Friday Thread #3

Happy sober friday folks!
what are you doing today?

i have a rest day after this busy week and before a busy weekend :see_no_evil:

sleeping in, long hot shower, my fragrant body lotion, a face mask, lovely toast & cheese for breakfast, a nap afterwards :grin:
delicious noodels with calamari and schrimp for lunch :+1:
series and naps in the afternoon planned
early to bed. maybe a bath before.
how wonderful :hugs:


Taking it easy this Friday after psychotherapy this morning which was intense, and taking Luna to the vet for her monthly solensia shot. Now relaxing. Watching the Olympics and napping. Together on the couch. Have a good one all.


Double gym tomorrow AM: Body Combat then weightlifting. So I will be aching like hell again.

We have tickets to see Frank Skinner (comedian) in London on Saturday, so we are going for a nice meal out at Hawksmoor beforehand as a treat.

Sunday is Pilates and Yoga day to stretch and be kind to my muscles. We might go for a nice walk in the afternoon at itā€™s meant to be very hot here (30s) for the next few days or so.

Apart from thatā€¦ Lots of sleep if possible (cats :woozy_face:) and probably too much tea.

Have a good one all.


Hi friends. It has been a good morning with fresh cool air coming in the open windows, watching birds on my feeder and hanging out with my husband and dog. He can work from home most mornings but then goes to the office. I have time before my therapy session, second one so we shall see how that goes. For now Iā€™m watching Olympics off and on. No plans but I would guess Iā€™ll be tired out after therapy and just want to watch a movie or something.


Stressful Friday here. Weā€™ve been working with our apartment manager to move into our neighborā€™s old apartment with a transfer at the end of the month. We just got to the income statement portion and showed proof that we make at least 5x the rent and the apartment we are supposed to be getting popped up as ā€œavailableā€ on the website with no word from our guy.

Our lease ends at the end of this month and we should be moving next door. I sent an email to our manager yesterday with no word today. Iā€™m growing more concerned.

Today I will eat 2 frozen to baked chocolate croissants before walking into work for 8 hours and I will hope that everything works out with my living arrangement. We were made to believe that by jumping through these hoops the transfer would be completed. Iā€™m 1/4 packed. :grimacing:

You know what this situation doesnā€™t need? A sad drinker on a prolonged pity party. Iā€™ll stay sober and eat my croissants medicinally. But come on man, what is happening?!?!?

Its a nervous friday for me, I hope its a happy friday for you.

Edited to add: this flares up some insecurity in me. I have always been concerned with not being loud and trying not to bother other people. This re-enforces that nasty voice whispering in my ear ā€œthey hate you, they want you outā€. Iā€™m feeling insecure.


Itā€™s still Friday here, yay! Not for long, but I have time to make a post :laughing:

Went to a 18th century fair, about 1/2 hour away from where I live, in the countryside. I havenā€™t been there for some years, it was a wee tradition with my friend group to visit there.

We had a great time! I didnā€™t buy as much as I wouldā€™ve usually :sweat_smile: But found a few little things, like this ring made out of birch bark.


@erntedank Sounds like an awesome day. Hope you enjoyed the series and naps today :hugs:

@Tragicfarinelli Sounds like a wonderful weekend planned. Have fun at the comedy show ā€“ give us a review afterwards :wink: Hope he is funny!

@TrustyBird OH FUCK that would have me concerned too ā€“ iā€™m sorry that the manager is not getting back with you and has posted the apartment at all. Iā€™m hoping its just a mistake and he meant to post yours on the site as you will be moving out :crossed_fingers:
You are an amazing woman and are totally loved ā€“ tell that insecurity to FRO! Hope you enjoyed the chocolate croissants and get some answers soon. :people_hugging:

@Milele How cool is that! Love old time fairs and exhibits. We have Henry Ford Museum Greenfield Village here in Detroit MI and I was lucky enough to stay the night in the village back in the 3rd grade. The village is totally functional with a farm, blacksmitch, church, schoolā€¦etc. It was an amazing experience - too bad they donā€™t do that now a days.

Happy Friday you wonderful people ā€” hope you are all enjoying or have enjoyed this beautiful day!
Mine has been super busy with working out and work and errands. Finally getting to sit and catch up here. Hoping to rest a bit before I make dinner and do some final computer work.



Nothing special tonight. Just got home from work, popped a frozen pizza into the oven, then a shower and maybe a movie on Prime. No big whoop.


I have been marathon watching the the last ship on prime video. 5 seasons. Canā€™t believe I only just found it a few days ago. ( Still lots to watch :laughing: )


This is what Friday looks like for those who are still awaiting its arrival.
Itā€™s a real beauty, and great way to end the working week.


Have an awesome Friday, friends!

@AyBee you beat me today in early posting.:+1:t3::smile:


Due to my insomnia and anxiety I am seeing Friday much earlier than expected. Itā€™s ok, Iā€™ll rest tomorrowā€¦

Full weekend of my sister visiting incoming, I am nervous. :grimacing:. I still havenā€™t gotten this self esteem palarver down yet, but Iā€™m working on it.

I havenā€™t felt this nervous energy and crazy heartbeat since trying to sleep days after a full on night out in a club basement in Manchester taking substances constantly. Who thought I would feel this kind of sweaty and hyper hangover again, while sober? Not me.

Happy Friday, be safe :pray:t2:


Happy Friday you beautiful peopleā€¦Iā€™m so happy that the weekend is right around the corner :smiling_face:

A chill day / weekend planned.

@Tragicfarinelli hope you have a wonderful visit with your sister :heart:



Happy Friday folks. Just getting the day started. Will drop kiddo off at day camp, then off to the office. I get the afternoon at work today (yay!) so Iā€™ll get some labs drawn to follow up after my recent surgeriesā€¦ then Iā€™m thinking before I pick up my son, I might sneak off to a movieā€¦ solo! Was between Twisters, & This Ends With Us; I think Iā€™ll choose the latter, with popcorn! :popcorn:


Happy sober friday folks!
What are you doing today?

Iā€™ve been making plum jam in the cooler morning hours, daily morning chores and cussing about the fucking heat. Then a meeting with my counsellor, now lunchbreak, therapy in 1 hour and then home, cool shower, couch for the rest of the day. Itā€™s 35 Ā°C today so I focus on not fainting :woozy_face:


Hope all goes well with follow up.

I do love a solo movie outing. Just watched Twisters ( wasnā€™t bad)ā€¦ Hope you enjoy whatever you watch


Got the revised back wheel from my road racer back :bike:. Weather is slowly clearing up too. Might still go for a wee ride after the Tour feminin ends on TV. Will work the weekend. Have a good weekend all, whatever you do!



I read things and do not understand a lot of it. One could not tell this from my writing because language itself is my very strongest ability, but as to comprehending what other grownups say, that is an entirely different matterā€¦I am mildly intellectually challenged. One older person called me an idiot savant. My roomie just calls me a savant. I read childrenā€™s books for this reasonā€¦anyhow, that is one reason why I donā€™t answer a lot of posts. I donā€™t understand them. From what I can tell, you are having a nice trip with a pretty birdie friend. I hope your entire trip will be blessed and beautiful and all your days thereafter.


Nice! I donā€™t quite understand what you are talking about, for the most part, but I enjoyed reading what you wrote. Iā€™m really trying hard to quit nicotine, and I prayed really hard about it. Please pray for me if you do pray? Thank you.