Friday Thread #3

I’m sooo late to this misophonia party but wanna share anyway:
Loud eating
Screeching, e.g. a fork against a plate
Also, of someone keeps sniffling. If your nose is runny, blow it for goodness sake.


It’s Friday, but you knew that already.

I actually ate a good breakfast to start the day, oatmeal, banana and toast with a cup of coffee.

I did a wee bit of work, which has been kind of slow lately.

Gonna get a small lunch then in a few hours, gonna have cookies and milk with Penny at her preschool.

Tonight I am making speghetti for dinner.

I’ll probably watch a movie as I am all caught up on all my other stories.

This weekend is xmas shopping and wrapping. We are bad about wrapping and usually wait until xmas eve to wrap. I really don’t want to be up until 3am wrapping this year, so I wont!

If you’ve read this far, you are awesome and I appreciate you. Be kind, rewind and stay beautiful.


Happy Friday everyone - not much going on here!



Hello all, just catching up. I am reading in bed, not even watching the Spurs game as so tired. Been a long week so really enjoying an early night. Such a busy weekend coming up too so making the most of this time.

Have a good Friday all


Glad you all made it to Friday guys. I’m just laying around watching the Sixers game and reading here. For me Friday=Sunday, so I’m back to work early tomorrow morning, but I hope you all enjoy your weekends :+1:


Happy Holidays in advance and awesome Friday to everyone!


Good morning on this marvellous sober pre-christmas friday dear folks! :grin:

What are you doing today?

  • snuggling cats (like the purring fluffball on me in bed now)
  • doing a bit of tidying and cleaning the house so my friends won’t die of cathair and dust overload tomorrow
  • grocery shopping (not much to shop)
  • fetch a friend from the hospital in the afternoon
  • decorate my tiny real christmas tree
  • drink tea, nap and more cat snuggles :blush:

Enough to keep me from feeling lonely and having a stressless day :pray:


What a coincidence! I am also snugging my old kitten right now! Clearly this is one of the best ways to spend part of Friday! :smile_cat:

I’m setting some time aside today to spend on the phone with my mother. Her birthday is the 24th and while I will give her a call, it won’t be as long as I know she would like to talk.


Good morning guys. It’s Friday, so technically Sunday for me. I swear if I’m still in the house past 5am the dogs know I’m off and start nudging me to get up. So I been up since 5:30, and everyone in the house is still sleeping. Dogs went back to bed too :roll_eyes:. Not much planned for today gonna work out in a while and then me and two of the kids that are home for Xmas break are gonna hit some giant flea market in the area. I’m always looking for cheaper power tools and such. Have a great Friday guys :v:



Happy Friday my sober companions
Just work and errands on the agenda for today. Grateful that we don’t have snow and that the rain didn’t freeze.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone :people_hugging:


My number one offender is gum chewing…especially when someone is in the car with you: the popping, crackling…the sound of saliva squoosing around in someone’s mouth. Just kill me now. Please.


I’ve been working 6-day workweeks pretty regularly now and putting in tons of overtime, and today is my first day off in a while. I ain’t doing JACK today!


I used to work with this gal, she was born and raised in a country/culture where it was considered a compliment to eat with your mouth open. Lovely gal, we were very close and I’d do anything for her, but my gawd!! I could NOT eat lunch with her!!! :exploding_head:


Oh, man…my Dad did that when we were growing up, and it turned our stomachs. That’s a tough one. Yikes!


Happy Friday folks!! 8 hours in the blood bank separate me from a 3 day weekend.
Saturday shopping.
Sunday visit with my Mom and sister.
Monday stay home all day to cook with my husband. We are making bouillabaisse with homemade focaccia and two curries. So far.
I threw out my shoulder/neck this week so all my festivities will be perfumed with Tiger Balm. Its cinnamon so its Christmassy. :christmas_tree:
Stay sober, stay merry.


Oh man, you had me at bouillabaisse! Sounds amazing. My husband was able to work from home and at lunch time he brought out a gift bag with a sous vide cooker and an epic puzzle so our weekend is set! He has a work function at a bar that I am opting out of this evening and we will do an easy tuna Mac and cheese tonight but steak sous vide tomorrow! I found nice fresh tomatillos and serrano chiles so will make a salsa verde which is my favorite steak garnish. I’m just excited to have time with my husband where we are not sick as dogs. Definitely feeling better!


Here is the puzzle!


Yay for feeling better! This respiratory season is no joke. Monday we are cooking out of Jamie Oliver’s Together cookbook but bouillabaisse is one of my husband’s favorite dishes at our local place. We’ll give it a try. Hopefully the seafood I buy Saturday will still be fresh by Monday. :grimacing:

I’ve been working 12 hour days the last two days and I always want a snack when I get home at 2 am. Last night I made boxed mac and cheese, added some leftover veggie chili and had chili mac. I hadn’t had that in years and it was great. If I weren’t so excited about immediately eating the food in from of me I’d join you on the foodie thread. I’ll try to remember for Monday.

Happy holiday weekend to you friend. I hope it is lovely. 🩷


I’ve always wanted to try my hand at that dish as it was my grandfather’s specialty. Maybe I’ll get the courage up soon with your inspiration. My fella makes a mean chili mac too, and for some reason we always have broccoli with it. That’s like our meal of desperation when I don’t feel up to cooking :sweat_smile: Will have broccoli with the tuna mac tonight, too! I usually add some jarred red salsa and season to taste. I’m feeling spicy today :rofl::hot_pepper: Enjoy your weekend, too, friend!


My husband skipped the chili and opted for broccoli in his mac which is always a good choice.
Brace yourself for some startling news… my husband’s favorite food… is broccoli. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I wish you warm meals and warm hugs this weekend.