Friday Thread #3

Q: did I take my 4 and 6 year old on a very scary adult haunted hayride?



Oh I love it!! The smiles are pricelessā€¦ great memories made.


Canā€™t spell Mmmm Haunted Hayride without Trauma!

Iā€™m surenl they will remember this their entire lives, as they tell their therapist about it many times to come.

Jk :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hope they had a good time!


This is the exact conversation I had with the people who worked there :joy:


Happy Friday everyone!:wink:


Happy Friday all!! I have no plans after lunchtime so far but have that Friday feeling :partying_face:


Happy friday all. What a difference a week makes! :upside_down_face: Iā€™m off tomorrow so Iā€™ll start the day with lunch with my sister. The rest of the day will be shopping and getting the house in order since I work this Saturday and Sunday. My husband is going on a solo trip next week so this will mark my first time home alone and sober. Of course, Iā€™m not really alone since I have you guys in my pocket.
Happy weekends all.


This Friday is my Sunday so to speak. No therapy as my therapist is sea diving :diving_mask: somewhere off the coast of The Maluku Islands. She deserves it BTW. She works like a :racehorse: .

Going into town for a little walk. Wouldā€™ve preferred a longer hike through the countryside but with the incessant drizzle coming down today Iā€™ll pass. Town it is. Have a great Friday & weekend all!
:umbrella: :rainbow: :sun_behind_rain_cloud: :people_hugging: :heart:


My morning started good but now? I left work 40 minutes ago, no train is leaving this damn city. I hope that in 10 minutes something will move here or I take a Taxi. I want home dammit.
And Iā€™m hungry :sob:

Okay, I now found out that there was a suicide attempt. A person was standing somewhere on the tracks 4 hours ago. This means delayed trains for the whole day.

What a tragedy.


Hey friends! Iā€™m up early listening to trains rumbling as itā€™s warm enough to have slept with the windows open. That ends after today as the temps will be below freezing at night starting tonight. Fall is truly here after a late fall warm spell. Tis the season. We are getting our booster and flu jabs this morning then running some errands. Clothes shopping for my fella will hopefully be fruitful but he is hard to fit. Also getting pumpkins and other outdoor decor, my favorite thing! Iā€™m in need of tooth friendly food so Iā€™m dreaming up a big batch of somethingā€¦maybe split pea soup but definitely some mashed potatoes in there somewhere as Iā€™ve been craving them badly. All in all things are okay. Pain is manageable today, I slept a few quality hours and I am safe and content at this moment. Canā€™t ask for more. Enjoy your days.


Whatā€™s happening? Happy Friday!!

I am in office today, got some title 31 testing/certification to do and then a managers meeting. Then later, pretty sure Iā€™ll hit the sack early and sleep in tomorrow!


My IT guy always tells me off when he sees my Desktop looking like yours. We know where everything is though :wink:


Same here, but IT doesnā€™t do the type of work we do, so what would they know?!? :laughing:


That desktop is giving me anxiety :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Do not usually post here. It is Friday and want to share. Daughter and grandkids were here a few days from Texas as an uncle passed away and we had a celebration of life. They are leaving for the airport in a few minutes dad and grandpa as chauffeur. I get to remain home with myself, which is nice. Plumber will be here soon. Another worker soon behind. 103 days sober today.


so sorry for your loss - grateful you were able to have a celebration of life :hugs:

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You should see how many tabs my browser has open! :flushed:

I edited the photo for you.


Hey @HoofHearted Dan, how are things with your wifeā€™s job search going?


Sheā€™s had several interviews so far, some wont work out but a few are promising. Hopefully she will land something soon and will be able to breathe again. :blush:


I am a browser tab abuser myself. Lol. But I get around this by using a handfull of browsers at a time. :rofl: 50 tabs divided by five different browsers means Iā€™ve improved. Clearly. :rofl:

My desktop though is generally free of icons except for the trash icon and one folder for temporary files. My phone is the same way.

@tailee17 Iā€™m sorry to hear about your loss.