928 for finishing it off. Loved the questions :heart:


Ditto! thanks @anon19498634 and @anon30771928 for the questions. That was an excellent Friday night activity!

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So is mine now. So, friends?

You ladies (and guys) are just lovely!

I feel like it sometimes. Hahaha.

Hiccups: I do the ol’ hold the breath trick.

This was way too much fun. Thank you @anon19498634 and @anon30771928! Brilliant!