Friday Thread #3



Happy Friday!!!

always excited to see the weekend here


Happy sober friday folks!
What are you doing today?

Here itā€™s lunchtime, I was at the office all morning and enjoy a veggie&noodle soup for lunch. Hot & delicious :yum: itā€™s cold and sunny outside :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I have to move with the cats to town for catsitting but until now they are not cooperating :rofl: No worries, we will figure it out, at least tomorrow very early without breakfast. Being up before them is a good chance to grab them if they really donā€™t cooperate :grin:
So for the rest of the day itā€™s finishing last cleaning spots, little bit of officework, packing the car and waiting patiently for the moment I can put my tigers in their boxes. Iā€™m grateful this doesnā€™t stress me and after lunch Iā€™ll take a nap.


Just starting my Friday. I have to work, but it shouldnā€™t be too bad today. Actually slept better last night. No plans for tonight. Probably a Christmas movie while I crochet. Iā€™m a wild partier! :joy:

Have a great Friday everyone!


This is my favourite type of party! :slight_smile:


Happy Friday yā€™all!

My big plan for today is to unpack the freezer and wipe it out after somehow the liquid part of some pie filling leaked out of the boxā€¦ which was on the top shelfā€¦ so all over everything below it down to the bottom. :scream: Iā€™ve never had this happen. I buy frozen foods last, take home, put directly in freezer. :sob:

I think this is the Universe saying, ā€œYou know what? You really donā€™t need to have pie. Itā€™s not good for you anyway.ā€ :laughing:


Feliz viernes/happy Friday!

I slept so well even though I stayed up too late watching bad tv. Evidenced by the bed looking like I didnā€™t sleep in it after I got upā€¦didnā€™t move one bit! I feel sooooo much better this morning. Yeah, I woke up with a raw throat and snot and phlegm but thatā€™s all manageable. Hot tea with lemon and honey works wonders. Once I get moving around the mucus works its way out. I know you ALL wanted the details :crazy_face:

Iā€™ve watered all my 26 houseplants (I actually counted for the first time!) and cleaned out the water in my propagation containers. I have a list of things I want to accomplish before I hit the road on Sunday to go pick up my husband in Michigan (he is helping his mom move there from Florida) but I donā€™t have an agenda today. Iā€™ll do what feels right. Itā€™s likely our last lovely day of the year with highs in the 50s and plentiful sunshine and I want to take advantage of that as much as I can. I have some shopping to do, but that can wait till tomorrow if I want. I have some yard work Iā€™d like to do, emptying pots and organizing the shed, I want to take a long walk with Lupe in the meadow and woods, too. So, a take it as it comes day. It sounds heavenly.

Enjoy your day, friends.


Get well soon, Rosa!:sneezing_face::face_with_thermometer:

Give us all the details.:scream::face_with_monocle::wink:


Happy Friday gang!

Taking it easy today, as always.


Get well soon!

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@Planipennia @LuluOnTheBridge thanks, Iā€™m almost all well after a week long with the flu so Iā€™m good! Feel just fine and grateful for it!


ā€œWolf Hallā€, ā€œBring Up the Bodiesā€ and ā€œThe Mirror&the Lightā€ by H. Mantel

Friday evening. I canā€™t believe that Iā€™ve read the trilogy AND listened to the audiobook (read INCREDIBLY well by Ben Miles.
AND now Iā€™m ordering the paper/printed books for a couple of my friends and my mum, ā€˜cause there isnā€™t a chance in hell that they are going to ā€œescapeā€ reading it :-))) Such fine humor, irony, characters so nuancedā€¦ Hilary Mantel nailed it.

My twelve year old son accepted my obsession and lately commented some silly thing he did like: ā€œOh, well, I am not Thomas Cromwell, as he would never do anything this stupid.ā€ :slight_smile:
I should probably give him a break.


Today is my day off because I work the weekend and so far Iā€™ve spent it in bed. My last weekend was packed full and two people texted to say the had Covid after we spent time together so today is a day for rest.

Old Simpsons episodes, a new chicken thigh recipe and a pile of laundry are my Friday dates. Yesterday was payday and all the bills are paid so I will relax tonight. Maybe another nap is in order.


Itā€™s Mario time! Playing a serious game of Mario Party with my 4 year old, sheā€™s super good, I donā€™t think i have a chance!!


Iā€™m watching the Great British Baking Show Holiday special while eating a giant salad. Iā€™m starting to fade, will probably hit the hay early tonight. Ended up working really hard today to clean the house so tomorrow I can focus on prepping for my drive on Sunday and relaxing beforehand.


Less than an hour until Fridayā€™s odometer rolls over into Saturday, here on the west coast.

Both my wife and I have a hankering for some sweet treats, but we got none and itā€™s too late to go venture out.

These are the conundrums of a sober Friday nightā€¦ :grin:

Still better than the alternative.

Goodnight room, goodnight moonā€¦ :crescent_moon:


Update: The cats & I made it to town without any trouble or drama and oh boy is it nice and comfy here and everything is still in place :smiley_cat::smiley_cat::smiley_cat:
I had a really funny evening with 3 furballs running the house :grin:


I still feel icky today after about 16ish hours of sleep yesterday but its my day to work and Iā€™m going to work. I hope my headache is due to zero coffee yesterday and my general ickiness is mood/lifestyle based. Still 100% sober doesnā€™t mean magically happy. There is always more work to do.
Today, coffee and a shower.
New year a sugar free January might be in order. I think my body is missing the desire to move.
Rest is good but if something isnā€™t working try something else. Get after it folks.


Happy Friday, one and all! Have a nice start to the weekend!


Fri-day, fina-lly! That sounds better sung in my head. Walking to work today in the brisk cold for my 8 hours and then back again at 10 pm. Tonight Iā€™ll watch an episode or two of The Leftovers. Why yes I do discover great TV many years after the excitement has died down, thatā€™s the contrarian in me.

Saturday is mine. House cleaning is needed but since I am unscheduled in the winter holiday I might do a lot of resting and reading. Weā€™ll see.

Sunday I have to Christmas shop. Lets talk Christmas shopping. My immediate family did away with gifting when we were old enough to buy our own things. With just my husband and myself we donā€™t have to buy for anyone. But every year I get myself a little stressed about buying stuff for my in-laws. Last year I got them awesome slippers to alleviate the guilt I feel by being given 15 packages as a 44 year old woman and having nothing to gift back to my mother in law. So I will buy stuff on Sunday.

I sound like an a-hole but I have done away with obligation gifting in absolutely all forms except for this one. Valentines Day, nope, save the money. Birthday, Iā€™ll buy what Iā€™ve been wanting thanks. My Mom gets old timey candy throughout the year and at Christmas because she is anti-internet and I am not.

Am I sticking my middle finger in the face of commercialization or sticking it in the face of fun?

Either way, this affords me the opportunity to buy a box of Ferrero-Roche to put under my tree.
The Grinch, probably
Love yaā€™ll. Have sober weekends. The only thing worse than Christmas shopping would be doing it hungover (shudder).