Gardening In Recovery

I try to remind myself the help keep nice away…still hate them


Wow! I haven’t seen a single snake since we moved away from Arizona. I’m a fan in general.


We have quite a few, I am pretty used to them now. I do try to keep the kitties from them.


We used to see lots of king snakes and gopher snakes. Sometimes coachwhips and of course we would see diamondback rattle snakes. They are an important part of the ecosystem.


Scott, you’d have a hard time in the southwest! lol. My big scary is spiders.


I lived on the mojave desert…hated it. Florida as well…to many damn snakes


Well… My garden as beatifull as it is, even as it’s small and only gets 4 hours sunlight a day I am grateful for it.
The unfortunate thing is only one side grows plants and very well. The other side is just … well… brick wall and plane. So I decided to get some artificial plants and spruce up that side of the garden ( been living her for 10 years and nothing stays alive there ), I’m going to make it like a meditation space amongst the real living plants on the other side.
My garden is like a triangle and buildings and windows everywhere. Once Iv got it looking bright and cosy il.take some pics. I know this summer is going to be difficult for me already with cravings so I’m going to do what I did last summer. Read, meditate and BBQ with the pets out there. I’m safe out there. But this year on the side nothing grows which is where Im positioned so I’m not just staring into others windows and then back at me :sweat_smile: the plan is to zen it out. And that’s my safe space.
I have been looking at @TMAC and @Dazercat cactus pics and thought why not add some of those in, I can make it a really nice space and be as exotic and tropical as I want.
So over the next 4 weeks I will be purchasing stuff. I have some already :grin::grin:
I also have my tomatoe plants and lots of living plants already thriving.
It’s a nice project to keep me busy until we have less rain over here and then it will be like stepping out into paradise :sweat_smile:.


You do remember you live in Britain right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
4 hours is a lot of sunlight for y’all.

Really :joy:
I can’t wait to see pics.

Have you thought of any Coleus. Don’t know what you call them over there.

They don’t need much sun and do great in shade. That was my sisters favorite plant. Not sure how they would do in the cool British climate. They might thrive better in warmth. But they don’t need much sun. Or any direct sun.
Maybe a little water fountain. My cats love drinking out of a water fountain. But you do have to clean it and change the filters. Well we do.


I’l have a look up of these plants thank you :slightly_smiling_face: they are lovely and colourful also.

Yes I have a water fountain for the pets too and I do change the filters too. I realised not changing the filter when I first got it that a bowl of water is cleaner.
They absolutely love it!

Yes I’ll definitely take some pictures. I have a lovely palm tree that has grown big that I love.

In the summer my mum’s garden has the sun all day. From inside my home looking out the back doors you wouldn’t know the sun was even out :sweat_smile: but I am very grateful to have a garden in London.


I’ve been staying away from this thread because - does it count as gardening if it’s not in the ground?

I have no idea. But then I saw this today, and I thought to myself: self, who cares?

So those of you who aren’t in the plant thread:
Bought a house in April, and my Dad and I built a greenhouse while he was here visiting over the last few weeks. Stable as hell. Already been tested by three storms in the past week (unusual for AZ this early in the season).

Not done yet, I have more proper plant displays arriving today or tomorrow to replace the folding table. Also figuring out seating. Need to gravel the inside.
Once my flaky electrician shows up, I’ll have fans/heating/cooling systems.

Solar orb lights


It looks amazing :star_struck: Congratulations also on moving and doing what you enjoy.
I love the size of the greenhouse.
I did think does artificial plants and cactus fit on this thread while writing it… but it’s gardening still I guess :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

When I first seen all your catctuses ? Cacti ? I thought you owned a shop :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.


It looks great!!
I kind of thought “he must of bought a house.” Look at you getting all settled in. You’re an Arizonan now. :desert: :cactus: Just like me. I never get tired of looking at those saguaros or those silly gamble quail and the sunsets. It doesn’t sound right, and I can’t believe I’m an Arizonan. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. Just never thought in my wildest ideas this is where I’d end up. So great to watch your sober success.



I plan on growing some herbs etc in here too - if space permits. It will for a while.

Nope, just a little bit nuts :sweat_smile:

I have a few that can live outside right away. My larger agaves as well as my mutant Peruvian apple cactus. They live in the shelter of this huge agave cluster in my yard. In winter I’ll move them to full blazing sun, which they’ll acclimate to as we roll into next summer.

I’m 50/50 on keeping the Peruvian out here. I love being able to see it outside, and it can certainly tolerate it. But living outdoors in the sun here is hard living, even for a cactus.


Oddly enough, when I was 10 or 11, we had a school project where we were given a “budget” and told to set ourselves up like we were adults - use the internet to find a job, employment, groceries, utilities, etc and stay within your budget. “Practice” for adulting…riiiight.

I “was” an assistant manager at a Jack-In-The-Box in Phoenix.
Funny how over 2 decades later, here I am in the desert.

Always enamored with the southwest, the plants, the wildlife. Drawn to it. Blame Looney Tunes.
I remember that JITB sounded so exotic to me, ha! Doesn’t exist on the east coast.
Thankfully did not wind up in PHX.


I like that!!!


Dude. You have a kickass greenhouse! That definitely belongs on this thread. I love it!


You make me miss Tucson a whole lot, friend. At least I can say I’m moving to Illinois :joy:


Ahh….:face_with_monocle:The Painted Nettle :nerd_face:
I knew you guys would have an excellent name for it.


I KNOW!!! right!!

I keep thinking I took a wrong turn in Albuquerque :crazy_face:

I often think every one of those saguaro’s has its own personality.


I love it!!! Looks great and definitely belongs on the garden thread :heart: