Friday Thread #3

I’m late for happy sober friday :see_no_evil:
It’s already saturday morning here.
I had a wow friday, interesting workshop all day and fell into my bed 10 min. after I got home and fed the cats. And off I am for the 2nd workshop day :blush:


Good luck with the house shopping @Jasty2


@Cjp Good luck with the haggling…hope you find something quickly.

@Jasty2 all of that sounds stressful and worse with crap sleep… wishing you luck with the move and the sale.

Sending Morgan Freeman luck your way :wink:


Oh my god I love them too! I need some red shoes.


Hey @Planipennia? You usually start off our Fridays.
What is everyone up to today? I have crazy, exciting plans of working eight hours :wink: but then I’ll have two well earned days off. I treated myself to a very expensive coffee maker in the midst of my frugality for debt pay off. Happy Friday folks. Lets do today sober.


Wondering the same thing @TrustyBird – hope you are enjoying your Friday @Planipennia
OOH - a new coffee maker – hope you enjoy the well deserved coffee treat :yum: :coffee:

Happy Friday everyone! Lets make it a great one :hugs:


Happy Friday, folks!

Sorry that I am late. Good Friday mixed my schedule up.

Thank you @TrustyBird for the Reminder! Much appreciated!:+1:t2:


Have great Friday and blessed Easter! I still have one more work day before a couple of days off.


Happy sober friday folks! Mine is over and was ok. No major turmoil and I stayed on the couch doing nothing but thinking and mindlessly scrolling through the internet. I now know many many things I will never ever DIY :see_no_evil::joy:


Good God! It’s Good Friday! I hope you all have a good Friday… erm… a good Good Friday :crazy_face:


Busy day over here this Friday! Finally got some okay but weird sleep last night. I woke myself up talking (actually whispering of all things) in my sleep all night it seemed! It’s nothing new and likely due to some intense moments being “on” at work this week. My husband used to tell me, back when I was working before, that I would run meetings or teach training sessions in my sleep. I don’t remember ever whispering though. Anywho, got up at 5 because I was over it and have been busy since then. Catching up on housework, didn’t have to work but went in to troubleshoot a tech issue with my computer monitor by swapping it out for my husband’s monitor to show the issue was actually their monitor (proud to have found the problem but they’ll have to buy me a new one at some point), ran errands, braved the madness at the grocery store on Easter weekend, cleaned my disastrous kitchen and refrigerator, and finally sat on the patio for the last of this nice day with my husband, Lupe the doggo and a lovely sparkling water and cranberry juice. Taking a break, then a shower, then prepping to BBQ some ribeyes, chicken breast, mixed veg, and potatoes and butter and garlic in foil. THENNNN we are going to meet up with friends for cards at our favorite dive that is closing as of today…we just found out this week and are pretty torn up. The only way I could have done this all and had the energy and enthusiasm about it is by being sober. Well, and having a good mental health day, too! Happy Friday, folks!


Ya know, this is my 287th consecutive sober Friday! But who’s counting?

Fun fact: the silent film star Charlie Chaplin left this world on Christmas day, 16 days before I was born. Our lives almost overlapped, even though he was popular like 100 years ago. Time is funny that way.


It is so bizarre to think that Chaplin died that close to our lives. Happy 287th! I can’t believe I forgot. :wink:


Wow amazing fact :heart::heart: Ran out of likes.


I realized I didn’t answer this yet. Apologies! I’m really enjoying the show. It’s definitely not for everyone though, but I have an odd sense of humour :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No worries!:wink:

I think we share the same sense of humour.:+1:t2::smile:

It is Friday, folks!

Have a nice start to the weekend and an awesome sober time!


Happy sober friday folks!
What are you doing today?

I’m looking forward to pick up my order of herbs today :heart:

Some chores and if I’m in the mood grocery shopping.
Of course some seedling fumbling :woman_farmer:
And I hope for energy to mow a bit :pray:

Have a good and peaceful friday!


My cousin is coming for a Fika this afternoon, so I’ve been cleaning as a crazy person.

Have a doctor’s visit with my 14 y/o in about an hour.

Trying to decide on how to make chicken wok or fajitas for dinner. :blush:


Happy Friday everyone! This is my first friday where I am not sick so a little nervous, but I am also still off work and we are going away for the night, so exciting!!

Your day sounds wonderful @erntedank “seedling fumbling” describes it perfectly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: