Friday Thread #3

Hello everybody!

Have an awesome start to the weekend with this nice Friday!:raising_hand_man:t3:


Happy friday sober folks!
What are you doing today?

I missed the last fridays here but not today busy life! Today I made it here :partying_face::grin:

NO plans for today, I take a day off. It rained all night and still is grey what I can see through the window so it will be a 100 % indoor day.
Two cats occupy the bed and me. The heated pillow warms my aching back. Life is good :pray::+1:
Maybe Iā€™ll be back later for an update how relaxing is going :grin:


Ooh sounds like a lovely day in store for you! I do hope you enjoy it :blush:
Since u asked today i have drs for my vitamin B12 injection which feels horrible but gives me a lovely spring in my step afterwards :blush: then housework/relaxing until my daughter finishes school then its the park with my girl and my 2 neices straight from school so they can all see each other. I cleared another small debt yesterday too so its a happy Friday for meā€¦sending you lots of love and some big squishy hugs dear @erntedank :people_hugging: :heart:


My friday is filling up but with the wrong shit. Last night my car was involved in a very minor accident in a parking lot, but regardless thereā€™s still a lot of phone calls and paperwork to file. So thatā€™s on my to do for today. Also, its our annual neighborhood garage sale, so time to declutter and make some money!

Hope everyone is having a decent sober Friday.


Hello all. My Friday plans for a three day walk and camp were foiled by heavy rains so I guess Iā€™ll just have to fill a three day weekend at home, she giggled excitedly. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::smirk:

Plenty to do. My husbandā€™s hours changed for the first time in 10 years so our house mojo is off. We will eventually fall back into a rhythm but for now we need to do laundry, grocery shop and clean STAT. I realized today that my 18 year old car hasnā€™t had an oil change in 1 maybe 2 years so that is a thing. Ah the Sisyphean maintenance of life.

I am very grateful for life today. My friend who is my age (45) with 3 young kids just had an MRI come back positive for a breast malignancy. She has a strong family history so her doctors were very proactive and found it in the earliest possible stage. It is so early they donā€™t even call it cancer but still scary and an excellent reason to get together for dinner tonight. As soon as I finish typing this Iā€™m scheduling my annual mammogram. I had some very unsettling dreams last night and this was probably why.

Today is sunny, the coffee is flowing and the music will be soon. Iā€™m going to clean out some house clutter. Next week I have an annual physical, hopefully a mammogram, I should throw in a dentistā€™s appointment and I have a therapy consultation. It is time to crack open my brain pan and let the ick ooze.

Today is for forward health plans and stasis in a sunbeam. And probably groceries. I send my love to each and every one of you tackling this big world sober today.
Happy Friday fellow fighters. šŸ©·


@erntedank hope the heated pillows helped your back and you enjoyed a lovely day indoors :hugs:
@Starlight14 Yea!!! Way to go on clearing that debt. Hope you enjoyed your time with daughter and nieces
@hoofhearted Good luck with the garage sale. Hopefully you get the car issues sorted without too much hassle
@TrustyBird Grateful they caught the breast malignancy at the early stage :hugs: Hope you are able to get your mammogram scheduled asap. Such a scary thing to go through. Sending you hugs and hope you are able to enjoy your indoor cozy plans

A decent start to the day. I managed to get in my walk and workout. Took my mom to the botanical gardens in town and ran a few errands. The heat has pooped me out so i am now in a cool basement catching up on TS before i decide to shower again LOL. Hoping to go to a nursery and pick up some plants for the deck and front of garage. Thankful for plenty of leftovers so i donā€™t have to cook today.

Happy Friday to all!


Happy sober Friday night guys. Just sitting now watching the Phillies game. The move is finally over and even though hectic went pretty smooth. Things are somewhat getting back to normal. The wife drove me back to Jersey today so I could pick up the Harley, which Iā€™ve been storing in my sisterā€™s garage for the last week, so I had a beautiful, mind clearing hour and a half ride back home. One more day off work tomorrow so gonna try and relax for the day. Hope you all have a great night and weekend. Love yaā€™s :v:


So happy to hear that the move went smoothly and you will have tomorrow to just relax before getting back to work. Relax and enjoy the game!


Happy Friday, folks!

Have a nice and sober time!:muscle:t2:




Heading into my second three day weekend in a row likeā€¦


@Planipennia thaanks for leading the charge. For some reason i find such comfort in you being the 1st to wish everyone a good friday :slight_smile:


Happy Friday. Decided to crack out the old Donkey Kong returns for some gaming today. Rest day mainly, Achilles still tender. Taking the cats to their Nannaā€™s house for the long weekend. Planning two BBQs and some house work for my MIL over the weekend. Will be nice again to be in the countryside with some space and a garden and fresh air. The smell of wood fires and room to move.

Have a good one all :two_hearts:


Iā€™d be delighted if you could tell me what you enjoy most about the game and what irks you the most. Enjoy your game!

Iā€™ll be off to my favourite club in a few :man_dancing:t2::mirror_ball:


Happy sober friday folks!
What are you doing today?

My friday is already over and it was goooood :grin:
Good, restful sleep, two naps during the day, lotsa work done, made fresh strawberry-banana milk for dinner, feeling smooth and off to bed with a book soon :hugs:


Iā€™ve also played Super Mario Bros Smash today. Donkey Kong Country Returns is so much better than Mario.

I love the power ups and the flexibility of the playing field: barrels boost you into the foreground and the background. This feels more 3D and rounded. The background is more for extras and pick ups and 'nice to haves ', not integral to game play proper. I love the secret tunnels and simplistic moves. Basically it feels RICH. Iā€™m playing on a 2010 Wii fyi that Iā€™ve kept in 100% perfect condition. Nothing fancy, I prefer the old stuffā€¦ Commodore 64, Atari. 80s kid here.

If you havenā€™t read Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow then you must read it! I think you will love it.

What kind of game are you making? I used to love Dizzy back in the day :rofl::rofl:


My Friday night, birthday sober edition fun video that I just love!!!

Things like these make me happy in the world.


Happy birthday Nick!! Hope you enjoy your celebrations and your Friday :tada::confetti_ball::birthday:


Happy birthday dude. :love_you_gesture:


Itā€™s been a fabulous Friday! Any time I sleep the whole night, the next day is happy. :blush: Ready for a show, a book and tea.

Hereā€™s hoping for more- thatā€™s the thing to help me recover. Made all the difference.

Have a great weekend!

Happy birthday @Chevy55 Nick. :birthday: :pie: :tada:. Us May people are the best.