Friday Thread #3

Right! Its all good, in the end. :smiley:

Thanks for the support, from you and all; Iā€™m a lucky guy to be here. :blush:


Finally at work again this week!:heart_eyes::man_facepalming:t3::smile:

Have an amazing sober weekend, one and all!:ok_hand:t3:


Happy Friday friends! :tada::tada:


Itā€™s been a week :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:ā€¦ hopefully will get caught up and complete tasks I had set out to do on Monday. Not much else to report. Hope you all have a wonderful day :heart:


Happy Friday guys. :heart_on_fire:

Keeping it simple this weekend. Lots of gym, good food, reading, walking, some crafts. Olympics and good movies. Cat wrangling.


Happy Friday all. I am flying out of town to visit family in less than 24 hours and apparently I have developed some travel anxiety. I just woke up in the middle of the night sweaty for the second night in a row. I got to have a crazy twisty work dream and I thought my husband died so here we are. A second night of rough sleep.

Iā€™m going to work today until 11 pm and getting on a plane at 5 am so this is my only chance for sleep for maybe the next 24 hours and I am sweaty and awake. Maybe I shouldnā€™t have eaten that whole frozen pepperoni pizza before bed. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

You know what would make this worse? A drink. Iā€™ll stay sober today. Happy Friday all.


Sending you sleepy vibes. Sorry for the crazy dreams and the anxiety. Hopefully you will be able to get some peaceful rest. Sounds like a busy time ahead. :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:


I had exams on Weds and Thurs, today, Sat and Sun are off, so feel like my summer has started, but still exams on Mon and Tues to proctor. Also need to sit down and do grading at some point.


Thanks Jazzy. I think Iā€™m anticipating stress from lack of sleep and ruining my present moment along with the future. Silly brain. Iā€™ll take those sleepy vibes. šŸ©·




Silly brain indeedā€¦hope you were able to turn it off and get some rest :people_hugging:


My Friday Plan, not doing anything really just fixing stuff around the house.

How my Friday turned out, realized that we had forgot to buy toilet paper yesterday. Went in to a nearby town without the boys who refused to leave the house.
Bought some items for my Western outfit at the towns second hand.

Went to the grocery store for what I thought would be a quick run where I met half our village and my old childhood neighbors. After 2 hours of talking I hadnā€™t even started to buy groceries yet. :laughing:

Eventually made it home, tonight thereā€™ll be shrimp pasta and a western movie.

Happy Friday everyone.


Hey, donā€™t sweat it! I know, easier said than doneā€¦ hope youā€™re travels are filled with as little guff and poppycock as possible.


The old stop and chat! That gets me everytime too! Some times the best catch-ups happen in the produce dept. :smiley:


Happy Friday!

Work is light today, been hanging out at home watching What we do in the Shadows. Got my gym appointment in an hour, then tonight, maybe go see Twisters, or perhaps tomorrow, definitely gonna see it this weekend.

Also planning on doing a short hike tomorrow with my little one.

Itā€™s funny, before, I would only be able to plan one thing each weekend because Iā€™d be incapacitated for most of the weekend. Now, i can easily get a packed weekend in, which feels so fulfilling.


Weather turned out pretty good today. The cycling trip I did with @acromouse was even better. We had big fun together. My three day weekend already a big success regardless of what happens the next two days. Have a great one all! Love from this Amsterdam Noord Beach Club on an old shipyard turned cultural and (night) life hotspot.


Sorry youā€™re experiencing this. I get some bad travel anxiety thatā€™s unpredictable. Sometimes Iā€™m fine and sometimes Iā€™m not. Hang in there and hopefully youā€™ll be there before you know it and can enjoy your family time. Iā€™m stressing a trip to see my husbandā€™s family next week for a bit of an extended visit involving an AirBnb and folks making plans without our input. I have to let things happen like they will and just be along for the ride. Theyā€™re a dysfunctional bunch that tend to bicker but maybe theyā€™ve matured since I saw them last. Iā€™ll meet Ericā€™s half siblingsā€™ partners for the first time, though we have had Zoom calls. I think they chose well and that may temper tempers, so to speak. For now Iā€™m going to try and enjoy a weekend alone while my fella hangs out with former work buddies in Wisconsin and watch a lot of the Olympics while I can. I do love watching them, funny seeing as I donā€™t usually watch sports. I just love the Olympics as a world event. Therapy in a few minutes with a new therapistā€¦here I go. I already scheduled DoorDash food delivery of some comfort food for afterward so I donā€™t have to be bothered with food decisions. Thatā€™s my Friday. Therapy, Olympics, and Mac and cheese and chicken noodle soup with a side of baguette. I accept. :heartpulse: Much love, friends.


I donā€™t know man, poppycock sounds pretty rad.


Rest up Rosa. Therapy can drain you. Your night sounds Ah-mazing!


Get all that anxiety out now! Hoping you have a wonderful trip


I have a grey tabby. He is precious. He says hi to your kitty!