Friday Thread #3

Today is Friday and my day off since I work this weekend. I have lunch plans with one of my sisters. She is still a big drinker who plans to drink herself to death.

I would say the A word about her but I save the term alcoholic for self labeling purposes. It was such a turning point in my recovery to realize that all my quitting attempts and moderation attempts failed not because I wasn’t a good drinker but because I was an alcoholic.

I know I can’t save her from herself or from alcohol or even from a death by alcohol. I can try to model healthy sober behaviors and just keep living my own sober life. She is my oldest sister at 6 years older than me and I used to really look up to her. She has a very kind heart with a lot of anger and sadness piled on top of it. She also has an itchy drunk dialing finger so it will be nice to see her mid-day.

My paternal Grandpa died of a wet brain. He drank hard every day from his childhood for years before his death. He left his home at 11 during The Great Depression to ride the rails and see the world. When he returned 3 years later his father said he didn’t realize he had left. My great grandfather was a notorious drinker too. My Grandpa was a mean guy who used to beat up on my Dad and my grandma. My only memory of him is of him singing You Are My Sunshine to me while drunkenly bouncing me on his lap. He lived drunk and died drunk.

I think my sister probably still thinks she is in the fun stages of drinking. It doesn’t look that way from the outside. She appears scared and unhappy and has openly talked about how her anxiety is crippling these days. I hope today is a day full of car rides with windows down and coffee. We might go thrifting or we might just chat but I have her birthday gifts from last week so I won’t be showing up empty handed.

Enjoy your Fridays all and thanks for the space to talk all that out. It appears I am more nervous than I thought. As my oldest sister we also used to have wicked fights. I hope today is a smooth visit.


Happy anniversary…wow - what a lovely story :heartpulse:. Enjoy your day and hope you two get to celebrate today


Happy anniversary,I love your story.


Hugs my dude. :heart:

Lot’s of feels in this share, lot’s to reflect on. I hope you have a fantastic lunch and day.


So today, Friday actually feels like a Friday since I am off work tomorrow and all next week for the move on Tuesday. The movers are coming Monday and because it’s a different state we don’t settle till the next day, so we’ll actually be here a full day and night with absolutely no furniture. Me and my wife have probably slept in worse conditions growing up, but two of the kids who are home from college now are like, “what do you mean we gotta sleep on the floor” :rofl::rofl:. Shut up and grab a dog and use it as a pillow :rofl:. Shoulda stayed up at school for an extra week. :rofl:.
It’s been very busy around here, but hopefully by early next week we’ll be getting somewhat back to normal. Or at least as normal as it ever gets around here. Have a great weekend guys. Love yas


Maaaan, anxiety is the worst part of anything. Today was lovely. We thrifted and ate delicious cheese curds and drove around and talked. At the last minute I threw two quit lit books into her birthday bag and she seemed happy to receive them.
My great thrift/shopping haul:

I’ve had my eye on that big handmade basket in the back. It’s going to hold blankets at the end of my couch.
My evening plans cancelled so I am going to relax on the couch with movies, laundry and maybe some cooking.

Any big anny plans Hoof?


I used to set up my tent in every new house I moved into to sleep in my first night. Enjoy the living room camping.


This is a great idea and now I wish I had of thought of it. :grin:


It’s the nicest day here in a looong in the PNW, sunny and 82°. The lawn has been mowed a couple days ago, work is done, gym has been gymed and did a mother’s day celebration at the little one’s school.

So, the only thing left to do is find a spot in the front yard, relax, and enjoy the sunshine!

Tomorrow I am golfing with my Dad, brother in law and my eldest son. I am excited to share this time with my son, it’s his first time golfing and I hope it’s as great a time as I sold it to him (basically, told him it’s an opportunity to leave the troubles of modern society behind for 4 or 5 hours).



Um, I can relate! Anxiety FRO, will ya?! So glad you had a great visit with your sis and good on you for the sneak maneuver with those quit lit books! Right on! Sometimes all we need is a seed planted and shifts can happen.

I had a heart to heart with my boss talking a bit more in depth about what’s been going on with me. She is so sweet, asked if she could give me a hug :people_hugging: She’s about my age and I can see this relationship becoming closer to friend status over time but for now some professional boundaries are healthy. Work went well until my back started to really complain so I went home an hour early and thank goodness for that! I was in a lot of pain so ibuprofen, ice and heat to the rescue, and it helped tremendously. I may have pushed it too hard today :sweat_smile:. But I rallied and some movement working on arranging planting pots and planning for buying plants tomorrow helped. Now we are cooking an epic meal together - thick ahi tuna steaks encrusted with sesame seeds seared on the grill to medium-rare, pretty rare in the middle. Our fave! They were on sale woot! Grilled thick asparagus, reheated white rice and Asiago baguette with balsamic vinegar and oil to dip in. He is taking a break from alcohol with the intent to evaluate his consumption going forward and I’m so proud of him! So we bought some NA beverage options to try together. I can take them or leave them but it is fun to try together. It’s was a gorgeous day and it’s a beautiful night and I’m might be a little ouchie but I feel great! Happy Friday again, friends.


Hey you super awesome people – ITS FRIDAY :partying_face: :tada:
@rosacando great that you are feeling mentally better! That hammock looks wonderful – glad you got time to enjoy some sunshine
@tragicfarinelli aaah you seem at peace — hope you are enjoying the seaside and get plenty of relaxation
@trustybird Oh love I’m sorry for all the emotions for today. Grateful you got to spend time with your sis and love that you were able to sneak in a few quit lit books (more grateful that she welcomed em). Love that basket :heart: Enjoy your chill time and the movies

:rofl: :rofl: too funny – I do love Emilie’s idea of camping indoors. Wow this move sure did happen so quickly – hope you get some rest this weekend.


Was a great day- got a lot more done than i had expected. Wanted a chill laid back day but glad that i did get some major shit out of the way (way more mentally relaxed now because of it).
Feeling sore and tired so hope that means a good nights sleep ahead :laughing:

Have a great weekend everyone :hugs:


Thank you!! Our origin story is pretty common these days, but nack then, it was pretty rare (meeting online & living so close).

We decided to dine out for our anniversary :heart:


Unfortunately I failed!! I did not get a chance to go to town. Tomorrow!! There’s a See’s on the way to the golf course I’m going too, it’ll be a slashie gift; anniversary/mother’s day gift.


It’s all good. Slashie gifts are common for us, too. It’s funny, our anniversary is Wednesday so it’s always near Mother’s Day of course. I’m just a dog mom though! And my brother’s birthday is two days after. It’s a busy week for our family!


@MrsOdh There’s only official Smokey Bear. You can’t just go get an outfit and play Smokey Bear. I don’t know who his jeans are made by! :kissing_heart:

@TrustyBird hope your day went okay. Very traumatizing memories. Thankfully he was singing “you are my sunshine’

@Jasty2 Welcome to your new home!
I’ve been sleeping on the floor w my kitty for six months. If I can do it, they can do it.

@HoofHearted Happy Anniversary on your marriage. You had chat rooms in 1997??


I meant that I didn’t knew you could actually meet him. I thought he was only a cartoon symbolic character like Tony The Tiger. :smiling_face:

I would definitely meet Smokey if I could.


In the article it talks about him being a rescued real black bear cub. Rescued out of a tree he had run up during a fire and how he liked to eat peanut butter sandwiches. Good stories for your children. Look under “Living Symbol” in the wiki article.
Yep. I missed my opportunity. Hopefully another time.

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I ran out of likes. My comment to this is YA!


This cracked me up! :rofl::rofl:
I’ll add… grab a towel or a throw rug for a blanket.:rofl:
Good luck with the move!


Thank you :grin:

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