Friday Thread #3

Looking forward to games night today :grin:


Happy Friday!

So hereā€™s how it went.

The fast kind of sucked. I was hungry ALL day.

The cleansing also sucked. Having to go every 10 to 15 minutes ALL night. I was finally afforded respite from the storm around 2AM.

As for the procedure, the worst part (for me) was getting the IV put in. I am a bit of a hemophobe and have a sensitive vasovagal response. After the IV was put in, my vagus nerve was triggered and I full on fainted (being dehydrated and hungry didnā€™t help). Prior to passing out, i started getting tunnel vision, the sounds around me faded and everything started vibrating, for a moment, I thought the nurse gave me something in the IV to cause it, sort of terrifying. Then I was in another world, for what felt like hours. Next thing I know, I am waking up on the gurney and the nurse says, ā€œoh youā€™re back with usā€. I look up and ask, is it over? Are you done? She laughed, ā€œno, they hadnā€™t started yet, you just passed out for a bitā€. Ahhh schucks!

After my heart rate and BP normalized, I was wheeled into the ā€œroomā€. It smelled of industrial strength rubbing alcohol, which also is a trigger from my weak vasovagal response. The sleepy doctor explained the process and started with a relaxing drug. Then followed with a shot of propofol. She said it will feel spicy in my arm and to just breathe through it. My arm began to become spicy, I said "yeah, I can feel it " then I was out.

I remember waking up twice during the procedure, briefly. The doc quickly upped the propofol and I was out again.

Next thing I know, Iā€™m back where I began with my wife sitting next to me. No pain, no discomfort. And just like that, I got my clothes on, had a cup of coffee and a few crackers and we went to our favorite cafĆ© for lunch.

They did find a palyp which they removed. It was checked for cancer and was negative. They also did a biopsy of my normal tissue for any inflammation disease, also negative. They did mention the palyp could have become cancer if left untreated, and so I now need to be checked every 5 years. :man_shrugging:

So all in all, it wasnā€™t that bad, except the IV part.


Good to hear, mostly, Hoof. Mine will be in a few months. Iā€™m glad you are done for 5 years.

Last time I had anesthetic (wisdom teeth in my 20s) I was out immediately. Post-procedure I was an annoying nightmare. Drugs that are meant to calm me down like painkillers often hype me up so after the 4 white pills they told me to swallow I told a random guy to get in my roommates car on our drive home and was literally rolling on the floor laughing when I was supposed to be asleep. I donā€™t think I am meant to take painkillers but the IV drug was peaceful. Iā€™ll dream up a perfect post procedure meal for myself.


Happy Friday all. I will work for 8 hours today and then enjoy 2 days off. I am not currently scheduled for any overtime so this week has been fast and easy at work.
I have plans on both Saturday and Sunday that I am declining to attend in favor of a really quiet weekend. I am also recently confronting a THC crutch so my goal is to just be 100% sober today.


So grateful this is over with and you donā€™t have to deal with it for another 5 years. Sounds like a horrible experience with the IV and the waking up during the procedure.

That spicy feeling was so odd but I think I was knocked out within seconds of feeling it.

SO Grateful they got that polyp out. I had a few removed as well. Seems more common these days as I discuss with others. Maybe our environment?


What are you going to play or playing at the moment?:astonished:


Thank you, but Iā€™m glad to go back to work on Monday.:smile: I donā€™t really enjoy my life and itā€™s easier to work instead.:man_shrugging:t3:


Hey yā€™all , I hope everyoneā€™s Friday has been good so far! :yellow_heart:

Iā€™ve been here in my old-new hometown for three weeks now, and it has been very nice. Today the there was a concert at the town hall, but they also had a free screening version, where they had put a big screen and loudspeakers outside, and people were able to enjoy the concert outside while having a picnic or whatever. We came late, so this was the best spot we found where there was a a big tree in front of the screen, but it was still pretty amazing. :star_struck:


Awe ā€” it was sad to read this Matti. Iā€™m sorry friend. I am hoping you are able to find a way to start enjoying your life. Our time here is too short to just work it away.

Big hugs friend ā€“ hope you enjoy your last few days of your staycation :people_hugging:


RPG tonight. A space adventure in the Traveller universe.


Itā€™s like the second best meal you can have, choose wisely!!


Am over here flexing some huge Friday proud-of-youā€™s!

You know how to do this. You already have. You already are. :muscle: :people_hugging:

Wishing you a weekend of ease as you adjust. Kitties, coffee, naps, anything else that strikes your sober fancy. :orange_heart:


Still kinda shitty :smirk: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, but allā€™s well that ends well, right?


Thanks! I was good for a while and then thought, whatā€™s the harm of a THC soda here and there. Predictably I was guzzling them and preoccupied pretty quickly into my little foray. Once an addict, always an addict.

My besties are trying to get me out to see live music tomorrow. Iā€™m not scared Iā€™ll break my sobriety Iā€™m just not sure I want to go. Iā€™ll decide tomorrow.

Thanks for the support M!


Sounds good!:ok_hand:t3:


Thanks Jasmine. Iā€™m sorry to be such a wretch.:smile::wink:

It all happens in my head, and that is where I have to start to work harder.:muscle:t2:


@HoofHearted Iā€™m glad itā€™s over and mostly ok :pray: Thanks for the share!
@Planipennia Hugs dear friend :people_hugging: Sending you kindness and smiles.
@Milele Great park! I love public viewing.

Late to the friday show as I fell asleep knocked out by the heat and sleeping meds yesterday. So I send a happy sober friday/weekend to all :hugs:


We had lots of fun. I am convinced this huge ship drifting through space we are investigating is full of zombies. But nobody believes me! :joy:


Donā€™t apologize friend. Getting stuck in our heads with the negative spiral can be so wretching.

Stay connected, find ways to get out of that mindset.

For me comedy and meditation were the answers.

Just know you are not alone. Here, if you need to vent or talk. Sending hugs your way :people_hugging::people_hugging:


Thank you, Jasmine, for your support.

Much appreciated!:muscle:t2: