Friday Thread #3

Thank you. I had a great time, pictures doesn’t even show half of the cars that was there. :smiling_face:


It’s Friday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::muscle::confetti_ball::partying_face:
Mine will be longer as usual because we have a meeting after our office closes for patients.


So there will be a bunch of Zombies sitting in that room, highly dependent on caffeine hahahaha


Friday! Working all day and then oncall for work over night. Roll on Saturday :joy:


Happy Friday.!

I have a hospital appointment firstly this morning to photograph /scan some moles for any nasties as my Dr referred me. :pray:t2:

Couple of gym classes later to set myself up for the weekend nicely: weightlifting then yoga.

Three of my longest friends are coming over tomorrow for an extended lunch and meet up as I’m hosting. So, today will be some food prep for vegans and flexis alike. We have been friends 25 years ago will be nice :heart:

Connection should be good.

Have a great weekend.

Edited to add, I’m awaiting another skin consultation as I’ve had several big bites (I think mosquito, but could be spider) on my legs that haven’t healed since the 26th May and are still driving me insane with inflammation and itching. Ii know that in my teens I was allergic to venom/whatever the little things stuck in me, and i have had to been treated for some scary repercussions of a bite with medication, but it’s been years since that happened. At least it’s not worse, but honestly I’m so over these bites now :sob: praying I can get a hold on my skin issues at the moment as literally since the bites happened I have hives appearing all over and I’m getting a bit down in the mouth around them. Gahhhh.


@Planipennia hey Matti…how’s it going? Hope it’s a busy schedule that kept you from starting this Friday off …have a wonderful day :people_hugging:

@Tragicfarinelli best of luck with the appointment…those bites can be annoying as hell. I know I would get gnat or spider bites every year around my ankles and they would last for 8-13 months…last time I had to cut it out cause it just wouldn’t quit. I do hope they are able to figure it out and give you something to bring you relief.

Happy Friday everyone
Up and ready to head out into the crisp cool morning for a lovely walk. Gonna be a busy day. Working a booth for the restaurant at the Pride festival tonight. This is always fun and with the weather being cooler will not be a heat overload like last year. Just hope we are closer to the stage this year.
Have a wonderful day / weekend :people_hugging::heart:


Yeah Jazzy, they are super annoying! I’ve been given steroids and stronger antihistamines now.

Hope the Pride festival goes well :crossed_fingers:t2: :transgender_flag::rainbow::transgender_flag::rainbow::transgender_flag:


Oh man I hope that they help.

Thank you … looking forward to it…always a good time as long as the weather holds out.



I am really sorry! It is Friday! I didn’t work on Wednesday and mixed up the weekdays.

@JazzyS Thank you Jasmine for reaching out and reminding me!

Have an awesome weekend everyone!:raising_hand_man:t3:


That is the absolute worst. As I’ve gotten older I’ve reacted worse and worse to insect bites/stings, most recently to a spider bite on my forearm. I’ve been reacting badly to mosquito bites early in the season the last couple years with giant welts, luckily after a few bites it seems my body adjusts and doesn’t freak out as badly the rest of the season.

That combo of itch and pain is miserable. I hope they can offer you some relief!


Happy Friday, indeed! Looks like a beautiful day and the end of a pretty good week for me. I’ve spent as much time as possible outside and kept very busy in my garden and running around town for supplies as I beautify my space. It has brought me a lot of joy and helped me deal with some remaining mental funk, both giving me quiet time to work through some difficult thoughts and alternatively get into Zen mode and shush my brain from time to time. I really needed this, well I’ll extend that to I need this on the regular. I’m grateful to be understanding that about myself (yet again, I just get away from that understanding often).

More outside chores today as I clean out my pots from last year’s garden and prepare planting areas for some late vegetable/herb garden planting. Thank goodness for high quality starters from local growers!

I’m also preparing myself for a week on my own while my husband travels to Italy for work, the lucky duck! He flies in to Rome and will spend time there and also in a couple cities in both the south and the north parts of the country. I’m excited for him, mildly envious, but looking forward to living vicariously through him. Some alone time right now is a little scary as I feel a bit vulnerable but if I make the most of it I can really benefit from that time, too. But for today we will spend time together when he gets off work and go out for a nice meal tonight. Enjoy your day, friends!


Yes, maybe my body will get used to them later on, but some of my bites are insane. I don’t even want to think about spider bites to be honest with you, I’m deeply scared of them… We don’t have anything very bitey spider wise here apart from the false black widow. I’ve spotted tonnes of them, but even they seem more respectful than the mosquito. Mosquitoes are so naughty!!! How do they get THERE? that’s a question I ask myself often when I find a new bite :angry:


Same! They’re like ninjas, these mosquitos. I hate using bug spray with DEET and other nasty chemicals but last year when looking for alternatives I found spray that uses picaridin, which I find less problematic and it works great (when I remember to use it) I hate having to douse myself in it but if I miss a spot I swear that’s all it takes to get bit. I’ve tried other more natural options, like essential oils, but that has never worked for me. I must have sweet blood!


Ah yes …that would throw off the week. Glad you are well and enjoying your Friday. Have a great weekend Matti :people_hugging:

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And @Tragicfarinelli garlic is a natural mosquito repellant. I use a concentrated spray around my patio (lasts at least 3 hours) and sometimes even on myself when I have to work in the yard :joy:… You do smell like garlic lol but that usually just makes me hungry…


Happy Friday, all! Hey…did you know today is National Donut Day? :doughnut: Go ahead and indulge in that greasy, sugary goodness today while you’re have that cuppa!


Happy sober friday folks!

Oh I too suffer from insect bites, I have a fully equipped care kit in the bathroom with all kinds of unction and meds. Today I killed a tick that crawled on the white fur of my old cat. I must have brought it inside. Fucking beasts. I hate ticks. I hate this weather. I hate uncut grass. I hate summer. Ok, I’m pissed, sorry.

In general it’s a nice friday. I woke up with less headache. My internet connection was repaired, a lightning stroke hit the main cable.
Part of the cost coverage from the trial I won arrived.
I filled the freezer with icecream on sale :blush:

As everything outside is completely senseless I will lounge on the couch, eat sandwiches, watch series, cuddle cats and ignore the fucking weather, the wetland that once was grassland, the slugs and ticks and ants and … :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

Enjoy the good sides of life :blush:


Ugh. Where do you live, may I ask?


In southern Austria. We have had rain nearly every day for about 1 months. It sucks. The second thunderstorm of today is growling at the moment.


That’s a lot of rain.

I do love rain but it has to have a limit. You have a lovely plan for the day…hope you enjoy the cat cuddles on the couch and the sandwiches :heart_eyes: