Friday Thread #3

How do you think about Loudermilk?

I have watched the first three episodes and think it is quite entertaining with some nice twists.


Night 2 today, I have no neck pain and my lower back is happy also. I have to test it longer but right now I love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
The pillow surrounds me and stabilizes my body the exact right way.


That sounds really good! It is good to hear that it is easing your pain.:+1:t2:



Happy Friday :hugs:

@Planipennia I loved lLoudermilk - glad you are enjoying it


Anymore my days seem to blur by. Didn’t even know what day it was till I got a notification that I got paid.


My friday plan is having my generator and water heater looked at since the generator won’t start and after the pulot light on my water heater went out four times, it now won’t come back on. I suspect this is related to the gas line as we had a small leak and it was just recently fixed.

I think my home is haunted by the ghost of a bitter and resentful handy man because so many things that are installed or worked on have strange issues :laughing:


Happy Friday friends. It will be a rainy walk to work which I don’t mind and then a short 8 hours until my weekend. I am EXCITED for a quiet and productive Saturday and Sunday. I need to _________ (insert the quote that your Mother always used to mean clean up the place here - mine was…) get my house in order.

I realize that this sentence structure is abysmal and I am not going to fix it. Happy friday from this grammar deviant. Drinking is for dorks. :star_struck:


That is a good place to be. Remember the days of scrimping for booze and scraping along until your next paycheck so you could celebrate payday by buying poison? I do. Happy Friday!


Happy Friday gang.

Work sucks today, 'nuf said.

I bought a new pair of shoes online, they come today. They are replacing my 2nd favorite shoes that finally wore out, only these new ones are red. I’ll post a pic later today :crazy_face:.

I was thinking earlier that maybe I might of a shopping problem. I am very impulsive and buy crap all the time. I think of something, find it on Amazon then buy it without thinking. My only thought is “it’s under $30, so why not?”. Now I have 250 golf tees, 3 pairs of sunglasses, 2 golf gloves, and a pair of red shoes… and that’s just THIS week!

Anyhow, I think I need to really work on that.

Stay beautiful gang!


Yes, definitely nice to have some cash in my wallet again.


Bazinga! I love red shoes!!


And the pig went “wee, wee, wee” all the way home ! Haha I love it.


:musical_note: Put on your red shoes and dance the blues :musical_note:


Happy Friday my sober friends. This morning I sat on lawn mower and mowed our walnut orchard. Rain expected at 1 pm so needed to get done before then. Not the mower with a steering wheel but the two handle kind. My experience limited but got the hang of it after awhile. If you knew me prior to sobriety I would never be mowing let alone be outside. Yesterday planted a few vegetables in garden. The SOBER JOURNEY is providing my love for outside and gardening to return. My husband is beyond pleased.
God is working on restoring a loving relationship and home life.


Ah, I went through this. It helped me to write down every penny that I spent for a whole month. At the end I had a good idea what I was impulse buying and it helps in the moment when you have to decide if its worthy buying knowing you have to log the purchase.

Those shoes were worth every penny. Everyone deserve happy footwear.


I should probably do all that too.

I love these shoes! I bought a pair back in 2021 and wore them all the time, but they were blue, no where near as cool as red!


Yeah hubbys car crappped out so ive spent the night searching for the deals. I have it narrowed to 4 to look at tomorrow. Wish me haggling luck!!


Good luck. Car shopping might be my least favorite thing to do ever. And there’s a pretty long list of things I don’t like doing. Something about the back and forth haggling and sales posturing that just pisses me off. :rofl:. I hope you and hubs find the perfect one though.


We’ve decided to put the house up for sale this week and move a few hours away to the next state over. Now that
the kids are older and somewhat out of the house it seems like a good time. The wife wants to be closer to the beaches and I gotta stay within say 100 miles from work. So we know where we’re concentrating looking and think we found the house we want. But man, I forgot just how stressful selling and buying a house, and moving can actually be. It’s been about 15 years since we’ve done it. I need to be up in 3 hours for work and I’ve just been sleeping like shit. Ill be glad when this part of the process is done