Friday Thread #3

Taking you as an example. I try. We have April weather which I also don’t like because it’s November. Just finished work and will try to enjoy doing nothing.


Happy Friday! I just woke from 5 wonderful hours of sleep that were sorely needed after some awful pain-induced insomnia this week. What a joy it is to feel rested. It is Veteran’s Day here in America and my husband has the day off work and we don’t have a lot planned but first things first, address my grumbling tummy! I call my dad every year on this day to thank him for his service, despite how he never identified as a vet really, it didn’t matter to me, I always felt I should recognize that time in his life as a Vietnam vet. Complicated stuff but it’s simple to me, too. Call your dad the vet on vet’s day!

Our big goal this weekend is to clear out the garage of the last of our moving junk so we can park the car in there at least! Good goal.

It’s looking gloomy out there, not much motivation to move out of a warm bed but my stomach says otherwise. Hope you all have safe and sober Fridays.


To me, I find replacing time spent in despair with positive activity the key to success. Its no secret that activity releases dopamine and can help with depression/addiction. Key is to find what helps YOU and do it actively and consistently. Get up, get your heart rate moving, get some fresh air, eat healthy, show some gratitude towards others.

WHAT YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS. Focus on the GOOD all around you and that will expand.

Its OK to be selfish and take care of yourself 1st. Because, If you don’t take care of yourself first it will be difficult to take care of those around you.

If you are reading this far, comment what ACTIVITY you are doing today, for yourself, to feel better and be better. If you don’t have something planned, plan in now and go do it.

For me its GYM time to strengthen myself physically and get those endorphins moving.


Love this post. This is my recipe for sobriety. I start my day immediately with headphones on before i even get out of bed. I start the battle for my mind with a victory to the good side via Encouraging talks, recovery podcast, etc. I then go for a 15-20 minute Swim for all the neurological benefits. On the way to work, i continue to feed my mind positive things, this process i find strengthens my mindfulness for the war ahead. When i get to work, i stay off social media and dopamine scrolling sites. This process is part of my self love that i’ve been at for 99 straight days now. I have good days and bad days. At the root though, i know how to WIN AND IT STARTS WITH THIS PROCESS. I get on here and i post about what i’m thankful for. For me its simple: Contentment/Gratitude Defeats Greed.



My plan? Fixin’ to clock in at work in just a few. I’m pumped and ready to take on the day. Bring it on! :muscle:


Happy Friday gang!

I have a managers meeting today, so I am getting ready for the 90 mile trek to the office. My wife informed me that some cows got out and on to the highway and a car hit one, so expect traffic.

Can confirm.

After work, no plans. Come home, eat chow and snuggle in bed until I drift off to sleep.


Today is the last work day of the week. I’m heading to the bank to deposit my share from selling our car so life feels comfortable today. Later I’ll ride my bike to work and home.

I have the next two days off and I’m giving those days to myself. Cleaning, walking, reading, sleeping, cooking AND introducing the kitties to our new robot vacuum will occur. They already seem to hate it. :grimacing:

Happy fridays to all!


@TrustyBird Please share how the kitties and their new uber get along while vacuuming :rofl: Mine are still annoyed but the old boy wouldn’t move, my roomba has to move around him :woman_facepalming::blush:

Evening update. I joined @Mno and @anon74766472 , I naped after lunch, did some chores and share the couch with the cats, watching series and sipping tea. And that’s it for today. Feeling a bit lonely, but well, I am alone, there’s just me & cats. So I think it’s ok :blush:


So far they attack it while it is in the box. They probably will not become friends, but it will be entertaining and helpful for our floors.
To be fair, they attack the big vacuum after I’ve put it away. If I sneak up on them I can see them attacking the hose like it’s a snake.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::+1: kitties in attack mode

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Misophonia: sounds that trigger a strong emotions, often anger, irritability, panic etc.

One sound that triggers me is typing, especially typing on a laptop. My wife is in bed writing employee reviews and its driving me crazy. I need to find my earbuds before I flip my lid!

Anyone else have misophonia? What’s your trigger sound?


Yes! Loud ticking clocks, smacking eating sounds or loud gum chewing, the dog next door with the awful whiny bark begging to come back inside that happens at regular intervals for hours. I could go on and on…and it’s definitely different from regular irritation.


Key tones on phones. Who the hell keeps them on?


Oh my god yes! I was waiting at the dentist and a woman had all her phone sounds on the highest setting. Every click, every swoosh…ugh!!!


When people click the top of pens in and out constantly.

I have a manual keyboard at my PC. It is very loud when I type and I love it. I don’t particularly love the sound of typing on a laptop though.


Yes, me! My main trigger is people eating sloppily. I have a new colleague who is particularly bad and I have to keep inventing reasons to leave the room, or wear my headphones.

My husband can’t handle tick tock clocks but that doesn’t bother me too much.

A kid specific one that drives me insane is when they repeat a sound or catchphrase over and over again. I nearly cried with frustration in a queue at Alton Towers with this kid playing for the crowd (who all clearly hated him by the end :rofl:)


I don’t mind clocks as they are rhythmic, it’s the sparadic, unpredictable sounds that get me!

There’s another sound that makes me turn into a pile of pudding, and when I tell people, they do it fron of me to see my reaction. It’s torture and I don’t know why people would do that. So I quit telling people what it is. In my day to day life, I can pert near avoid it, but when it happens… :confounded::tired_face::skull:


Yes! Hate that too!

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My colleague used to eat with her mouth open (im sure she still does, we just don’twork together anymore). Drove me nuts, but I guess it was a cultural thing. :dotted_line_face:


It’s funny, the rhythmic tics are okay usually. It’s when they are inappropriately loud that it beats into my brain and I start thinking I’m going to go mad. It’s a me issue, I totally own it. No grandfather clocks in my house, I can tell you that.