Friday Thread #3

Mission accomplished :+1:
I can’t believe it, I ticked off EVERYTHING of today’s do-do-list!
Bought sandwiches from my favourite shop to reward and spoil me :blush: And the evening will be spend on the couch. Flat. I’m done, showered, tired, full. Inside it’s still tempered and I love my comfy farmhouse. What a nice & fine friday :blush:


Happy Friday gang!

Question of the week: what’s something you know now, you wished you knew then?

For me, it’s that your diet is for weightloss, lifting is for muscle and cardio is for heart/lung health.

I spent a lot of time in the past focusing on the wrong activities for the wrong reasons and was discouraged when I failed to see results.

Anyhow, I have work from home today, so it’ll be an easy low key day. Gym later this afternoon and my son’s last day of middle school, he’ll officially be a highschooler later today.

The weather is starting to warm up and plan on spending some time on the back deck today!


What a great question! I had to have a wee think there. I’d say, for me, it’s somewhere along the lines that I don’t have to please people in order to have them as friends. I can have my boundaries.


Hello friends!

I hope you all have a nice start this Friday and can already feel the weekend coming!


@Planipennia I so appreciate you. I always forget its Friday until I see you post.

It is after midnight so technically Friday here. No work today because I work the weekend so after I sleep I’m meeting my sister for lunch at our annual Art Festival downtown. I have a huge list of things to do so I might do those things, or I might skip them all. It is also one of my bestie’s birthdays so hopefully I’ll see her. I won’t be drinking.


Happy sober friday folks!

What are you doing today?

I’m already busy, have been puttering around the house tidying and preparing for the people who help me mount some lamps :pray:
Cool morning, past 7 we are sitting on the balcony having tea :blush: Where my cat people? #3 - #2263 by erntedank

Maybe I post before/after pictures later, I’m happy to finally get the lamps on the ceilings.

Maybe fetch the mulcher from the garage later. Have to pick up a parcel at the post office. Either cook a yummi meal or order pizza.
Not thinking too much of all the garden/farmwork that needs to be done. First things first :blush:

Edit to add: No lamp mounting today, need to buy some parts first. And order drill bits (thanks ex for loosing ALL of the HILTI bits) So I’ll be happy next week :blush:


Happy Friday everyone!


Had a crappy night so gonna try and recover and take it easy today. Reminders of bad drinking days… grateful I didn’t damage my body any further with that poison.


Happy Friday!
Made a curry for dinner, then after my kids and I enjoyed using my old calligraphy pens to write letters and designs. Cool to see them enjoying a hobby from my childhood.


Happy Friday people!


Morning started perfectly happy. May you all find peace and serenity today and through the weekend.


Happy Friday gang.

I had a terrible sleep last night, couldn’t sleep until well past 1AM, woke up at 5:30AM wide awake…

Maybe it’s that I have a million things to do in the one day before I leave on holiday or maybe it was the sudden realization I am now 2 weeks away from my colonoscopy. Either way, I’m currently running on sheer pluck, moxie, and grit.

I’ve made my self a nice cup of coffee and shall now repair to my office for hours of titallating spreadsheet excitement.

Stay beautiful!


These will take you quite a way. And this,

this will take you all the way through. :joy_cat::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Happy friday Hoof!


It’s a lovely rainy, breezy and cool day here today. A welcome respite from the heat and humidity. I have the house opened up and have tackled my “depression room” aka my once zen den. Basically my bonus room (dressing room, craft space, lounge, etc.). What a difference a little decluttering makes! I had not dealt with the pile of items and my work bag after clearing things from my desk after being released from my job. I like the romantic wording of being released, it’s helped me wrap my mind around that whole shocking experience. A weight is lifting as I make that space more zen. Regrets for not doing it sooner don’t help, so I’m grateful to have the energy and will to do it now.

We are having friends over tomorrow for an Independence Day celebration, BBQ and bonfire before my city’s fireworks display at night. They set them off in the empty lot behind our house so we have front row seats. It should be fun. I am making potato salad today, which I haven’t made in years, but I prefer my homemade to any others I’ve tried so I’m looking forward to that. It’s a typical American potato salad but I put my own little flair on it, I guess. After lunch I will run some errands as the rain is supposed to let up for a bit, then I’ll come home and get busy in the kitchen. No big plans tonight other than a light dinner and a movie most likely. Today is a good day.


I’ve been home sick this week but earlier announced my return to work Monday. So this is my weekend proper now. It’s been quite a cold (99% sure given to me by a colleague a bit over a week ago) that is getting better but isn’t quite finished yet. I did an emdr session with my therapist this morning which was good but draining, and biked to a farm to get cheese and eggs and now I’m spent. It was a Friday well spent though.

When I feel up to it I want to bike tomorrow or Sunday morning, but only when I’m good enough. There’s plenty of sports to watch, with the Tour de France :mountain_biking_man: starting in Italy (yeah), and the round of 16 getting underway in the Euros :soccer:. It’ll be Monday before I know it. Have a good one all! :heart:

Such cute piggies at the farm. I don’t know if I can eat their pork this fall.


All the best for your colonoscopy and don’t let it ruin your holiday!:muscle:t2:


But you’ll know they lived happy lives treated well. Better than some alternatives, especially here in our mass production animal farms. I try to buy meat from local farms where I know the animals are living good lives seeing sunshine and touching the earth.

I’m glad you got some activity in and can rest now.


I hope everyone is having a great Friday! :heart_eyes:

My moving is almost complete. All I need to do is to move myself :joy: obviously there will be the unpacking, but that’s a whole different business! I really have wonderful friends. Even that seems an understatement. They came and picked up my stuff and drove them 7 hours down south and then took all my belongings into my new apartment. Also I cannot forget to mention my dear friends here, who helped us pack the trailers. They sure played a game of real life Tetris there :joy: I’m overflowing with gratitude.

I travel tomorrow. Can’t wait to hang out with my friends and unpack my stuff and spend a great summer.


So happy for you! Enjoy this life transition for all it’s worth.


Homemade potato salad is the best :+1::yum: I bought potatoes yesterday to make some on sunday.
Sorry you lost your job, sending you hugs.

As I finish friday I can say: Started really good, turned to a internet-hotline AND PC annoyance at noon, I take it easy, cooked yummi food and had a nice evening chatting with a friend and cuddling cats. No fuckery bother my nice friday feeling :wink:


My Halibut opener was successful. We got em! There’s a little part of me that wants to have dinner at the bar so I can brag. Most of the other boats didn’t catch much.

When times are good. People drink. When times are bad. People drink. I know the bar will be full of fisherman today. Its the perfect opportunity for me to brag! :rofl: :muscle:

But I’m going to pass on the bar and stay home where its safe.

I’ve been in a funk and its not worth risking having someone try to buy me a beer.

I feel better today funk wise, but I’m going to play it safe.

Friday night, a good payday and a quiet night in the safety of my alcohol free zone. :muscle: