GirlInterrupted: Running with Scissors ✂️

You know, my ESPN (mean girls) is so wild. I was telling my poodles about their big sister Zoey. I said they would love her and she’s so sweet. I wish I had shared custody. Then a few hours later, my ex-husband’s aunt who I’m still very close to, texted me from the vet. My sweet Zoey passed away yesterday :sob: she was the sweetest, best girl ever. I hope there are lots of squirrels at the other side of the rainbow bridge. RIP sweet Zoey. I’ll love you forever and ever.

Aside from that, the stock market is shit, so is crypto. So I’m focusing on my art today. I’ll upload some stuff to Getty and Adobe Stock. Good times :grimacing:


Oh no! I’m so sorry for your loss. :cry:
R.I.P. sweet Zoey.


Thank you :heart_eyes:

She was an old lady. I’m just glad she didn’t suffer. She had a bad hip and Matt would always play with her like she didn’t and I would get so mad lol. Ok, I’ve been sitting on the toilet for 2 hours writing people back and finally dabbling in Facebook dating. I don’t know how old the likes are. I haven’t looked at it since creating my profile like over a year ago lol. Same with match. I paid for that stupid app. Made a profile. The. Ignored every single notification, and never looked at it. Then it expired :woman_shrugging:

I really need to go outside. Make some friends. It’s lonely up in here lol.

Ok, my legs are numb. It’s time to exit the porcelain throne :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


So sorry for your loss. That’s the worst.


And I’m glad to see you back here chica! It’s good for us and hopefully for you too.


So sorry for you loss - a beautiful girl. RIP Zoey :heart: :people_hugging:


So sad about Zoey. Glad you had the time with her you did.
I hope 2024 ends up being a good year for you. That’s my wish. Hoping it will be an easier year.

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Tired and serene today. Confused as to where to start so I’m just wasting time. Made a few tweeks to my teeny tiny baby portfolio, and now I’ll play with photography. I have to finish my daily lists and get the whole week done so that I can just sit down and past beth can tell future beth what she needs to do that day lol. I really need for my shower brain to transfer to the list, that would be awesome lol

I need a boss lol


I am sorry about Zoey. :people_hugging::broken_heart:


Y’all, I have no idea what it is about me, but I am a magnet for these young fellas. Listen skippies, been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

I actually went outside and walked to the store with Ava on Saturday night. Whenever I say “I don’t need to bring my phone, do I?” I need to bring my phone. I had my Apple Watch on, so don’t need it.

I needed it :unamused:

I went to pay with my watch and the freaking thing was dead. I couldn’t run back home because the store was closed. We like to go in there 5 minutes before they close pretty much every Saturday night lol.

So, the guy behind the counter was like “I got you, no worries”. And I’m like omg thank you so much. Do you have Venmo or CashApp? I promised I would send the money the second I walked in the door, and he’s like no biggie. Whenever, even if it’s months from now. Oooookay, wow, thanks. He gave me his number for Cashapp and I sent the money right when I walked in the door as promised. And… :woman_facepalming:

I asked Ava if I flirted or mentioned I was single. I wear wedding rings for crying out loud. Why? Because they’re pretty and I don’t give a rat’s ass if it keeps the men away because I don’t think dating is something I’ll ever be interested in ever again.

I am very friendly and personable, so when we walked in I mentioned that I had not seen him in there before. I don’t even remember what the dude looked like. One, because I am literally the most unobservant person on earth, and two, I couldn’t see shit. I didn’t have my glasses on. All I saw was dark hair and a fuzzy face. Anyway, it’s flattering and makes me feel like you still got it girl lol.

Ava was “I would never go back” lol. I asked her if I was flirty or mentioned being single. She said nope. I get told I’m a huge flirt all the time, easy there, it’s called friendly. lol

Anyway, day one of trying to get back on a schedule. Yet again. Do I need to create a ticker for being a big girl and functioning during normal hours? Ayyyyyy I’ve been going to bed between 5:30 - 7am and sleeping until 10am-12pm. I need the sunlight for I am a delicate flower haha. Get this, I’m even waking up, ahem planning on waking up the same time on weekends too. It’s supposed to be good for you or something to have a normal sleep pattern.

Just thinking about when I used to wake up at 4am and got to work between 6am-7am so I could get some work in before everyone else got in, because they were my priority, and I wanted them to get an undistracted Beth. I miss it.

A lot more but now it’s shower time. I realized the other day, I hate getting in the shower and getting out of the shower :cold_face: But I love being in the shower.

Then I have to spackle my face and all that fun stuff haha


Ooof that “need to earn something” comment gives me the icks. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


Same! I didn’t even notice it until i posted it. I guess I didn’t read all the words. I must have given off hooker vibes while bundled from head to toe hat, scarfs, socks, socks, pants pants boots hoodie coat gloves and eyeballs :eyes:

Now for the sad part. I keep feeling like I have to write back or HIS feelings would get hurt. What? I have this other little skippy that pops into my texts here and there. He was an IT guy from and old job and started hitting on me while I was there. I honestly didn’t even realize until he asked me for a pair of my socks :flushed:


I’d ask what jobs are available, lol


Or tell him you are an excellent fisherman or carpenter or something. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You don’t owe anybody kindness they haven’t earned especially if they make you uncomfortable. He probably hit on you because you are lovely. You can take that knowledge and walk away with head held high.

I used to match other people (especially men’s) enthusiasm which led to lots of misunderstandings where they thought I loved them and I thought I was just being polite. You get to be whoever you want to be and you get to put your beautiful self first. You can be rude if you feel like it and you don’t owe anybody shit.

I feel like I should be beating my bare chest like a gorilla after this post. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth::joy:


What’s especially sad on this to me is that probably a lot of women come in there without money and get the same offer and out of necessity end up taking him up on it.
And we can put him in our FRO category.

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Thought about it :joy:


:joy::joy: that could be fun too lol


I’m struggling quite a bit. My will for anything seems to be gone. I feel like I’m spinning my wheels for no reason. I’m miserable and unhappy, I’m in pain all of the time. It’s getting to the point where it’s too painful to be awake without complete suffering. I’ve lived with it for such a long time and it’s just getting old. It’s been just my way of life, but because I can’t get treated, it’s progressing and I’m miserable.

I lost an entire week this week. Completely unable to function, take proper care of my dogs, work on my next hopeful side hustle that is just as fucking stupid as the rest of my attempts to keep a roof over my head. I need to stop wasting time looking for work, because it ain’t happening and this ageism shit is so stupid. 26 year old assholes deciding my future because they think old people are useless.

I’m so sick of all the fucking stupid advice too. Like :woman_facepalming:, damn I’m so fucking stupid!! Why didn’t I think of that?? I get people are trying to help, but it’s insulting. Or, the “maybe you just need to suck it up and take a step down until something better comes along”. Well, aren’t you so fucking brilliant, sure wish I thought of that. Fuckers. Like, have you been in my mike long spreadsheet to even be able to make that assumption?? Ugh.

I’ve cut my monthly expenses in half and have entered debt relief. I might have to give up my dogs. I love them so much and they love me, but it’s not fair to keep them cooped up in the house all the time.

I’m cranky in case it’s not showing. :joy:


Sending you some love girl :kissing_heart::heart: Those 26 year olds can go fuck themselves. They’re missing out on hiring a smart lady not an old lady.