Friday Thread #3

Great job Menno! Both on the inner work of therapy and on resisting that cigarette. You’ve come too far to go back now! Have you ever read The Body Keeps the Score?


Friday for me now and I’m starting it in a novel way with coffee and kitties on the couch. Jk, I do that every morning.

This. Is. Moving. Weekend. (Said in the Sparta voice).
My house is 80% packed for my move and it was just brought to my attention that it might be odd to pack everything into boxes for a 30 ft move next door. Well those haters don’t know how to have fun like I do. :crazy_face:

We pick up a key tonight but shouldn’t move until Sunday. I might set up my reading chair and coffee machine tomorrow in the new place and sit there in the silent space for a while. My old tradition was to set up my tent in every new place. Maybe I will stick to that.

Here’s what I know, this would be exhausting drunk or hungover. Happy Friday darlings.


In fact, I even had to work longer. Unfortunately, I had a fatal accident with a fawn on Monday.:disappointed:Which is why I worked longer today, as the appointment with the garage was in the afternoon.

The accident really hit me hard as it happened at night when I was overtaking and could have been avoided. It’s not good when you only learn from the death of a living being.:confused:


I did and it’s an interesting and intriguing read, although not so much as direct therapeutic aid
I’ve done (pesso) body centered therapy and am looking into other forms of therapy that are trying to reconnect mind, body and brain. A connection that often gets lost in survivors of abuse.


Happy Friday!

Not much planned this end, just watching a movie currently called TYPIST ARTIST PIRATE KING, so far a bit bizarre but slightly funny.

The application was entered a day early for the job I’ve applied for, so that’s all done and dusted. I couldn’t do anything more. Will await news.

I plan on some gym and self care, bit of cooking and lots of reading. Maybe some kitten taming. One of my cats just got stung by a wasp, it hurt him. Did he learn anything? No :-1:t2:


I got the key!!!
And it comes with a dumb old bottle opener. Ha! Old me would have loved that.


Woop de doop… :closed_lock_with_key::heavy_check_mark:


Oh I’m so sorry friend. That sounds like a very traumatic experience. :cry:

Hope you are home resting now and are able to enjoy your weekend.


Yippee!!! That’s awesome. I do love you setting up a chair and coffee machine to enjoy your new place in peace and quiet :people_hugging:. Have fun moving … half the adventure of moving us packing and unpacking boxes…so go nuts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Congrats on your move. 30 feet or not, it’s still a shit ton of work. Also exciting though. Definitely keep up the tradition of camping out for the night. :love_you_gesture:


Congrats Emilie.
I still got one of them :joy:
Dumb bottle opener key chain.


Thank you Jasmine.:+1:t3: I just feel so sorry for the fawn, but I have planned a lot of activities on the weekend to avoid thinking about it too much.:confused:


7am Friday here woohoo.
Bring on the weekend


My friend I believe you have to be first at everything!:heart_eyes:


Happy Friday, friends!


Holy cow it is Friday!
Its back to work for me. I’ve had 6 days off so I will work the weekend.
I always think it is such a good sign when I think, I could go back to work, after time off.
Routine will be nice again.

After the cat fiasco we are settling into the new place pretty well. I probably unpacked 40 boxes in the past two days and only have about 6 boxes left. Then hang some stuff on the walls and bam! new home.

It already feels like home. My husband and I are used to being heard when we spoke in any room in the old place. That is no longer the case. Lots of comical huh and what conversations.

Happy friday y’all. I made it through a stressful week. I’m starting my friday, finishing my thursday with snacks and old movies. Today/tonight I’ve watched Harold and Maude, Quick Change, Dr. No and now 12 Monkeys. I’m quite productive with a movie in the background.


Oh yes…me too. Glad you are adjusting to the new home and cats are coming around. :people_hugging:


Happy Friday everyone.


Gonna be a busy one…will try to just take one task at a time as I already feel overwhelmed.

Gonna start this with off with a coffee and my morning walk :sunflower::sun_with_face:
Have a wonderful day :hugs:


Have a nice weekend people. Happy Friday. :umbrella:


Very sad with the loss of my best boy yesterday. But, will keep busy. Exercise, hair appointment, and the football home opener of the college team at the university where I work. They won their first game last week. They were top 25 for most of last year. Hoping for good things!