Friday Thread #3

Love that mug :heart: beautiful matching lid


I don’t have much in the ole cabinets, but I did find some Chai and I have a bottle of Zarbees, which is a honey based cough medicine for kids. Put those two together and feeling alright. :grin:


Late to the friday thread today as I was busy until late evening.

@HoofHearted chewing peppermint, parsley or salvia is my goto together with everything already mentioned. if you’re hardcore: onions. slice it, put honey over it, let rest for 2-4 hours, sip and chew the sauce that it makes very slowly, as long as you can hold it in your mouth. then swallow slowly. do not drink for at least 10 minutes. breath slowly for a few minutes if possible through your nose with mouth shut. sounds iiihhhh, works wonder with throat and ear! issues. also recommended with any kind of infection. bonus tip: olive oil. rub your throught with olive oil and put a warm compress around it for 5 minutes.
get well :pray:

@RosaCanDo i’m so happy you are doing better :hugs: I was really thinking of you. teeth issues are uuuhhh. sending you much love!
by the way - some of the mentioned above might help you too in supporting healing. it’s all antiseptic and soothing. chewing on a sip of olive or argan oil ( hemp oil too if you can stand the taste) for as long as one can take it helps healing mouth and throat issues. no swallowing, spit it out.

i had a wonderful friday with hotel breakfast and a looong chat with colleagues I haven’t seen for years, a smooth general assembly of arche noah where i was the minutekeeper, good chats afterwards and a long and late travel home by train and drive home.
i’m save home again, cats are fine after nearly 2 days away and i’m tired, overwhelmed, proud, happy and count this as one of my best top 10 fridays :hugs::orange_heart::blush:
Happy late friday and happy sober weekend folks!


I read an article today that said that studies have shown, and this was a reputable article, that gargling with 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water, and doing a nasal sinus rinse with the same, four times a day for 14 days will very much diminish, particularly Covid symptoms. I’m not suggesting you do it. I’m certainly not advising it, but I am passing on the information. I hope you start to feel better. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:
( To be precise, it has not been published in a medical journal. It may not have been a cohort study. However, it was presented to a symposium of doctors who are interested in this kind of thing.)

I haven’t been sick since 2016 but if I feel like it at all, my go to is to chug a whole bunch of pomegranate juice. It gives me a good feeling, and feels like it will chase away whatever’s there, a huge surge of antioxidants.


Get well soon!:face_with_thermometer::sneezing_face:


I’ve been gargling salt water and its worked wonders! I’ve not had the energy to get to the store (plus I really shouldn’t be in public) so it’s all I can do. The salt water and honey tea has helped sooo much. It’s not completely gone, but my throat went from an 8 down to a 5, maybe a 4.

Thanks to everyone because I was miserable there for a minute. :pray:


Just to let you all know my weekend just started :sunglasses: :innocent: :upside_down_face:


It’s pretty much a Friday for much of America too. Definitely having Friday vibes in our house.



I feel the friday vibes!!



Yup yup yup! Dinner is over and we are watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Love this movie.



Happy Friday everyone! Wide awake at the moment. Will play this day / weekend by ear…



Happy sober friday around the world and greeting to those having a long weekend/holiday!

What are you doing today?

I woke up late and hit the bathroom. Got some kind of nasty stomach bug and feel anxious as always when I’m sick :grimacing: And I feel even more anxious as the storm is howling in the chimneys.
So for me it will be a friday limited to tea, bathroom and keep the fire burning in the kitchen stove and hopefully the furnace too when I am brave enough to go downstairs to heat it. The bathroom downstairs is a bit farther to reach in case … :woman_facepalming:


Happy Friday!
I have to work today but it will be slow since a lot of people will be off today. Lots of yummy leftovers in the fridge. Eye is still infected. :mask::unamused: Really hoping that’s better soon. I’m fairly sure I’m going to accept the new job. I dread telling my current boss because she’s been so great. New job would probably start the beginning of January.



I hope you feel better soon :sunflower:


Congratulations on the new job :upside_down_face: you have quite some short notice period haven’t you? It always amazes me when I read here.


Thanks! Standard notice to leave a job is 2 weeks. We are “at will” employees and not under contract. That means we can leave anytime and they can fire us anytime. It’s kind of a crappy system. :woman_shrugging:t2: I like my current boss, so I’ll give 4 weeks notice.


Wow :scream: that’s what I thought. It works in both directions. We usually have 3 months to the end of each month or longer when you work for a long time at the company. In my old company I had 3 months to the end of a quarter.


Get well soon!

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Hello happy Friday. I’m off today, but I got somethings I gotta take care of around here. I got a tiny leak coming through the basement ceiling from the downstairs shower that I gotta fix, and a couple other minor things I been putting off. Owning a home is a constant battle. :grin: