GirlInterrupted: Running with Scissors ✂️

awwwwww, here’s a screen shot lol (Reality_Stevie) on all my “Stevie” Social media. It was right after I attempted to “do scissoring” and then said the donut thing and a “shout out to my Canadian friend, you know who you are” lol… I was in the middle of you know who you are in the screen shot lol

And then this is right before, where I’m saying no shade, Rinna’s super hot, and I would do that scissor thing with her

My regular TikTok is 100% just for scrolling through people’s videos. It is the most entertaining ever! There is a lot of funny shit on it. I know people think it’s just ho’s dancing and thirst traps. Like, those exist, but it gears your views towards what you like. It takes a minute for it to get you, but it does. It’s worth it to get an account to just scroll. The only reason I made Stevie was a desperate attempt to make money. Sigh

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Writing a quick update, I’m trying to stay awake and not bonk my head again. I’ve been up for two days in a row now. I have a good reason though. I’m moving, downsizing within the building. I’m moving from the 24th floor, corner unit, with a panoramic view of the city, to the 3rd floor, which I thought I would hate, but I really love it. Except, I can’t walk around naked anymore which is bullshit.

It will give me a whole new perspective for my photography. The people watching is awesome, especially when there is a concert or a football game. Fun fact, Queen B, Beyonce performed at Panthers Stadium a few week ago or a month, I cant recall exactly when, but I could hear the entire concert, which was awesome. I’ve lived here for years, and I’ve never been able to hear a concert, or a crowd. Her crowd, which included my daughter lol, was absolutely insane. I heard them loud and clear, it was so fun to hear how excited everyone was. Happy people make me happy :slight_smile:

On a sad note, my first love, and the one that got away, the one that took me roughly 20 years to get over, died shortly after my niece did. When we were dating, I know you’ll all be shocked to hear this, we both wanted to be cops, and in NY, you actually have to have a degree to be a cop, not like the dipshit fuckers we have here. Anyway, we started going to school for criminal justice together, and omg he was so gorgeous. I’m typically shy by nature. But, when I saw him, I had to have him, oh he was so cute. He was dancing with two girls at some random club I can’t remember, and I walked up to him, pulled him away from the girls, and then said “am I going to get my ass kicked for doing that?”. The rest is history. I don’t know what gave me the confidence to do that, but there was just something about him.

I was young and immature. I wanted to get married, but now wait, nope, that’s forever. So, I would break up with him a lot. Finally, he had enough, and he didn’t take me back after I did it. I was devastated. I moved to queens, not far enough, a year later I went to rehab in Florida with a pre-jackass Steve-o. It was very soon after though.

Anyway, John did go on to be a cop, NYPD and later NYPA. He was a first responder on 9/11. He was a hero, and he died from an illness related to 9/11. I’ve always been extremely sensitive about 9/11, I won’t watch news or any regular TV. I simply cannot watch those towers go down. I watched it when it happened and started screaming. They say you’ll always remember exactly where you were. I was getting ready for a logic design exam, and as I’ve done every single mornings since about the age of 13 or 14, I was watching the news. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, My first husband, the reason for my PTSD, was on the toilet taking a shit. So, that’s how he gets to remember where he was, so there.

Anyway, I’m procrastinating because my body is in so much pain, and I haven’t been taking my nerve receptor? I don’t know, my medicine that helps with pain at the neuron level. It’s a type of muscle relaxer that he promised won’t make me feel wonky, I can’t stand not being on my a-game when I have such a short timeline.

Ok, getting back to it, I have sooooooo much to clear out before the movers get here for the furniture part. My dogs are probably pissing off all my new neighbors by barking their heads off lol.

Love to all!!! :kissing_heart:


Moving sucks! So glad you were able to downsize in the same building. Hope you’re looking forward to this new chapter in your life. Much love! :two_hearts:


Girl you know it’s true! I’m usually a beast and get everything done in one day. But, my lovely illness decided to flair up while I was moving. Probably because of how physical it was. I’m pretty badass lol. So, I’ll lift anything. I give my little chicken wing arms a pep talk “little grasshoppers, it’s all in the mind, if you believe you can do it, you can” and then the little fellas lift up the heavy stuff and I don’t get crushed and die. Cool, right? :joy:

However, the way shit’s been going lately, I don’t know why I anticipated a completely smooth move. It was a total fiasco. The movers fucked me over seriously bad, only moved half the shit they were supposed to. So, to move some furniture from the 24th floor to the 3rd floor, it took them 4 mother fucking hours!!! PLUS they charged me a travel fee. I’m sorry, but you advertise moves within 50 miles is included in the rate ($89/hr), they cheap for a reason girl. I’m pretty sure it’s not 50 miles from the 24th floor to the 3rd floor, but what do I know :woman_shrugging: I’m just a dumb old lady, and then they tried mansplaining to me and I came close to losing my shit, but Beth doesn’t do that anymore.

As the move is going on, I’m getting sicker and sicker. They left me by my storage unit forever, I didn’t even know why I was there, I let them in and that should have been it. I was getting weaker and it was getting more difficult to walk, so I went back inside and asked Kai (head concierge) if he would do me a solid and lock up my unit when the fucktards were done with it. And of course he did because he is one of my favorite people on earth, love him to pieces :heart:

So now, I’ve busted out my fancy bling cane because I’m a crippled gangsta. I go upstairs and I’m in shock by how much is left, but said fuck it, they are already charging me for 4 hours. Oh, and the first hour was because they couldn’t figure out where my building was and where to park. Funny, because I left VERY detailed instructions for them. Exactly where to park (right outside loading docs), mind you, this is their 3rd time here and the same guys. I told them to park there, go inside to the front desk, the concierge is expecting you. He will open up the loading doc doors and give you access to the freight elevator. I don’t think that’s rocket science? Maybe I’m wrong.

You know what’s funny, and no offense guys. I always give excellent directions to my place. I send a google earth pick of my block, the roads surrounding, and it’s notated with where everything is, where to park, where to enter my building. Women, never ever ever never have a hard time finding me. So far, ZERO men have been able to figure it out without calling me when they are outside (sorry guys). For some reason, our tiny little city makes people nervous. Including my parents. Um, HELLO we are from NY!!! I think uptown Charlotte is like one square mile, if that lol. I never thought NYC was big. I was like, what is everyone talking about, we are on a tiny little island (manhattan). Now, that I’ve been outside of NY, I can look back and say, oh yeah, yup, it sure is a big ass city lol. I miss it a little, and I’ve entertained going back for the right job, but I would have to get an apartment like super close to my job, because my ass ain’t walking far or scootering far in the cold. Y’all know how freaking cold it gets in the city? And why is it so damn windy in the winter and then the summer when you pray to the sweet baby jesus for even just a little breeze, nope, ugh!

Anyone from NY remember the grapes commercial. :musical_score: When it’s hot and humid, grapes will cool you down. Cool off, with grapes :musical_score:

So, anyway… I now had to try to get everything out by midnight, and there was no way I was doing that alone. Emily is pissed at me again, so she didn’t help. She literally thinks I need to go on disability and live in her guest room, and give away my dogs. Well, no offense kid, but that ain’t no life and I would much rather eat a bullet for breakfast. So, now that I won’t meet her demands, she’s ignoring me. She said I need to come to terms that I am just too sick and I’ll never be able to work again. Not happening, working is my identity. Not the coolest identity to have, but it’s who I am, and it’s how I feel good about myself.

So, Emily wasn’t helping. Ava, my sweet 17 year old, left from school when her classes were over (1.25 hours away), and was able to help for 2 hours before she had to go back to prepare for the marching band shit for an away football game. She got back here at like 1am. This is Friday, the day after I was supposed to be out. Thursday, after the movers, I tried to move some stuff. Sat down on the sofa and woke up at 11:30pm, 30 minutes to get everything out, ugh panic.

Now I’m feeling REALLY sick, funky AF, still can’t walk, dizzy, just funky. I take my little cart, head up the elevator, bring down a load. Go up again to get another load, and I started to feel like I was going to pass out, like crazy weird feeling, I lowered myself to the ground and laid down on my back. My hands were twitching badly and I was getting an electric current sensation running from my elbows and out through my finger tips. That’s the last thing I remember, I woke up 4 hours later :astonished: Ugh, I tried to grab a few things, headed down to the new unit, took the dogs out, and then fell asleep again. Emily wasn’t responding to me, I tried calling multiple times and texting, but she ignored me. I later found out she was texting with Ava, so I don’t get it. She was headed out to a weekend at the beach with her boyfriend, so I guess it’s easier to ignore me than to say you can’t help, I don’t know.

This is where Ava came in, sorry it was out of order. I called Ava, and saw the time and immediately hung up because she was in school. I though I hung up quickly enough that it didn’t ring on her end, but no such luck. I didn’t want to disturb her at school because I knew she would fly out of there with rockets on her ass (what a difference from the alienation days, wow :heart:) OK, so now back to her getting back to me around 1am after the game, and just exhausted… She made it until about 4:30am and I made her go downstairs to bed. We finally finished Saturday afternoon/early evening. I told her to just toss shit wherever you find room, just make sure there is a path to the dogs and the bathroom lol. Typically, I get a load, put everything away, and repeat. It’s a breeze. But, the 2 bedroom was huge, so a lot had to go into storage which is onsite. I did not think everything would fit, but I worked it out. Here’s pics of the old place all cleaned out (I’m going to miss that panoramic view!!!) and the new place, totally different view/feel, but I like it. I like having the tree line and I like the people watching, and I LOVE how much easier it is to take the dogs out. The elevator ride is a snap. PLUS, we can also use the stairs. The dogs hate the stairwell, but sometimes we don’t have a choice, I ain’t waiting 3 days for an elevator. The only thing that sucks is that you can’t use the stairs to get back up which is bullshit, but I guess it’s a security thing. I mean they are fob protected like the elevator buttons, so I dunno.

Love you girl, sorry for the novel lol

And the new place looking like an episode of hoarders :sob:

The finished result, it’s small, but I still have a nice view. I just don’t feel as safe here. I’m much easier to snipe. Oh, and I can’t leave my sliders open all the time because I’m too close to the ground which means BUGS :scream:

I love my toilet lady, she classy af :joy:

It’s hard to tell, but the closet is huge, that doggie condo is ginormous, it has a separator in the middle so the dogs don’t boink, but fuck if pervert Steve didn’t figure it out… more to come there. For reference, I fit in one side easily.

And… gotta go, but leaving a little teaser. This one is my favorite, and I’ll fill you in on the story later. Her name is Sabrina for my niece. Had a breakdown over her the other day :heart:


OMG what’s that? :heart_eyes: :pleading_face: :dog: Congrats on going from nothing to a liveable space again B. Big hugs.


Congratulations! It looks very nice. Love that fushia coloured blanket! You really straightened it all up after the move pic! Nice that you can do the stairs and hear the concerts!


Wow, great job putting it all together!! Looks fantastic. Sorry you can’t walk around naked anymore, I couldn’t give that up.

Lol on Rinna. What do you think of Kyle and Morgan?


I always enjoy reading your novels.
You are a badass and that’s one of the characteristics I love about you. No matter how tough things get, you always find a way.
Glad to hear you made it through the move while fighting that chronic illness. I wish Emily could practice some acceptance and just be there for you, but glad Ava did what she could to help her mamma.
Place looks great and that pup Sabrina is adorable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Is a baby pooooodle :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I just took this pic. I take her out a lot to snuggle because she’s my little Sabrina. I love her. My sister and Sabrina’s dad love her too. Also, I named one after my brother in law. We didn’t really get along when he was with my sister, but now we are really close and I think I’m a really good support to him. I caught her yawning and died. They just have little baby gums :face_holding_back_tears:


So, half of me is like, ima be naked, if you see me, sorry. Don’t look I peoples windows and you won’t be traumatized :joy:

Girl, I don’t know. Kyle is such a gigantic attention whore. She’s probably doing the scissor splits with Morgan. She loves those splits lol. I don’t know why I find the split so hard to believe, it’s like, there were no signs that I could tell. The duo could be doing it as promotional reasons. I’m still confused and I want to know how their 6,000 kids feel about it.

Switching to OC, I have a lot to say about Shannon’s DUI. I don’t want to say karma, but perhaps she’ll have more empathy. Before the accident, I posted a TikTok about all these bitches be judging. Um, y’all just haven’t been caught yet. You’re not better, you’re just a statistic. They say the average person drives drunk roughly 80 times before getting pulled over for a DUI.

I hope Shannon and Gina meet up off camera and find comfort in each other :blush:


Who knew Allison DuBois was a true medium when she intoned that Mauricio could never fulfill Kyle. And yeah, I wonder re publicity stunt as Kyle was getting big hate. :thinking: That video was wild.

Shannon. Yes on the karma / empathy, especially after her BS with Gina and before that Braunwyn. All of them with Braunwyn …they were wretched and completely clueless. Idk how people in California are so clueless on drinking issues. I assume not wanting to admit they have issues themselves. Not that I was a huge Braunwyn fan, but they were definitely not a support system! I hope this is a wake up call for Shannon, she really needs one…it has been sad watching the slide. Reminds me of Dorinda…which is painful, truly painful to see her in action.

Agreed, I hope Gina holds some Grace for Shannon. I feel like she just might.

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I think Gina will… She may talk shit behind her back. I love her confessionals. Whoop it up Vicki, Tres Abuelas lol.

The new NY was meh. I can’t stand Erin, she’s every girl I went to high school with to the tee. Glad I’m not in NY anymore lol.

Southern Charm is so good so far. It goes so fast watching it. I don’t want to flex or anything, because it’s probably not a flex, but Thomas Ravenel follows me on Twitter, and Perez Hilton follows me on TikTok lol.

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Quick little update. I should put a lot of my rants into my blog. I’m just so insecure. I’m not sure why, it’s anonymous. I have to get out of this really bad insecure phase.

I had an interview for a really big job last week. I don’t know if I’ll get a 2nd interview. I almost feel like, ummmm, maybe they made a mistake. But I mean, I meet all the qualifications and then some, it’s just pretty large scale.I really doubt I’ll get it, but I feel honored to at least be granted an interview, like they actually called me. I’ve been sending resumes for over a year and this is only the 2nd interview I’ve had. Don’t get me started on the first one, so stupid. I’m so sick of hearing “overqualified”. I don’t give a shit, let me work, please. But then I look at the job that I interviewed for on Thursday, and maybe I have been going too safe, I don’t know. This is for a global company, and the title I applied for was “President, US”. Me? The imposter syndrome is kicking in hardcore. I’ve been listening to confidence books, the last one kinda helped.


NY was a let down for sure. Looking forward to BH and Miami and yes, Southern Charm is bringing it.

Definitely big time if Thomas and Perez are following you!!

Good luck with the job and go for it. Life is short. Kick some ass.


Finally a First Lady who’s the POTUS herself instead of the-wife-of! You’re perfect for the job. And hight time too, we desperate need some world peace brought about! Wishing you all success B. :people_hugging: :heart: :us: :dove: :earth_americas: :earth_africa: :earth_asia:


You’ve got my vote, madam President!


@Mno and @AyBee y’all silly. But you know what, looks like just about anyone can run, so why not bwahahahaaa… We never do get a stellar choice which is sad. I’m not stellar, but I’m funny, I’m super good with people, so foreign relations, easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Oh man, I started that first paragraph um… not sure when? I guess October? I’m going to try to come here in the mornings again. I’ve been in such a funk. They gave that job to an internal candidate, which I can respect.

I’ve resorted to day trading and my photography and digital creating for adobe stock, and just photography for Getty. So, I’ll split my days with those things and hope I pull off making enough to survive.

I always said that I would never ever never ever ever play with stocks, I ain’t no gambler with money. It’s not gambling if done right, just very time consuming and analytical. My favorite thing on earth is researching, so it’s pretty much right up my alley. I just started a month ago with very little money, and so far I’m doing well. I actually enjoy it very much. Who knew.

Anyway, I miss everyone and I really need a sense of community. I’ve been depressed and lonely. wah


Miss you too so welcome back! :people_hugging: :heart: :kissing_heart: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello Doll Face <3

Look at me keeping to my new schedule!! Day one of putting my life in order lol. I have a raging headache, but nothing a few excederin can’t take care of :slight_smile:

I despise winter. I hate the cold. I get anxiety about going outside at all. I grew up in NY for crying out loud. I used to wear shorts in the winter. Now I die of hypothermia if it drops below 70º. I think Florida ruined me lol. I used to laugh at the field reporters that would wear ear muffs when it hit 70º, I was like come on people. I’m people, I am them, I wear ear muffs, but usually 65º and under lol. I have sensitive ears haha.

I have not spoken with my father for 2 years. I have been disgusted with him, and even spent some time in the “hate” space. I skipped Christmas last year and did my own little thing with all the kids. My niece was a no show and she was the one most excited about it. Her daughter told me the other day that she felt so bad about it. I didn’t take it personally. I know what it’s like to be addicted, and that poor child was suffering. I think about her all the time, but I feel comforted that she’s not hurting anymore. I’m grateful that her daughter has such a great dad. He’s always been extremely present and a part of the family. Anyway, veered off a bit. I will be at Christmas this year. It’s the first time without my niece. I have no idea what it’s going to be like.

My sister sent out Christmas cards this year, do people still do that? Anyway, it was just a picture of her and her husband on the beach in California. I don’t know what I was expecting, but not that.

Anyway, best get to the rest of my list before dolling myself up and taking my posse of dogs outside.

Oh! One more thing!! All the puppies are thriving and well. They all have been adopted out. My favorite one, that I named after my niece, is right here in my building with a lovely couple. My daughter was in the elevator with the dad and he doesn’t know who she is. I was like, how was he with her. She said that he was completely obsessed with her lol. That’s what I wanted to hear. She is a beautiful pup and looks just like her momma.


I was just thinking the other day. Whose life takes a total shit AFTER getting sober?? :raising_hand_woman:

Like WTF man?

The weird part is that I do not have an urge to drink which is wild. I was like the grossest drunk, :face_vomiting:

I’m pretty cranky today. I didn’t realize when I moved to my new unit in the same building that there is so much less light on lower floors. I need lots of sunlight or I get depressed. I typically get seasonal depression in the winter. However, the past few years I’ve been ok as far as that goes. I was in the 17th and then the 24th floor and now I’m on the dungeon 3rd floor. Dark. My last apartment on the 24th floor was all floor to ceiling windows on the exterior walls, and it was so bright and sunny. This one I have to turn lights on during the day.

Better go stare at crypto and stock market until 5pm and weep at my temporary losses lol. My oh my how a day can change things. I like days where I make money much better. I know, weird right? :joy: