Friday Thread #3

Get my boy today for the weekend! Yay Friday!


Happy Friday everyone :grin:

Does anyone have any plans?

Lovely that you get to spend it with your boy @alpine_1975 He reminds me of my two.

I have a half day at work, will then make lunch, food shop and may nap. Will probably do the gym later this evening. And that will be me sorted :blush:


Itā€™s early Friday here. Iā€™m getting online training this morning which should help with some special admin tasks coming up in Nov-Dec. Admin is not my favourite, but I usually have some good takeaways from the training that can be applied to other work things.

And hubs and I are having dinner out today, sans kid, as heā€™s at a friendā€™s sleepover. Not been out on our own since like May, so Iā€™m really looking forward to it.

All in all, a good start to the weekend.


Plans are pretty much team meetings all day, work from 8-4 then stop, relax, make soup and mackerel pate for dinner and then spend the evening watching netflix!


Well, I had a rubbish Friday. Early hours I woke up with a terrible headache, nausea, etc. It felt like a terrible hangover. I managed to get back to sleep after taking meds, but was feeling bad in the morning, managed to sleepwalk into the wrong train and was late for work, and have felt awful all day. Going to change into pjā€™s as soon as I get home, and just relax tonight.


Oh no, poor you, sounds like a bad day. I hope you are able to rest now and feel better soon :people_hugging:


Argh, my son has his home tutor tonight so I canā€™t put pjā€™s on yet!
Amazing how I suffered through awful hangovers at work on the regular when I was drinking. How stupid.


Iā€™m on my way home, it was like fighting with kids that have a temper tantrum at work today :confused:
My team had a pretty bad fight with the Dr we work with and she said things she shouldnā€™t have said. I let her know that this wasnā€™t okay.
When I wanted to go home she stopped me to apologize. That was good bc usually she doesnā€™t do that so what I said did move something inside her.
Looking forward to stuffed peppers and my jammies and lots of Netflix.
For today Iā€™m out of order :joy::smiling_face:
@Misokatsu I hope you feel better soon, I know such awful days :people_hugging: Headache and nausea can fro.


Todays gonna be a good day. Its friday for gosh sakes.

Its payday and i get to pay my bills
Im hoping for a productive workday
Lovely chat with mi madre
A hearty dinner
And grocery shopping

A beautiful day to experience sober. Its a superpower ya know!


This is too much for me, LMAOšŸ˜†


I have Friday to myself as I have some problems with my group therapy group so I gave myself off for this session. Went into town instead, a rare quiet day there as itā€™s very windy and wet. Treated myself to a new pair of trail / hiking shoes. They really feel great on my feet. If the weather is somewhat better this weekend Iā€™m going to try them out. Have a great weekend all!


Iā€™m planning on a getting my girl dinner. My girl is a cat. Basically I need to pick up catfood. :smile_cat:

@Mno nice shoes! They look comfortable!




Iā€™m working OT till about 2:00. Then taking a ride to pick one of the kids up from college, so she can come home and hang out for the weekend. After that probably Phillies game on the couch. And bed for work tomorrow.


I loved this man, his death was so tragic. He was great in so many shows, I especially loved his social media reels. And how unapologetically himself he was. This gave me a big smile so thank you :smiling_face:

Edit to say I forgot to include his name! Leslie Jordan. Sweet man.


Hey Gang,

Happy Friday!

Couple of weeks ago I got a message from a fellow TS alumni, they are in my neck of the woods this week, so tonight my wife and I are going to have dinner with them. So thatā€™s my plans, that and workā€¦


I love a TS get together!!! Enjoy!


Busy day at work and Iā€™m watching the clock! Hopefully can sneak out a bit early and grab a few groceries before I pick up kiddo. Relaxing night tonight (hopefully!) so I hope to find something to watch on my streaming channels. Busy weekend of mum & son activities ā€¦library, hope to hike, go see waterfalls & colourful autumn leaves (if weather cooperates) then he wants to go to the movies and the restaurant next to theatre


Happy Friday folks!! We are in the midst of storm Babet here in northern England, its been raining heavily all dayā€¦very gusty windsā€¦i have a poorly little girl who is off school with rather a bad cold so weve had a day in the house today sheltering from the storm, snuggling, eating and relaxing together watching Disney movies and now a dinosaur documentary :blush: we are having some chinese food later, hope everyone is well.


Canā€™t think of a better way to shelter from a storm. Iā€™d love some dim sum myself!