Friday Thread #3



Welpā€¦ Friday.

Itā€™s my sonā€™s 22nd birthday today. Heā€™s over here now, gonna have dinner and cake.

I also have an issue that I am troubleshooting.

The circuit in my garage is on itā€™s own breaker and the other day, the GFCI tripped (use to charge my car). I reset it and was fine. A day or two later it tripped again, so I reset it and went on my way. Today it tripped but now it wont reset. The only thing plugged in, in the 3 outlets, is my 110v charger (which is unplugged now).

I just replaced the outlet with a new GFCI outlet and it wont reset either, confirming itā€™s an actual fault some where in the garage.

At this point, not sure what else to go other then pull out the other outlets and try them one at a time until I find the breaking point.

Orā€¦ call an electrician.


Do you by any chance have another GFCI outlet on that circuit closer to the panel? If so try and reset that one


I know! He gets shit from everyone in my family about it. Heā€™s been that way since he was a little kid apparently. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I just figured it out, itā€™s the xmas lights, the last outlet in the series is right outside the garage. I was not aware that the outside outlet was on the garage circuit.

That was fun!


My 2 kids were like that too, they ask for broccoli :broccoli: with the kids meal at Red Robin.

I mean, I like broccoli, but favorite? Nahā€¦

Now, brussel sprouts? Yeah!


Awesome. The reason I asked is when I first moved into my house the outside GFCI got wet, tripped, wouldnā€™t work and thereā€™s a GFCI in the ceiling above the panel that had to be reset ,it was kind of hiddenā€¦ Glad you found the problem



Heck yeah Friday!! Its my day off in a 60 hour work week and I will be enjoying it once I get to bed. Sleeping in late, a viewing of Poor Things in a cool old theater and then taking my oldest friend out for a four course meal for her bday.

If I were still drinking my day would be spent being sick, sad, fat and broke. Not today addiction! Stay strong homies.


Happy last sober friday in 2023 dear folks!

What are you doing today?
Iā€™m spending the day like every day the last week: In bed, on the couch, with cats on me, waiting for covid to pass. Iā€™m tired, the soup is delicious, I have tea in abundance. Healing takes time so I add another day resting and sleeping to help my body heal from this fucking infection. Iā€™m grateful the symptoms eased a bit.
And my cats are HEAVY when they want to ly all day on me :rofl:


Yuck! Feel better. I hope the crud lifts for you soon. Until then enjoy the kitty pile. :stew::teapot::mask::sneezing_face::face_with_thermometer::face_with_head_bandage:


Iā€™m glad to hear you are taking good care of yourself by utulizing the magical properties of cats. When they lay on you, the magical healing cats help your body fight off sickness with their purr because the vibration makes the sickness flow out of you faster than it would otherwise by helping the virus detach from the healthy cells. :laughing: :wink:

I hope you feel better soon.


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Happy Friday my sober companions :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hope your case is relatively mild and you can cope on your own with the help of your kitties! Feel better soon! Being sick is the WORST. Donā€™t I know it!


Safely navigate a brunch with friends and avoided my DOC somebody placed direct in front of me.
Now Iā€™m off to Yoga.


Took a lovely walk with my dog in the beautiful sunny day on crunchy snow and saw all the different critter prints, deer, rabbit, fox and coyote. Itā€™s fast melting so Iā€™m glad I was able to get out there in time and felt well enough to do it. Tired now and will rest up before gathering much needed groceries and potentially making pizzas tonight if I feel up to it. Playing by ear today. Most likely continue our Alien series movie marathon, we watched Aliens last night (our favorite). Easy Friday.


@RosaCanDo @Chiron @TrustyBird Thank you for your well wishing :pray::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I proudly can say I slept 3/4 of the day! I laughed about the funny positions I woke up sometimes. These two natural heated weighted blankets had a lot to do with it :rofl:

Headache and sore throat feel better today, so I guess I slowly approach being healthy again hopefully :pray::yawning_face::zzz::blush:
Rosa, I hope you feel fully restored and healthy soon. Yes, being sick sucks!


Glad to hear youā€™re feeling a bit better! Good thing you have two magical healing cats. :smile_cat:

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Friday and I just got home from work.

Today was my bossā€™ last day. Iā€™m glad heā€™s moving to something better, even if that means my future with the company is in jeopardy.

Tonightā€™s vibe is this:


@Planipennia Happy Friday Matti and my TS friends :hugs:

Happy Friday friends! I am hoping to get out and enjoy some 40 degree sunny weather tomorrow in the back yard. Nothing exciting on the agenda - just gonna try and enjoy ALL the moments. :hugs:
