Friday Thread #3

Rooting for ya buddy

Im hoping for better fasting labs next month too


Happy Friday, mates!

Have a nice end of the week, one and all!


Happy friday! Iā€™m heading out of town with some girlfriends for the weekend. I rented a fancy car and Iā€™ve packed all the tea I can carry. There is absolutely no need for alcohol for this body. Others can do what they like, and they will. Alcohol is no longer an option for me. Have safe sober weekends all.


Itā€™s Friyay! Signed up with my two little ones to a fight gym today. Monday marks the beginning of a new, improved and probably battered and sore me. Untill then, itā€™s family time. Have a fantastic weekend everyone!


Happy sober friday folks!
What are you doing today?

My old boy woke me up wayyyy too early. Spring is in the air.
The house is cozy warm again and I stocked up on logs in the furnace room. I played with the cats, so funny :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Itā€™s grey outside and Iā€™m happy staying inside and taking it easy today. Maybe take a bath later. Long call with a friend. Maybe to be continued in the afternoon. Now: Cooking lunch :blush:


Happy Friday you beautiful sober souls!
looking forward to a chill day and weekend ahead in full recovery mode.


hope you all have a fabulous day! :hugs: :heart:


Hey gang!

Happy Friday! Its now noon and already productive! Finished 2 reports for work, then replaced the ice maker in my fridge (ice maker crapped out in less than a year, manufacturer sent a new one at no charge).

Later I have an appointment at the gym with a trainer (i.e. sales pitch). Then need to run some errands.

Tomorrow is my sisterā€™s birthday, gonna head up there for the day.

Then Sunday, off to Oregon for a job interview.

Have a happy and sober Weekend!!


Hello one and all,

Welcome to the end of the week!

Have a good sober time!



Any big plans for the first day of March??


Actually my only plan was Nachos and Salsa in from of the tv tonight.

But the sun came out so I dragged the family outdoors (theyā€™ve been inside having a cold for the past 1,5 weeks) to check out spring flowers. We saw snowdrops and whatā€™s starting to be a crocus flower.

Then we took a small car ride to the neighbor village and bought some Fika (That means cookies)

Now thereā€™ll be some dinner, and then Iā€™ll turn my Nachos and Salsa plan into reality :blush:


Happy Friday gang!

I got an offer yesterday from the place I interviewed at last Monday. Itā€™s 25% more than Iā€™m making now, and 13% more after state income tax. More money, but there are a lot of buts that go with it.

My current job had a leadership purge and new leaders are now coming in. I met the new CEO yesterday and I really like her. She is fine with my work from home arrangement that I had with the previous leaders, so my fears and uncertainties have been quelled.

So now I have a lot to think about this weekend.

Beyond that, gonna put together some reports for the new CEO and continue rocking sobriety!


Awwww, rainy friday was wonderful! Reading, eating, heating the wood stove, being lazy on the couch, chatting with a friend. And doing zero chores, nada, niente :grin:


I love the plan of nachos and salsa. Sounds very chill.

@HoofHearted Iā€™m glad the new leadership quelled your fears. Good luck with your choice making!

My Friday will be an exciting mix of doctor appointment, errands, and housework so that I can either go to bed early or stay up way too late playing video games. Its a coin toss which. :laughing:


I am nestling into a cozy Friday over here. Its my first full day back from another trip on my two weeks off. I am going to go sell some books back to a used book store and then I have to return my rental car.
Maybe pizza for dinner and lots of light cleaning, organizing, and relaxing. I have Saturday and Sunday off too before I go back to work on Monday so I am just concentrating on enjoying my time and getting my head back into my productivity mode. Happy Friday to all my fellow soberinos.


My friday is coming to an end soonā€¦finally ate dinner. Its been productive and got better as it went.

22.0 months sober today! Everyday counts but monthly milestones are always a nice reminder to reflect.

Got to work from home, yay

Got a good workout in before work, burned 100extra calories

Still dealing with racing thoughts, brain fog, difficulty concentrating so it was nice to have a meeting free day and work at my own pace

Did my 2nd c25k run! 10.5min mile pace intervalin for 2miles

Babysat for my niece and nephews (my sister hasnt trusted me like this for years) yay progress

Cooked a healthy dinner instead of ordering pizza.

Im in a time of flux with my sobriety journey/routine, workout goals, and was presented with the question of what does living authentically look like for you. I dont know that answer. Just gonna put that question in my pocket until i have the brainpower.

Trying not to overbook my weekend in my mania and be in the present but boy is it fucking hard.


Congrats on 22 months @Cjp!!

Youā€™ve been a huge inspiration, keep it up!



Thanks brother @HoofHearted right back at ya. Congrats on the new job!!


Welcome to the coming weekend!


Awww Friday!!!
Happy friday sober folks :dancer:
What are you doing today?

Iā€™m half through the morning with the weekly house cleaning and will turn to repot the seedlings soon. Before I have to run errands. Reading time is scheduled for later in the afternoon. No plans for friday evening, Iā€™m good with the usual cat-couch arrangement :grin:
Have a nice sober friday!