Hope you were able to get some rest and your travels are going smoothly .
Sadly accurate. I will sleep well tonight.
Awe I’m sorry… sending you energy to get through the day till you can sleep tonight
Its 3:15 pm and I am in sweat pants in a hotel. I don’t think I’ll leave this bed until tomorrow morning and my family is okay with that too. The first day was still fun even if I was dead tired.
Thanks Jazz.
Glad to hear that you had a fun 1st day and are getting some good rest.
Love an understanding family. Enjoy chillaxin in the hotel room
Have an awesome weekend, everyone!
Good morning Matti @Planipennia and all sober folks!
This is how my 3 day weekend starts:
- Setting up the new PC and data migration.
- cuddling cats
- balcony time
- steak
- a little bit of chores, unavoidable
- naps, naps galore after this weird week
- did I mention cat cuddles?
Happy sober friday folks!
What are you doing today?
Happy Fridays!
We have an escape room booked today at 10am. Love them. Then we are going to spend our last day here walking around the old parts, harbour and creative quarter. I want to get some Sicilian pastries from a place I found and some coffee beans.
Definitely a good chunk of sea swimming will be had!
They are showing Top Gun in the open air theatre later tonight (with stalls and vendors) at the harbour, but to be honest I was asleep before 9pm last night so that’s a no . Instead, we are trying to get into a very small Nepalese restaurant and to have an early night.
I’m about to make coffee and enjoy my 6am peace. It’s a fairly loud and boisterous place here and lots of people drinking/drunk so it’s been superb to not be that person. We have had two dramas unfold both nights outside with drink involved, and honestly, it’s sad and makes zero sense.
Make like this little guy and chill instead…
Tomorrow i will grab my fur babies and get them back home
This weekend it’s a big according meeting in our village. All the people playing in our entire province get to meet up play music and have a few concerts. We’re going to tonights concert, my 14 y/o is thrilled.
Oh this is so beautiful . Thanks for posting
TGIF!! So happy it’s Friday and I woke up with just a slight headache (not a migraine), no storms so I was able to walk and swim this morning.
Getting some errands done and hopefully will be able to help out at work this afternoon as we are short handed.
Plan to treat myself to some Thai food and a movie tonight.
Happy Friday y’all
Hi friends
May your Friday be the beginning of a great sober weekend, I will check in later but God is good to me. sobriety is even better. Life is good.
Happy Friday gang!
I really need to put together my 2025 budget for work today, but I am procrastinating!
Later I have a gym appointment and then likely free for the rest of the day.
Tomorrow, I am fixin’ to go explore an old mine up in the mountains that I recently learned about. There’s also a waterfall in the area that we’ll find too!
But real talk: can you believe it’s August already?!?! Damn summer, you going by too fast!
OOh this sounds exciting! Hope to see some pictures
Seriously – where did the summer and long days go? The un is rising 48 min later than usual-- i didn’t even need my sun glasses this morning
I can’t go from super hot to super cold – want to enjoy some in between LOL (I feel like cool summer nights were just in my dreams).
The old mine was a bust. We got to the end of the road and only found a little covered ting that could’ve been a mine?
But the waterfall was cool! I even jumped in because the water looked so inviting… it was VERY cold but refreshing!
Bummer about the mine but super awesome waterfalls. That water looks soooo clear and welcoming. A cold plunge is good for you on many fronts. Glad you had a great day
Have an awesome Friday and sober weekend, friends!
I am going to have some agility training with Alma and go on a hike.
ooh sounds like a good time – have fun!
Will be joining in on the Friday fun shortly
Happy sober friday folks!
what are you doing today?
i have a rest day after this busy week and before a busy weekend
sleeping in, long hot shower, my fragrant body lotion, a face mask, lovely toast & cheese for breakfast, a nap afterwards
delicious noodels with calamari and schrimp for lunch
series and naps in the afternoon planned
early to bed. maybe a bath before.
how wonderful