Friday Thread #3

that it is… sending you luck with finding and fixing that leak. they can be tricky at times. :crossed_fingers:


Beautiful Amen

Oof I’ve recently had that happen. Our upstairs bathtub had a small crack and slowly leaked. I ended up rebuilding the bathtub basin, so far so good :crossed_fingers:

Good luck with your new, involuntary project!


Thanks found it pretty quick. Real small leak in a copper fitting. Cut through the pex tubing, through two new shut off valves in. Luckily this one was an easy fix. Water leaks can sometimes be a bitch. :grin:. :call_me_hand:
I’m in the process of finishing the basement a little at a time. Luckily I don’t have the ceiling or floor done yet, so no water damage. :+1:


I wish you all a nice Friday!


Yeah it’s Friday!! I just biked home from work and will have some nighttime dino nuggies while I watch an episode of the new Apple monster series before bed.
Tomorrow is stinky old work but Saturday and Sunday are fun, fun, fun.
Saturday is a choral concert with a friend. It’s our Christmas tradition to have dinner and see the gay men’s chorus. Good food, good feels with music and good talks.
Sunday I have an afternoon hot chocolate party and then a Christmas party with my best girls. We have a “favorite things” gift exchange this year followed by hot tub time. These girls are my hearts. I’ve known them 20-(sheesh) almost 40 years. We are also taking menopause tests to see just how old we are. :older_woman:t3: They humor me, I’m a lab tech. :test_tube::thermometer:
I am totally bragging here and thanks for letting me. Old drunk me would have crazy bar plans and worse hangovers to nurse. I have joyful occasions. I’ll bring a kombucha or two to the Christmas party but I feel fortified on my sober resolve. Happy days all. Maybe they be sober and bright. :star_struck::christmas_tree:




For some reason its more “fun, fun, fun til Daddy takes the T-bird away” in my head. I don’t know why. I don’t even own a T-Bird.


Happy Friday!

I’m going to be spending my morning at the hospital getting cardiac testing done. Mostly just precautionary due to family history, but also get bad cardiac side effects with certain medications. I’m going to be seriously hangry - no food or coffee beforehand. And it’s a series of three tests that will take most of the morning. Not looking forward to this.

I doubt I’ll do much else today. Lack of regular food and my morning coffee is apt to trigger a migraine.

But at least it’s Friday and payday.


Work work work

Thats the game plan today


Happy Friday folks…

Im wondering why i have such a mental block for being able to put things together…even a flat pack box i have trouble with…lego? Forget it! I just cannot do it, my brain is super creative but i cannot do simple logic :laughing:

Frustrates the hell out of me!


Good morning, fellow Friday connoisseurs. Today I have few plans except exercise, looking after my cat (who seems to be having a health issue, probably a UTI, but she’s 21 so these things happen), and boring domestic things. I might pull out the holiday cards and address some of them.

@Cjp what kind of work outs do you do at the gym?
@KarenKW I hope your testing goes well! Those kinds of things are never fun to do.


Friday for me is as follows:

Finish work
45 minute swim
Cook cottage pie with lashings of veggies
Wash the Lionesses VS Netherlands at Wembley
Bed early and kindle
Sleepy tea.

That’s the best Friday I can think of right now….


Good morning @Chiron i take gym classes as i find competition and a coach motivating. today was the 12 days of christmas, just a piece of the 50min class was a hard as hell ladder amrap. You go 1, 1+2, 1+2+3, etc and if you make it to 12 you work your way backwards! (18min)
1 - burpee tuck jump
2 - lunges (both sides 2x)
3 - mountain climbers
4- squats
5- squat jumps
6- pushups
7- toe touches
8- ?
9- dips
10- ?
11- squat curtsy (both sides =1)
12- burpees


Fun!! Sounds very invigorating. :grin:



Happy Friday my sober friends
Not much planned… been super tired so going to work on getting my energy levels up :smiling_face:


Testing got done early, thankfully. So now I can enjoy some coffee and breakfast. Treated myself to a peppermint mocha from Starbucks. And taking a little time to relax before logging into work.


Good morning, afternoon and evening friends.

I had a work issue that got resolved last night, which meant I was working until late last night. I guess that means I get to take it easy today… right?

So for today, just gonna do as little as possible.

I need to pick a movie to watch tonight, suggestions?


My friday is over and was relaxing. Did some chores and office work on the morning and napped after lunch until it’s bedtime :blush:


Happy Friday everyone!:tada::confetti_ball::tada:

Weekend is coming!:scream: