Friday Thread #3

Happy Friday everyone! Here is my daughter dressed as a leopard for world book day :blush::leopard::heart:


Did some grocery shopping. We planned to try out the new bbq grill but we postponed that until tomorrow. So today I plan to go for a walk and soak up all the sunlight I can. Besides that I have my usual Friday Plan that includes Nachos Salsa and cartoons :blush:


Adorable!! :heart_eyes: I wish I had a fun mom like you at that age.


Ohhh thanks Lisa! I wish you did too :pensive: i must admit i do have a very childlike fun side…Sofia takes her beany boo toy ‘Wilfred’ the puppy in the car everyday to school and i often get her a treat for when she gets in the car after school which Wilfred is often holding for her lol i love doing silly little things like that for her


TGIF! Feels good to say that at the end of a workweek lately. I’m sure it will get old with a twinge of bitter eventually :rofl: Hope not. I got a bit of sleep last night and I feel much more rested this morning and ready to take care of business.

The spring rain has finally arrived, we needed it and I hope it brings green things. I work until 1 and then will be hoping for a break in the rain that we are supposed to be getting so I can walk Lupe. Then groceries and kitchen time. I have so many house chores to catch up on and I want to front load that work so I have more free time later this weekend. So later today will be some laundry and general cleaning. Not bad for a rainy day. Rain ends tonight and I’m looking forward to sunny skies this weekend!


Happy Friday all! It’s a work day for me and I work the weekend so I had my weekend yesterday. I took a long walk, browsed art at our local Art Center, ate delicious onion rings from a place I hadn’t been to in 20 years (same with the Art Center, time flies when you’re glued to a bar stool), shopped a bit, read parts of two great books, took a nap, cooked homemade minestrone and a pork loin and finished the day with a semi scary movie called The Hole in the Ground.

2 years ago my answer would have been
a: got drunk or
b: slept off a hangover

Ever forward all. Happy Fridays!


What a fabulous day! Especially browsing art and eating onion rings! :notes::framed_picture::yum:


It was. I am constantly surprised by how much I shunned life while I drank. I thought I was partying and having a good time while I was mostly just feeding my anxiety.
Coming off a two week vacation probably helps with these euphoric feelings too. :wink:


So adorable Kelly! love the happy smile too :smile:

Happy Friday everyone!

Enjoying the day with mom :heart: We are having a blast even when we get on each others nerves - we then laugh and let our squabbles go … :hugs:


Thats my baby…i still cant believe how lucky i am that shes mine :heart_eyes:

Hope you and your mom both have a fantastic day together :blush: :heart::heart::heart:


Hey ya’ll soberinos. Left work early sick today. Its hard to not do anything and just be. Ever since ive gotten sober the name of the game was distraction, then it was productivity, now its i feel guilty if im not productive. Its not healthy. Gotta find balance.


Rest is something. Watch some TV, drink some juice, take a two hour nap. You have my permission. I require 1 Boscoe pic in payment. :wink:


Just got home from work (and dinner out).

Gotta go back to work tomorrow for an MMA event.

I tried to get some co-workers to go a few rounds in the octagon with me, but no takers. :joy:

Also, that job I got an offer for, i turned it down. I couldn’t justify driving 260 miles to go to work one way, even if its once a month. I hope I made the right choice. Time will tell, but it is what it is.

Happy Friday gang.


Turning down a job is saying yes to the one you have (and what it’s become with the mgmt changes) - and that deserves huge congrats!!

I’m willing to bet, even on the harder days, you don’t reflect and think “wow, I wish I was working away from my kiddos and facing hours at the wheel later just to see them, er, not because they’re asleep…”

Well done, Hoof. You own that octagon. :smile: :orange_heart:


Thanks @TrustyBird i chillaxed last night

Heres your payment


So worth it. His face makes me smile.
I’m glad you got to relax a bit.


Have a beautiful Friday and great weekend, peeps!


Happy sober friday folks!
What are you doing today?

Here it’s lunchtime and I got most chores already done. Upcoming appointment at 4 pm with lawyers, ex and expert for the market value expertise on the farm. I will meditate that I keep my mouth shut, my brain already runs wild using the swear dictionary …

Plan for the evening is decompress, have pizza and either a film or some music and knitting. For sure calling 2 friends and cuddling cats.


Tried to make a gluten, diary and egg free roll up cake. It turned out really bad, actually we could say that I made breadcrumbs :joy:

Have to go back to the original recipe with potatoes flour and eggs instead. We’re trying out all our Easter goodies and recipes we wanted to make for Easter this weekend.

Unfortunately eggs are rare in our house nowadays because of the price, but I guess I need to cave and buy some anyway.

Next up for try is cool aid Easter pie, just need think about what I can use instead of cool aid powder. I think I have a plan.

Otherwise the weekend was supposed to include smashing burgers and another bbq. But it’s heavy rain so I’ll probably have a living room disco with the boys and do burgers in the oven instead :laughing:


9pm Friday for me. I am suffering from muscle pain from cycling to the pool and then swimming solid for an hour, so am really looking forward to my bed. I also made a big dinner tonight, so we have tonnes of leftovers, so no cooking required tomorrow!