Friday Thread #3

That’s a start! Glad there is movement. Been thinking about you guys.


Sorry to hear. Glad family was able to come be with you for a celebration of life.

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You sound like my husband with all the tabs! And then he leaves them open and when I go to use the laptop I don’t know if it’s okay for me to close them or not! So yeah, I just open another browser window.


I think I give my husband anxiety when he looks at all my tabs. :rofl: You definitely have the eight idea with just opening a new window.


Oh my gosh, I missed the friday thread :see_no_evil:
Belated happy friday sober folks, mine was first busy and then napping on the couch :wink:



Happy Friday friend :partying_face:… Will be joining you soon. Have a wonderful Friday :people_hugging:


Welp… It’s actually Friday afternoon for me, but here’s how the end of the working week started for me.
Happy Friday to those already in it, and for those about to join in the fun


Happy Friday…that was a great clip and I’m grateful to learn that about the Northern Lights. Thank you :pray:

It’s finally here … our beloved Friday :heart:
Not much going on and no concrete plans…will do some work and see where the day takes me. Have a wonderful day my sober friends



Happy Friday all! I am about to start my 3.5 hours of work, then have the rest of the day off. No plans, perfect :rofl:


Pic is from yesterday but the weather hasn’t changed much. Going to adjust my plans and enjoy my Friday off anyway. Have a great one all!


Early Friday morning here. Heading to me my friend/coworker for coffee. We all work from home, so nice to catch up in person.

Dealing with the expected withdrawal headaches after drinking last week. They are awful. And continue about 2 weeks. This is only day 5.

Another interview this afternoon. An HR job for a behavioral health center. Which might be a little too appropriate? :laughing:

Happy Friday! And happy payday for me!


Good luck with the interviews, hope you get to pick the best one for you!


You make me giggle Karen :rofl:, your humour is wonderful! Wish you the best for the interview and for the headaches to milden :people_hugging:

Happy sober friday folks!
It’s lunchtime here, I am the laziest catmum that ever catmumed and ordered pizza because I cant move. 3 cats on and next to me sleeping :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It’s perfect indoor weather, outside it’s windy, chill and sometimes raining.
I plan to spend the rest of the day on the couch, reading, napping, eating pizza, petting cats, watching the clouds moving. OMG that sounds as kitschy as it IS :see_no_evil: I spend a wonderful friday living my best life on my beautiful farm in my cozy house :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That sounds purrfect! :smiley_cat::heart_eyes_cat:


Hey Gang, happy Friday!

Been feeling a bit under the weather the last couple of days. Since Princess Penelope started preschool, she’s been sick pretty much every day. This is what happens when you spend the first 4 years of your life isolated from the outside world. :face_with_head_bandage::face_with_thermometer:

I’m gonna take it easy today, on account of this dull headache I’ve since waking.

Hey, remember back in the day, when we used to sleep until we weren’t tired anymore? Let’s bring that back!



I love this :two_hearts: deal (the good ol days)…I just fear that I may not get up :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’m in. Maybe I’ll wake up in fall 2025 :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:


8 hours of work today will make up my Friday. Saturday I’m off and I’m selling my car. Hubby and I live within a mile of our workplaces and we are going to try our hands at being one car households. Non-Americans please don’t laugh but we really do drive less than a mile and back to work each day. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I give us a month and a half before we look for a second car but it will be a fun challenge, plus extra money doesn’t hurt while I set and crush new financial goals.

Sunday, as a favor, I am going into work from 2 am until 6 am. That happens to be our daylight savings time so while I go in at 2, the clock will actually fall back to one and I will technically work 1 am to 5 am. Not since my drinking days have I done such exciting time traveling. :nerd_face::alien:

Happy sober weekends to one and all of my fellow travelers.


This has never gone out of style for me. I give you permission to do this for yourself today. Tis the season to be ill/congested. Eat some soup and put up your hoofs for the day. :stew::teapot: