Friday night - what's up

I like asparagus grilled. Also it is one of the foods that you are reminded you are the next day lol

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I am still in the office so not much of interest here. LOL

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Grilled asparagus tossed with fresh shaved parm and some EVOO mmmmmm


:smiley: That’s pretty cute. My youngest brother is actually 5 years old (big family, long story), so, not far off haha. So I can identify with that… I also have a Paw Patrol (I know…) fruit snack package next to me, and am known to partake in dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets.

Did you know Beyblades are still a thing? My friends played with them in elementary school in the 90’s, and the little kiddos got a pair of them to play with over Christmas.

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Haha of course you are… I will just imagine a goat attempting to use a paper clip, that’s interesting enough.

When i saw this, I thought about a goat sitting a desk with multiple 30 inch monitors banging on a keyboard and somehow that didn’t seem too odd at first and then…


Had to Google search beyblades. I guess I lived a sheltered life…

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Hmmmm…thousands of rhinestones with a rhinestone gun :joy:


I didn’t even know a rhinestone gun was something that existed! That looks oddly therapeutic as an activity.

It is…I do wish that you didn’t have to push down each rhinestone for 20-30sec before it will stick though…no worries though…I’m binge watching Anthony bourdain!

Meet Edmond - given to me by my roommate in NYC over 20 years ago!


Aw, special stuffies for the win! <3

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I’m doing homework. This class is actually going to be a great class. Now if I can just get rid of the math one! Anyway. Thought I would share some of a read with y’all. I’m just going to screen shot it but it is about the stages of change. We are all in one of these stages here.


Just finished a quick little workout. Now I’m going to lay plastic down everywhere to prepare for the start of potty training my little guy tomorrow.


Force be with you, my friend. That’s happening at my house too.


Probably this tiny pink, glass elephant. It’s the only thing I know of (besides pictures) our family has of my paternal grandmother’s who I never met.


And I am leaving work before tomorrow. Hooray. Means I will get four hours of sleep before I have to get up tomorrow. Yay.


How’s it going so far? I am not looking forward to it, but it’s gotta happen some time right?

Mint chocolate chip, Rocky road, Dole pineapple frozen yogurt

Oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, shortbread

Broccoli, eggplant, cucumber


I love that. It’s being who it is, and doing it on purpose. :slight_smile: