Me too; love my TS gf’s!
For sure. I used to keep my desk at work stocked with those.
I was always a big fan of Alka-Seltzer and Pepto-Bismol. And I definitely wondered how it would be if I put my alka-seltzer in my pepto-bismol but I swear I never did. Back then I couldn’t understand why my stomach always hurt ?
Back to the topic here.
I am really enjoying the sober freedom of choice. I can do what I want when I want and not have to work it in around my Bloody Marys or Martinis. Especially on football Sunday. I’m sitting here watching the game without booze knowing I’m going to be fine and sober later tonight if I feel like doing something and not hungover tomorrow.
I was so addicted to tums, then two weeks ago I got a new prescription that the tums would counteract, so had to quit. I didn’t even need them, just went through a bottle about every 2-3 days. From what I hear it’s not so great fir your kidneys.
Oh yes:
Me: Let’s watch ********, we’ve got it recorded:
Wife: We saw it last night!
Mine was sometimes frothy. I called it crappuccino.
I’m totally resonating with your list, I’d just add (for myself, at least) an “un-foggy running” item. Thanks a lot for it!
Money saved and a clear mind
This thread always makes me smile when I read through it. 2020 was a disaster for the entire globe. However, some good things did happen, and all because after being rushed to the hospital unresponsive, my life started to change.
The first thing I remember was waking up confused and hallucinating. I had taken a large amount of sleeping pills with God only knows how much alcohol. I was many days into a bender. I was not clothed when the found except for my underwear.
As I started to wake up, the hallucinations were intense, yet, the only thing I could think of was getting home to my booze. I was being medically detoxed and it took almost 3 days for my BAC to return to zero. That’s the day I count as my sobriety date. As I slowly detoxed, I wanted to go home. I wanted to drink. I did what I always did, I lied and told them all the right things so that I could go home. I’m not proud to admit it, but it involved heavily manipulating my mother and the doctors.
There was one psychiatric nurse that was actually kind to me and didn’t treat me like a waste of life piece of shit. I started entertaining the idea of actually trying sobriety, yet again, for the millionth time.
Then a mean addiction specialist doctor came in and was flat out nasty to me. I’m not one that responds to tough love unless it’s professional tough love, go figure. Anyway, she told me I was going to die, my liver was trash, and if I don’t have at least 9 months of sobriety under my belt that I would be denied a liver transplant. So, super nice meeting her…
Anyway, as time went on in the hospital and my head cleared, I realized I had to try something very different. For 31 years I kept going back to the same thing that has never worked for me. Not from lack of trying either. Then for two years I tried it Willy nilly, no program or plan.
So, I told the psychiatrist I was willing to go on Antabuse (I really wanted to go home lol). She informed me that she could not prescribe it as it would be too risky. She said it would kill me the way I drink. I was like, wouldn’t you have to be like that to need it? But, whatever.
I was started on Zoloft and promised to follow-up with a therapist when I left the hospital. To my amazement, I actually did a lot of research and found a therapist that would be perfect for the fucked up shit show that was me. I was so incredibly broken and disgusted with myself. My daughters had washed their hands of me, and I was breaking my mother’s heart. My dad? Don’t think he gives the slightest shit, but that’s a story for another day.
My whole life I have felt invisible. Insignificant. I don’t seem to matter to anyone. People take what they need from me and then throw me away. This is something I’m still struggling with. I truly don’t think I matter. The difference is that I matter to me, and that’s new.
My life started to change immediately after coming home. I had a plan, and I became open minded. With all the bad that happened in 2020, the following good things happened to me due to my sobriety:
- Let’s put sober #1
- Started Therapy
- Was open to medication. One was Naltrexone. It helps lessen urges and lessens the effects of alcohol should you drink. I felt like this was cheating at first, but I agreed to be open minded. Grateful for that.
- Repaired my relationship with my daughters. Especially my older daughter, Emily. She is my heart and we’ve become so close again. God I love that kid.
- Moved into my first office space
- Grew my company’s revenue by 575% from 2019 (not as cool as it sounds though) However, 2018-2019 was only 200%, so going in the right direction
- Survived Batshit with grace
- Started working towards my CCIM designation. CCIM Designation
- Severed ties with a toxic broker at my firm
- Making strong strides towards healing from my eating disorder. Made 47 days at one point, which is my longest in years. As of late, percentage wise, I spend more time healthy than engaging in my eating disorder.
- Got my dream car.
- Thoroughly enjoyed the holidays.
- Finally came to terms with my split before my divorce was finalized
- Turned a corner with my ex. Until very recently, I would have taken him back in a heartbeat.
- Found happiness in being single. So much so that the thought of another man in my life is very unappealing. This is new for me. I have been in back to back relationships since the age of 16. I looked for love and acceptance outside of me.
- Started loving myself
- Started learning 3 languages
- Legally changed my last name back to match my kids which involved a few court visits and even updated my passport.
- Hired an angel, I mean assistant.
- Finally got a new headshot. When you hate your face those are hard. I’ve made the commitment to do a new headshot every six months.
- Took photography up again and became a cityscape and storm photographer. I was also accepted to Getty Images.
- Invested in technology to become more productive. It definitely worked!
- Kept my young commercial real estate firm in business during a pandemic.
- Since being sober, I’ve been able to be there for my kids, employees, and clients on a whim.
- My sobriety has inspired others that know me. Just by saying I don’t drink, people open up to me about their drinking. They will always no I’m a safe resource with zero judgement. Lord knows I didn’t get sober my first time.
I’m sure there is so much more, but you get the idea. I most likely would not be here to write this if I didn’t quit. I had no desire to live. I hated myself, and I was filled with crippling shame. I have such a long way to go. But if you asked me 7.5 months ago what my life would look like in a year, it wouldn’t be this.
The changes I’ve made make sobriety enjoyable, realistic, and not a task.
I actually enjoy being around people who drink. When they’re not alcoholics, they’re funny and delightful. However, I’m always glad I’m not the one drinking. I no longer have that feeling of why can’t I just be normal? Who gives a shit! I am normal, drinking isn’t. It’s not normal to poison your body, feel like shit the next day, and then go… Yeah! Let’s do that again!!! Sounds like fun. I’m always so happy that I’m not the one drinking.
Anyway, this is even too long for me to proofread, but I just wanted to get it down. I’m making a commitment to myself to post something daily that I accomplished that I would not have been able to do if not sober.
If you even read a fraction of this, I thank you for humoring this novel. Love to you all. You’re a huge part of my sobriety
Wow Beth! Best post I’ve read on here in a long time. Watching your growth over the past year has been a huge inspiration. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your amazing journey.
That I do not miss waking up in the middle of the night feeling like you are having a heart attack or something. It’s right up there with toothache
Although I’m under the weather this weekend, I’ve been able to put a substantial amount of time into learning Spanish. I’m also learning German and Finnish, but have put Spanish as a priority.
A few weeks ago I was stopped by a man on the street speaking Spanish and asking for help. I couldn’t understand what he was asking, and then felt bad that I couldn’t help. I think I did at the end of our interaction, but not sure.
Anyway, because I’m sober, I’m not wasting my days away drinking, passing out, drinking, repeat. Gross.
One of my brokers just called to check on me and I was able to take the call. Also, I was able to do a photoshop favor for my daughter. It’s easy to take things like this for granted, so remembering the times I failed people puts a healthy reminder to be grateful for even the little things in sobriety.
Oh man, totally forgot my very favorite thing about my weekend. Something that 100% would never be possible without my sobriety.
I needed my Naltrexone prescription picked up, that is the one that terrifies me to miss. I of course need to give myself a little credit, but there are many pieces of the puzzle that make up my sobriety. I asked my daughter if she would get them from CVS for me. It’s about 3 blocks or so from my apartment. She was more than happy to. She parked in my parking garage and then walked to CVS and back, for me!!!
Not sure who remembers, but I almost lost her forever, which would be more than I could even imagine handling. I love both my kids, but my bond with Emily is something I can’t even begin to describe. She’s literally my favorite thing on earth.
Anyway, not only did she pick up my prescription for me, she got me a little surprise at the store. It made her so happy to do so. Lately she’s been beating me to the “I love you” at the end of our phone calls.
So often people say, “why couldn’t he/she get sober for me? They chose alcohol over me.” I know it must feel that way, and I wish I knew how to explain that I didn’t chose it over anyone. I had manipulated myself time and again into thinking I could handle it and control my drinking.
Anyway, that was my absolute favorite part of this weekend. I would be estranged from my girls if I were not sober.
when my girls tell me they are proud of me it is the most precious thing I have ever heard. Yah to you me and sobriety and kids who to be quite honest are more mature than me
This update is beautiful to read. The best gift of sobriety is mending those relationships with those closest to us.
Today I started my Foundations of Commercial Real Estate class. Since I’ve already been doing this for years, it’s an easy class. However, there is always something new you can learn. So, my geeky self is loving it. The instructor looked at my introduction and said I’d be very helpful in the class due to how many classes I’ve taken so far, and my business. He said he might draw on me here and there in the class. That felt amazing.
I’m on my sixth consecutive class. One thing about me, if I really want something, I will make it happen. I half regret plunking $10K into all at once, but I just had to rip the bandaid off and do it. My poor little bank account
I can’t even begin to describe how proud and fortunate I feel. There is no way on earth I could pull this off if still drinking.
So , a very long and babbling way of saying how grateful I am for sobriety. I can chase down and tackle my dreams like a boss!!
So proud of you! As a fellow agent myself, you really inspire me as a professional!
Fantastic! Well done on making a quantum leap in your life,
BTW what is CCIM is it to do with the Chartered Institute of Marketing? (I used to be FCIM and Chartered Marketer)