GirlInterrupted: Running with Scissors ✂️

I hope my own thread is a safe place to post this. I’m getting angry lately when I come on here. I see people that I want to reach out to and encourage, but the die hard AA people get to them first and then I’m afraid to respond.

The militant AA people, (clearly not all, my besties on here are in a program) don’t respect your sobriety if you’re not in a program. You’re not allowed to say AA isn’t for you. You get ridiculed and told there is something wrong with you, or you didn’t work the program.

I’m a huge fan of the documentary “The 13th Step” I believe the original message was about predatory behavior, but more so, they ring to light the stigma that there is something wrong with you if you don’t submit to every belief in the program. Black and white.

My very dear friend with 28 years sober, just recently left AA. He actually created and ran a huge AA Facebook group. He got so disgusted with the rude and dismissive replies to people who just spilled their hearts out. It’s all robotic, unoriginal, and frankly rude. “So? What are you going to do different this time?”. “Don’t drink and go to meetings”, “go to a meeting”. These would be a one line response to someone pouring their heart out. I can’t remember all of them, but some made my blood boil, and even though it was my friends group, I got the hell out of there. Mean is mean. Tough love is a bullshit excuse to be mean to someone under the guise of saying you’re trying to help. Tough love does not need to be cruel. Anyway, he also left his own damn Facebook group for that reason. We watched the 13th Step together and he was amazed by how soot on it was. There is something vindicating about professionals confirming what you were thinking. My therapist is also on the same page as I am.

Having a year or a few months sobriety and then telling someone that just lost 5 years of consecutive sobriety that the ONLY way to get sober is with a program??? Really? So what about me? Right, the die hard AA people are sure that I will fail because I’m not in AA. Truth bomb, I did my time. Those who know me know that I worked the shit out of it. It’s not for me. What I’m doing now is for me and I’m happy.

Now, for me AA was ok in the beginning, but it lives in the past, not the future. There is a very negative vibe and a fear created that you need this or you’re going to ruin your life. The war stories are overkill and repetitive.

It turns into a big dick contest. I’ll die if I go out. I was living under a bench or a bridge covered in vomit and piss. Well fuck! I never lived under a bridge, so I’m not like these people. I don’t belong here. This is why I don’t go into details of my story. All you need is to know that if you can’t stop once you start, you probably have a problem.

Ohhhhh, I hear it now…. Don’t compare yourself to others. Come on! We are human, it’s what we do.

You have 50 years sober, an “Old Timer” if you will. So, you quit when you were 13? I’m happy for you that you realized early on in life, but I’m sorry, you cannot relate to what my life has been like and you certainly cannot sit on your AA high horse and insult my sobriety. I wish I stopped the first time I went to AA too, because my life would be so different. But apparently, I didn’t have a problem because I wasn’t living under a bridge, so I kept on drinking.

I’m so angry over the divide created by the die hard AAers to the extent I don’t even want to come here. These folks can openly mock us sober people who don’t have a “program”. You mean YOUR program by the way. But all one has to say is the AA is not for them and they get relentlessly interrogated.

I’ll never be cocky in my sobriety. I will say this, the desire to drink, as of today, has disappeared to the extent of the thought of it actually grosses me out. It is the first time it has actually been easy and natural for me. I don’t think about it. I don’t care if I’m around it. I don’t feel left out or like I’m missing out on anything. Yet apparently I’m just a dry drunk white knuckling it. Ok bro.

Then I see people in AA struggle like crazy every single day like being sober is torture and takes a tremendous amount of effort. So help me understand why YOUR program is better? Do you hate yourself? Do you want to suffer?

For me, it’s a combination of the great friends I made here, the best therapist in the world, and medication.

For the first time in my entire life, I love myself. I love what I see in the mirror, and I’m truly happy. I love my life. Boy, not going to AA sure has fucked me up, huh? :roll_eyes:

Now, I don’t give a rat’s ass if you go and it works for you. Actually, it makes me really happy for you. Just don’t put me down because I’m doing it a different way. Wtf? It’s so weird and culty to me. I’m not on here demeaning people for going, so don’t demean others for not.

The ones that put people down and are on the highest of horses, so you know, alert alert, that judgement is going to lead you down a bad path. I’ve been around the program since 1986, and I’ve seen the preachy ones go down. Worry. About. Yo. Damn. Self.

I’m over it. I’m just going to hang out in the meme thread. And of course ignore the insulting memes aimed towards those not in AA :roll_eyes:


Vent away! It’s healthy! There was a time when I would only hang out on food and pets threads. Memes was the first to go with all its boobs and ballsacks.

Oops, I might be derailing this, sorry. On the topic: I have no experience of AA. And that’s all I have to say about that.


Beth, if I’ve contributed to that kind of judgmental response, then I need to check myself. AA certainly worked and still works for me, but there are plenty of other paths to contented serene sobriety. I’ve learned about them here on TS, which has been an essential tool for me.

Tough love does not need to be cruel.

Absolute truth. Thank you for being honest and helpful as you have been, keep it up!


Perfect quote to express my sentiment:

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.
Zen Master Matsuo Bashō


I’m fairly new here, and I don’t do AA, online or otherwise, and I’ve seen this happen repeatedly. It has caused me to suppress my desire to reach out to others. I agree that many of the new friends I’ve found here are in AA and/or other programs, and so far only one has been insistent about my going to meetings. I just politely don’t respond. Like you, I don’t want to drink, I don’t crave it or that life at all. But I almost feel shamed that I’m having “such an easy time of it”. I can’t say I’ve gone through some of the horrors I’ve read about here, but it’s not always unicorns and rainbows for me. The aftermath of drinking is complete hell to work through. I appreciate your thoughts. Hard things have to be said if we’re gonna get through this together. :purple_heart:


Just want to say I see you @Girlinterrupted :muscle:

You’ve said a lot I can relate too. I’ve never done AA. I’ve never been to a meeting or worked any of the steps and I’m extremely happy and secure in my sobriety (today is day 469 for me).

That being said, I don’t have anything against AA
or the people who work the steps either. I do really like the idea of a higher power that isn’t necessarily god, because I’ve never been religious and I think that’s a cool twist on things. I hope from the bottom of my heart that everyone does whichever program or follows whatever path works best for them.

The meme thread is one of my favorite, I check it every morning. I’m sorry you’ve become so frustrated with things here, I feel like that happens every once in a while as people come and go.

Not really sure the point of this post lol…just saying I appreciate you :100:


I can hear your frustration. Although I am in AA, I am not ‘in’ AA (do it all online). Whether something else would have got me sober, I don’t know, I do know that is was AA that got me sober this time (hopefully THE time).
I do hope I don’t do robotic or cold responses. I do ask ‘what will you do different this time’ simply because I tried just wishing and hoping for change and doing the same things and got nowhere for a long time. So I started trying different things (a online program, an online program and an app, a app and listening to meetings, a app and a sponsor) until something worked. And since I can only talk about my experience, I mention AA. And since I can be busy but want to at least show people are listening I reply but briefly. I really respect those members who can be so welcoming with long and sensitive replies.

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@Girlinterrupted thank you for this share and for your thread. Take care of yourself. :heart:

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Oh goodness never! I love AA for how many people it has helped. My beef is with the shamming that comes from some that close their mind to any other method. I know how I’m getting sober is frowned upon because I take naltrexone. But I’m happier and more stable in my sobriety than ever before. I’ve learned a lot from AA but can do it only in small doses. I think because there tends to be a darkness or negativity after so long. I’m an empath, (sounds cheesy, I know lol) so after a few months I leave feeling angry, sad, emotionally drained, and thinking about drinking more with each meeting.

I don’t think about drinking anymore because it’s not a part of my life. I don’t want to think and talk about it everyday. Sometimes I take breaks from here and other times I hangs out on the meme thread. I always want to be around to encourage people because I care about everyone here, even if they piss me off on a regular basis :joy:


Love that :heartpulse:

Haha and I appreciate you, very much! Definitely don’t hate AA, just don’t like it when the die hards humiliate or disrespect someone else’s sobriety because they don’t do AA. Or, when they spout out cliches instead of their own words. Creeps me out a bit :grimacing:

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Thanks everyone. I was terrified to come here after dropping my truth bomb lol. I appreciate all of you.

Every now and again I take a much needed break, but this community is part of my life and I glad there is some thread diversity for when you want to be here, but take a break from the heaviness.

Sober: 487.34
ED Remission: 107.46


I ran the “Data Management Unit” at the University of Pennsylvania / Philadelphia VA hospital research center in the late 80’s. Some of the core research on the effectiveness of Naltrexone for the treatment of alcoholism was done there at that time. I’m really glad to hear it’s working for you!


Wow, that’s actually really cool and I bet you feel very proud to have been a part of that!! I know some people say it doesn’t work, but it’s not magic. You still have to want to stop. I think what it does for me is that the tape automatically goes straight to the end. So, I automatically think of the shitty outcome with no “wouldn’t a drink be nice?”. Nope, gross, no way…. I can literally smell myself in the future lol. I was so gross and didn’t eat. So you could imagine the lovely fragrance coming from my pores after a few days or weeks :face_vomiting:

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So, I suspected I had ulcers again. Usually a dead giveaway is getting nauseated when I chew gum. Last night I was getting increasingly nauseated to the point my mouth started watering and I had to run to the bathroom. Having an eating disorder, I always get terrified that this will trigger me. But I’m sure as other folks with eating disorders can attest to, we don’t like to throw up when sick. At all. I don’t think we like it the other way either, but it’s a hell to the no when sick.

Anyway, I projectile vomited multiple times. Thankfully most of it made it into the toilet :woman_facepalming: There was so much blood and it hurt like hell. I’ve been up all night with pain in my stomach and chest cavity. I wonder if something tore since it was so violent or if it’s just ulcers again. It hurts to inhale and I’m very uncomfortable today. This better not interfere with my test.

So, I ordered aloe, licorice root, and manuka honey off Amazon, to see if those help. Ah the joys of no health insurance.

I have a lot to do today at work, so I guess I’ll get to it and just be gentle on the tum tum.

Can’t have all negative Nancy shit here, so I gotta toss in some positive. I’m interviewing a potential new broker. He’s green, so it’s a lot for me to bite off. However, he comes highly recommended and is very intelligent.

And then there is what my daughter does to my poor sweet grandchildren.


Ten hours later, I hope you’re feeling better. For me, personally, if I went for something over the counter, I would want, for me, 40mg of omeprazole once a day for two weeks to a month. Thoughts for you that you will quit throwing up blood and that the rest of your day went fine. The pups are cute! Hope what ever made you feel bad went away for good and that the Amazon products will help soothe too.

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Hope you feel better soon. Btw, can I ask, why don’t u have health insurance? I knew the US system was not great, but you have a pretty good job right?


Thanks girlie! I’ll definitely look into that :heartpulse:

@Misokatsu Oh Flo… don’t even get me started on healthcare here lol. My situation is a long story, sigh.


Ohhhhhh just looked at it. I can’t take that one. Any acid reducer blocks the effects of my nerve medication, boo :pleading_face:
I really appreciate the suggestion though, thank you so much :white_heart:


So, test is over and I’m officially designated. Met with my PR person yesterday. Feels so stupid to blast this shit everywhere, but whatever. As long as it’s her and not me, it’s les cringey in my mind, ugh.

Something interesting happened the night before I got on the plane to take the exam. My ex-husband called me to “give me the courtesy” of letting me know that he might be changing his Facebook status. Oooo-kay? We split up like 3 years ago, but thanks? I found the timing interesting, but not shocking for him. He knew about my test. I said I didn’t remember asking him to that, he said I did multiple times, I said “was I drunk?” Lol. I also said, “sweetie, I don’t remember, but if I did, it was a long time ago, but thank you”. He kept offering up information. I guess he was hoping to get a ride out of me? Like fuck dude, just glad it’s not me. Bless his heart.

I did give him a lecture about not hurting this girl. I told him he better never lay a single hand on her, to not be cruel with his words, and to not be shady. If he starts to feel that darkness coming out, he needs to step away. Call someone, anyone, but don’t ever put your hands on her. If I didn’t have PTSD from law enforcement, he would be rotting in jail right now. Approximately 93% of psychopaths are in jail, the odds are not good for him.

He knows what he is, but he doesn’t get help. He even refers to himself as a monster. I feel scared for, and sorry for this lady. Apparently, it’s another older gal. There has to be something wrong with her to be interested in him. Lord knows there was something wrong with me. He’s gross, dirty, does chewing tobacco, and lives with his freaking mom. My hope is that as soon as he shows his ass, this chick runs and far away. It is a miracle I survived him. I should not be walking this earth. There is a reason I’m here. The next girl will not be as lucky. The rage inside him grows everyday. He fantasizes about killing. He’s a very dangerous person.

So anyway, have I checked his Facebook page? Nope :joy: Again, bless his heart. Don’t care. Well, I care about that poor girl. Hope she’s smarter than me. Otherwise she’s in for a world of hurt :cry: