Friday Thread #3



Happy Friday!

3 days until I go in for a routine procedure, and I am pretty nervous about it. I have to begin preparing for it Sunday, by fasting and then, cleansing. Then Monday is the big day. They said Iā€™ll be aware during, but I really donā€™t want to remember it. :man_shrugging:

So needless to say, thatā€™s what im ruminating on today.


Sending you comfort vibes as you prep for the procedure. Hope all goes smoothly for you as well. Try to enjoy your Friday friend.


Listening to the new eminem cd lol i guess album @Button83 thinking of you. Hang tight


I have my first routine procedure like this in November so come back to tell us how it went. :wink: I have complete faith that the doctors do do their best here and that everything will come out in the end. That sounds like a downright shitty day but you can always colon us if you need us friend. Good luck Hoof. Donā€™t strain yourself too much over this. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Its an eye exam, isnā€™t it?


Thanks @JazzyS

@TrustyBird youā€™re a punny gal! I like it. :laughing:


I was aiming for a little levity on your crappy day. Glad you liked it. :sunglasses:


Pretty good Friday going on over here. Iā€™m grateful for the calm and peaceful conclusion to the difficult week+ Iā€™ve had. Feeling the sun shine on me again after some cloudy times that have seemed to linger. Got some chores done, ran out for groceries and donā€™t have to leave again today. Only plan now is to prep pickinā€™s for dinner tonight at some point with all the goodies I picked up - fancy cheeses, salami, smoked salmon, stuffed olives, veggies, fruit, hummus etc etc OH and a really nice ciabatta from the bakery. For now, this. For as long as I want. Enjoy your day if you can, folks.

P.S. Highlight of the day by far was finally seeing a pair of pileated woodpeckers in the big trees next door after hearing them occasionally. Rowdy f-ers. My husband has seen them a couple times and I finally got my chance. Theyā€™re like giant dinosaur birds and loud as hell. They definitely caused a ruckus in the bird community this morning! Adults are 40 to 49 cm (16 to 19 in) long, span 66 to 75 cm (26 to 30 in) across the wings, according to Wikipedia.


Usually Friday meant for me drinking and smoking pot, but instead of that shit, Iā€™m reading and listening calming choir music. Itā€™s only day 4, but I can see some light in the end of the tunnel although I canā€™t yet walk towards it because Iā€™m so anxious, depressed and full of fears. But I have you guys, my AA online meetings and my therapist. We got this! Have a great Friday ya all!


Definitely will. The week before they said no seeds, nuts, tomatoes, berries, or corn. You know how hard that is? I never wanted nuts more in my life than I do now!


Scale of one to ten, ten being the worst, how bad is the prep really? Other than the cravings I would imagine its just a lot of bathroom time.

Honestly the former smoker in me thinks, lets get back to those cleansing nicotine poops and this may beā€¦ (wait for it)ā€¦ a close number 2 to those?

Sorry all, too much poop talk. Iā€™ll scat. :roll_eyes::disguised_face:


ā€¦just chiming in here @HoofHearted with a suggestion from lived experience for your, er, eye exam. Do take inventory of toilet paper in advance of the cleansing preparation. :see_no_evil:

Another sweet sober friday in the books! Gā€™night all.


Late to the friday show, nevertheless happy sober friday folks!

@HoofHearted Iā€™m scheduled in october :grin: Good inner cleaning to you, hope everything goes well.
@TrustyBird You crack me up :rofl::rofl::rofl: Love your puns


Good call! Iā€™ll be squeezing the charmin for sure!



Since itā€™s the topic of conversation my best suggestion is that the TP not be flushed
( too much paper) and that you get Pedialyte or generic Pedialyte , 4 or 5 big bottles ( follow the color guidelines) and use this as some / most of your fluid. The electrolytes will really make a difference compared to Gatorade and white grape or apple juice. Jello is good bc itā€™s like food.
Grateful the testing is available to you.


@Planipennia and all you beautiful peopleā€¦ happy Friday :sun_with_face:


Getting my coffee ready for my morning walkā€¦
Will see where the day takes me :smiling_face:


Sorry Jasmine! :man_bowing: I am on vacation and forgot my duty. :smile:

Happy Friday, everyone!


Iā€™ll let it slide :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:ā€¦
Glad you are having fun on vacation and not busy with work.

Are you visiting somewhere or is it a staycation?

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Thank you for your kindness to forgive me.:smile:

Staycation as ever. I donā€™t want to travel alone, and I donā€™t want to spend money on things I donā€™t want to do.:smile:


Staycations can be fun. Hope you get loads of relaxation and some fun too :blush: