Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Thank you!!! Its raining today which is probably making it worse for me because I cant get out but i just set up my art stuff so Im going to zone out on that for a bit. Thank you again for the kind words :grinning:


Rain is my favorite thing, lol…which says alot about me!:blush: My sister up north will text and grumble about the rain and say “I know you’d love it though”, lol.
When I lived in a house near the Cape (in MA) I lived near the beach and had a big umbrella, my favorite things; beach and rain, :joy:
I get cravings sometimes strong ones, I just say to myself NOTHING good comes from it.
Enjoy your day hun!


Congratulations on the ten days. That’s great. I too kind of live in the woods and pretty isolated so I’m grateful for that. It is sometimes very hard to come up with the gratitude list each day, especially with what’s going on now, but I just make myself do it. I been told by more experienced people in recovery than I that it’s a great easy exercise to start your day.

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I grateful for another day and a chance to be proud of myself for my sobriety and weight loss. Grateful my daughter-in-law after recovering from the flu got tested and actually had Covid19 and now has the antibodies to not get it again. Or some shit like that. I don’t quite understand it but it’s a good thing. Grateful my son is getting tested and praying for the best outcome. He’s not sick thank God. Grateful I had my cat on my lap again this morning she knows I need her. Grateful I had my needy dog on my lap he knows he needs me. Grateful for instacart. Grateful I’m not drinking even though my wife is drinking enough for the both of us. Grateful my wife’s drinking doesn’t bother me. Well, let’s just say it doesn’t bother me as much as it use to. Grateful I realize I can’t do jack shit about her and her drinking and can only take care of myself. Grateful for all of y’alls support out there. Be safe and keep your distance and as so many celebrities have been saying “STAY THE “F” AT HOME!”

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Yeah i believe im going to start making that part of my routine in the morning. Thank you i just played like 10 games of uno with my kids so im grateful to have them around to take my mind off of things :grinning:

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  1. My cat
  2. Not being sick when I wake up. (On every list)
    3.My family is healthy
  3. Technology
  4. New opportunitys
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  1. The house I live in protecting me from outside world :disappointed:
  2. TS app and everybody posting everyday
  3. My sister , my dad, my children ,family
  4. My cat Simba
  5. The in AA.

Today im grateful for the following
1 being sober
2 my family
3my health
4 the beautiful weather
5 The AA program that is helping so much

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  1. My three beautiful children.
  2. My amazing boyfriend Cheyne who stands by me and loves me always.
  3. The fact that I am here, breathing and able to experience another day on this earth.
  4. The fact that I am in good physical health despite my addiction.
  5. I am grateful for the roof over my head, the food I will eat today, and my warm bed I will sleep in tonight!

⚘Woke up knowing whose house I’m in
⚘My sponsor always bringing it back to program and God
⚘My granddaughter who teaches me love & tolerance
⚘Reset button 24/7 available
⚘Yoga :woman_in_lotus_position:

  1. Not craving booze!
  2. My healthy daughter who just turned 14. So friggen proud of this kid!
  3. My family’s health
  4. New opportunity
  5. Not waking up sick and needing. So thankful for that.
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I gotta get back on my gratitude lists as well

  1. I’m grateful I have not had a drink in 3 years.
  2. I’m grateful for my cat Inky
  3. I’m thankful for being able to show up. Even when I damn sure do not want to.
    4.My familys health.
  4. Thankful for my group of friends.


:white_check_mark: This app and the people on it
:white_check_mark: Not having alcohol as an additional problem to manage today
:white_check_mark: My dog
:white_check_mark: The belief I will have more to feel grateful for tomorrow
:white_check_mark: The blessings that I do have today.


Grateful for:

  1. The love and understanding of my husband and his support in my substance and mental health recovery BOTH
  2. Being close enough to to drive to visit my family who I love and need in my life
  3. My hobbies that give me a sense of being productive and creative
  4. A clean and beautiful little home
  5. Hope to wake up tomorrow and do this sober thing again.

Thanks, I like the succinctness of this 5 grateful things. This is how I journal my gratitudes every morning.


Good Morning. Today is.

  1. I’m grateful for not waking up sick and needing.
  2. I’m am grateful that I can be present on good days as well as bad.
  3. Super grateful for my cat.
  4. I am grateful my family is healthy.
  5. I am grateful that I am a free.

Good morning! Grateful for:

  1. I slept well after some insomnia
  2. My husband is ready to get on the road in our safe car to see his family and I can hold down the fort here
  3. Beautiful weather and cool temps
  4. Having a list of things to do while he is gone
  5. None of his beer in the house!

5 things to be grateful for:

  1. My health. Mainly luck. A bit of work.
  2. My Luna cat. My little old lady.
  3. My therapist. Someone I’m not afraid to cry in front of.
  4. My job, a job where I can actually make a difference.
  5. Food on my plate.
  1. 10 hours of uninterrupted quality sleep
  2. A long talk on the phone with my Mami about some very difficult subjects
  3. A grey and cool day, change in pace
  4. No headache!
  5. Fun day of working in the kitchen expected to come…

Grateful for:

  1. My family for watching my dogs so I could go away for the night.
  2. My partner for his loving and caring nature.
  3. Open conversations which reflect emotional maturity from both people.
  4. Books of all sorts.
  5. The sky.