Friday Thread #3

Hello, one and all,

Have a nice Friday and a gorgeous weekend!:vulcan_salute:t3:


Happy sober friday folks!

What are you doing today?

I hope for a smooth day. Still in bed without cats at the hotel. Coffee with chosen family after breakfast. Picking up my nice after school, sheā€™ll stay with me over the weekend. A nap after the drive. Early to bed. Sounds like a perfect day to me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iā€™ve finished work, put a new deck drive belt on the mower and mowed some lawn, showered, and now itā€™s dinner time and maybe a movie.
Choice day


Happy Friday folks! 12 hours of work separate me from my day off. I am freakishly excited about rearranging my bedroom and cleaning the house. Its needed. Music on, windows open this weekend will be good for my brain. I need to clear out the physical and metaphorical cobwebs. :spider_web::soap::broom: Stay clean all.


Have a fantastic Friday all!

I plan swim then run. I want this to happen this week so badly as it sets the tone nicely!
I am making mexican food tonight!
Football over the weekend planned.
Kitten play, will make them some elaborate fort to fight in.
Maybe some sorting/ sorting cleaning also!

Want to walk along my favourite ever walk in London on Sundayā€¦ Start the outside of Holland park and walk thru that, visiting the Kyoto garden, thru the back streets of High Street Kensington and into Kensington gardens. Along the side of the round pond and the Italian gardens, past Peter Pan and the arch viewing the palace. Admiring the Egyptian geese and parakeets and hundreds of dogsā€¦ Walk back past old Albert memorial and on the way back visit the farmers market and get that perfect Ethiopian coffee flat white :white_heart:

Eat well, love well and be thankful

Have a good one :relieved:


Glad for sunshine later today. Want to sweep off patio and clean up perennials. Maybe begin sorting some closets. Pull out warm weather clothes and pack up some heavy ones. No where to be today. Yeah! :heart_eyes:


Happy Friday to all!

Have a busy day of work and errands. Started off in the perfect way with coffee and mom time. Will add in self care throughout the day. The weather is feeling like spring so that a lovely bonus

Hope you all enjoy your Friday :people_hugging:



Hey gang, happy Friday!

Iā€™ll make this quick:

Gotta go to the office for a manager meeting.

Most of senior management has been let go or they have quit, we have a new CEO coming in. Lotā€™s of changes coming, Iā€™m nervous; everyone is replacable.

I donā€™t know if this meeting will address that elephant, weā€™ll see.

My wife still hasnā€™t heard back from dream job that she interviewed at last week, waiting patiently. However, she had an interview yesterday with another company where the hiring manager said, and I quote, ā€œyou are exactly what weā€™ve been looking for, we are definitely moving forward with youā€. Great news, but sheā€™s not super excited as the pay range is considerably less than what she was atā€¦ but at this point, sheā€™ll take it (until better opportunity comes along).

As for tonight, nothing on the calendar, just gonna have some dinner and maybe a movie in bed.


@Tragicfarinelli I had the lovely opportunity to visit London with my grandma back when I was 18 and we walked a lot, including Kensington Gardens and also the Peter Pan statue. I wish I could remember where all we went but it was a memorable time for sure. I have a travel journal I kept and lots of photos. Around 1999 or 2000 - gosh things were so different then.

Iā€™m having a relaxed Friday. Recovering from migraine today (feeling much better) and have been watching Jane Austen inspired movies and feeling no guilt about it! Except she keeps the joy till the very fucking end, doesnā€™t she! Itā€™s a lot of pain and drama before then. Somehow I love it though. So bizarre. I think reading her is better though. Anyway, Iā€™m looking forward to my husband coming home tonight, albeit late, and this weekend away we have planned. Trying not to stress. Thereā€™s always more to do.


Ooooo multiple opportunities is a wonderful thing!


So sweet. Itā€™s my favourite part of the royal parks :heart::heart:


Everything crossed for you buddy and I mean that wholeheartedly.
This gif is what happens when you search for ā€œhorse legs crossedā€.
I think I am trying to convey that if today doesnā€™t go as planned you can move to a field and go insane. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Actually up a little today after being sick for most of the week. Crossing my fingers that my friday night will have the most exciting sleep ever. :laughing:


A happy Friday to all of you!:partying_face::wink:


Happy friday sober folks!
What are your plans for today?

Iā€™m already on the couch, itā€™s 1:30 p.m. here.

Been up at 5, did chores, petted cats, picked up my little trailer at my late mumā€™s house and was at a dear friend at 8. Decluttering is wonderful and I was happy to meet her sister and niece who stayed for the week and helped her. We made two trips to the recycling center with loaded car and full trailer and her appartment looks so much more empty now! Iā€™m happy I was able to help.
Declined lunch together as I needed rest and had a salad bowl at home.

The rest of the day is lazy catmum with sleeping cat on comfy couch with series, naps and knitting.
Happy friday!


Wow this week flew by, mostly because I was laid up for a few days. Iā€™m looking forward to today! Sitting here finishing my grocery list with a cuppa and NPR news on the radio with a sleepy puppy next to me, still in my pajamas. It will be hard to move from this comfy spot but I must! Iā€™ll start with breakfast and some time on the treadmill. Today and this weekend will be very food centric as I need better nutrition and to prepare for next week, my first week working part time. So, groceries and errands this morning, Iā€™m on a roll rearranging and organizing my home so I will keep on that, and some cooking tonight. Will probably play Scrabble and watch a movie with my fella. Looks like decent weather today with mild temps and part sun so thatā€™s nice and Iā€™ll make sure to spend time outside. I think itā€™s going to be a great start to the weekend.


That sounds wonderful! Wishing you all the best for your work start next week :hugs::+1:


Getting thru work, itā€™s half time here. Swim after work then probably a movie and early to bed as we are getting up early tomorrow to miss London traffic and take the kittens to meet their Grandma in the Kent countryside. Bit nervous about how they will travel as Bear pretended to hyperventilate at the vets last week (then flopped down on the scales to play with the vet and get cuddles). Heā€™s such a diva. Iā€™m packing them a little suitcase and itā€™s killing me with cuteness overload. Yes Iā€™m sad.

Will then make sure they donā€™t wreck her new kitchen and carpets all weekend and hope it goes well as we want to take them away when we can. Just need them to know they are safe and ok. Itā€™s about 60-90 minute drive each way, so hereā€™s hoping!

Not much else planned but looking forward to some connection with my mother in law and perhaps do some garden work for her.

Sunday early swim booked so we need to clear London by 8am so that illusive sleep is still looking unlikely.


Iā€™ll probably shovel at some point if the snow keeps coming down at the pace it is.

Other than that, after I get administrative and domestic lists finished, I am going to probably play video games and listen to online lectures.


Happy Friday gang.

I didnā€™t sleep well last night. I was so tired when I went to bed but I couldnā€™t fall asleep. Thats when the sleep paralysis started. I felt it coming on and it would give me a shot of adrenaline and was back to wide awake. This repeated until about 3am. Then my alarm went off at 6:30am. So, a good 3.5 hrs of sleepā€¦ Still 100% better than being hungover!!

I hate sleep paralysis, though the lucid dream that precedes it is pretty rad, the paralysis part is scary af. Does anyone else have this?